Shopping Malls
Our first social enterprise IndianNGOs.com was started in 1999 and we
started International NGOs in 2001. But we could not support the website
but we studied NGOs from different countries since then. We realised sustainability
is key issue for NGOs, specially when the NGO is founder driven.
always read : "Instead of Giving a fish to a man to eat, teach a
man to fish. While the first is lifetime giving, the second is far better
because it gives you the opportunity to exit to serve other communities."
And the communities which you serve feels that the NGO which helps them
has a larger purpose. The products they make or services they offer has
a value.
one of founder's son is disabled and after an almost fatal accident to
founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat on 28.8.2013, Rohan was transferred
to hostel run by an NGO. They sold products made by disabled in the NGO
and also sold products made by other NGOs. So the community they served
was happy.
So the idea of NGO Shopping Mall idea was born. While it is part of CSRidentity.com
today, we will have a separate organisation later to manage it .
NGOs can sell products made by communities as well as sell products made
by corporates because c orporates
value the reachout & relations of NGOs with communities. So corporates
can do CSR helping social issues and marketing teams of corporates can
take NGOs as their mini agents selling products to communities in villages
or in hostels or senior citizen homes ...
If you want your NGO in related country (in case of India, related district),
then share the name of the NGO, the country and link to website to Datacentre@
Our system will reject emails with images, pdf or word files or presentations.
Antigua & Barbuda
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Central African
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Rep Of Congo
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Guinea Bissau
Hong Kong (SAR)
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
North Korea
North Macedonia
Papua New Guinea
of Moldova
Russian Federation
Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
St Vincent
& Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome & Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic
Trinidad And Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Brands starting A
NGO Brands starting B
NGO Brands starting C
NGO Brands starting D
NGO Brands starting E
NGO Brands starting F
NGO Brands starting G
NGO Brands starting H
NGO Brands starting I
NGO Brands starting J
NGO Brands starting K
NGO Brands starting L
NGO Brands starting M
Brands starting N
NGO Brands starting O
NGO Brands starting P
NGO Brands starting Q
NGO Brands starting R
NGO Brands starting S
NGO Brands starting T
NGO Brands starting U
NGO Brands starting V
NGO Brands starting W
NGO Brands starting X
NGO Brands starting Y
NGO Brands starting Z
shares NGO Brands countrywise separately
because in each country brand we plan to
share the following
1) Name of the NGO with link to its official
2) Link to the partners or funders page
of the NGO official website
3) Link to the social issues page of the
NGO official website
(If there is no such page, then names of
social issues the NGO has programmes in)
note that the names of NGOs which are NGO
Brands are also shared in the names of NGOs
in that country for following reasons
1) We may not know all the NGOs which are
suppoted by corporates, funding agencies,
philanthropists, celebrities and it means
the NGO is yet not present in the NGO Brand
2) There may be donors or media which want
to support NGOs which are yet not supported
by any donor but are doing good work
Shopping Malls
We started our social enterpreneurship journey
with IndianNGOs.com in 1999 and then in
2010 started CSRidentity.com
Founder had an almost fatal accident on
28.8.2013. He realised that India - though
large - is just one country in this world.
He had started NGOs across the world in
2001 but aborted it because of it was too
early thinking that time for a digital version.
And he changed the meaning of CSR to Conscience
Sustainability & Reputation which means
we cover corporates, corporate foundations,
NGOs, funding agencies, philanthropists
and their organisations, celebrities which
directly support other NGOs or have their
own NGO
Then came Covid which affected the economy
and NGOs had own sustainability challenge.
one of founder's son is disabled and after
28.8.2013, he was transferred to hostel
run by NGOs. They sell products by people
made their and also sell products made by
others, so that the communities they serve
are happy that their skill has value.
So NGO Shopping Mall idea was born. But
its too early.
So it is part of CSRidentity.com and with
time, we will have a separate organisation
managing it .
NGOs can sell products made by communities
as well as sell products made by corporates
because c orporates
know the reachout & relations of NGOs
with communities. So they may use NGOs to
sell their products or services. So NGOs
can be Mini Shopping Malls, selling products
of & to communities.
200 000 NGOs
has already shared about
200 000 NGOs from India.
started with Indian NGOs in 1999, so we
have decided to share NGOs districtwise
in India.
of our coverage of 788 districts, we have
shared NGOs in about 600 districts of India.
have seen that Pratham operates in almost
every state of India and have seen that
some NGOs operate is almost half the districts
of a particular state or UT. We share them
state or UT wise.
just share names of
200 000 NGOs and not their websites because
of many reasons like many NGOs which operate
in districts of India
not gurantee credibility of any NGO because
we In case of any event which obstructs
the above mentioned numbers, we will either
share it by 28.8.2025 and if we cant do
it by 31.3.2026, then we live the company
to sustainable authorities.
Social initiatives
Directly or indirectly
already share links to names of
200 000 NGOs social issue wise and we have
seen that an NGO, specially in rural areas,
either has programmes or is willing to do
programmes on many issues. So name of the
NGO may appear 5 times or even 10 times.
So 200000 NGOs means at least 10 00 000
issuewise programmes.
We just share the name because we have started
credit rating of NGOs in 2001 and realised
it takes 3 to 6 months per NGO.
credit rating of 200000 NGOs is not even
possible for government if it has to be
rated every year.
anytime, anything can happen to the NGO,
when its founder or team leaves the NGO
you cant rate an NGO in 2020 and donors
can say it is credit rated in 2023 because
NGO team or founder may have changed, social
workers may have changed.
Smiles Charity Foundation , India
101 Reporters , India
17000 Ft Foundation , India
3.2.1. Education Foundation , India
A Ray Of Hope Charitable Trust , India
Aadhaar Samajik Sanstha , India
Aajeevika Bureau , India
Aangan Trust , India
Aaranyak , India
Aarohi Society , India
Aarti For Girls(Registered As Vijay Foundation
Trust Association) , India
Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Capitol Fund
, India
Abhivyakti Foundation , India
Academy For Severe Handicaps And Autism (ASHA)
Charitable Trust , India
Academy of Development Science , India
Access Life Assistance Foundation , India
Accord- Action For Community Organisation
Rehabilitation And Development , India
Action for Autism , India
Actionaid Association , India
ADAPT , India
Adarsh Charitable Trust – Cochin , India
Adhikar , India
Adhyayan , India
Adike Pathrike , India
Adiuvo Diagnostics , India
Administrative Staff College of India , India
Aga Khan Development Network (Akdn) , India
Agarwal Mahasabha , India
Agastya International Foundation , India
Aim For Seva , India
Ajsa India , India
Akanksha , India
Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital , India
Akhanda Seva For International Shanti , India
Akshara Foundation , India
Akshaya Chaitanya( (Registered As Hkm Charitable
Foundation), India
Akshayakalpa , India
Alliance India , India
Alohomora Education Foundation , India
Altruist , India
Amar Seva Sangam , India
AMBA , India
Ambulance.Run, India
Amhi Amchya Arogysathi, India
Anahata United Efforts Foundation , India
Anant , India
Ananya, Hyderabad , India
Angels In The Field, India
Animal Angels , India
Anjali, India
ANKURA , India
Antarang Foundation , India
Anthra , India
Antyodaya Chetana Mandal , India
Anudip , India
Anugraha Drishtidaan, India
Anushkaa Foundation For Eliminating Clubfoot,
Apnalaya , India
Appiko Movement , India
Armman - Helping Mothers And Children, India
Arogya Seva, India
Arogya World , India
Arpitha- Associates Pvt.Ltd. , India
Artha Platform, India
Arvi Trust , India
Asha Deep Foundation, India
Asha For Education , India
ASHA Foundation , India
Ashadeep, India
Asha-Kiran Trust and Arun Mangal Seva Vikas
Yojana , India
Ashray Akruti Foundation , Thane , India
Ashray Akruti, Hyderabad , India
Assam Autism Foundation , India
Assist, India
Associates Of Intellectual Mission , India
Association For Community Care Education And
Social Services (Access) , India
Association For Non-Traditional Employment
For Women (Anew) , India
Atma , India
Atulya Vikas Foundation, India
Avaniti Education And Training Foundation
, India
Avanti Fellows , India
Avasara Academy , India
Awaaz Foundation , India
Awaaz The Ngo : A Voice For Change, India
Awaaz-e-Niswaan , India
Ayansh Foundation , India
Ayzh , India
Bachpan Banao , India
Bagnan Human Rural Development Society, India
Bal Utsav, India
Balajee Sewa Sansthan, India
Balarc Foundation, India
Bandhan , India
Bangalore Medical Services Trust, India
Bani Mandir , India
Bapu Trust , India
Barefoot College , India
Barh Mukti Abhiyan , India
Barrier Break , India
Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital
And Research Institute , India
Basic Health Care Services , India
Basic Research Education And Development Society
, India
BASIX , India
Bbc Media Action (India) , India
Bempu , India
Bhagavatula Charitable Trust, India
Bharat Abhyudaya Foundation , India
Bharati Integrated Rural Development Society
, India
Bharitiya Muslim Mahila Andolan , India
Bharti Foundation , India
Bhartiya Jan Utthan Parishad , India
Bhartiya Mahila Evam Gramin Utthan Sansthan,
Bhoomi Sanstha , India
Bhumi , India
Bhumi Hukka Andolan , India
Bhungroo Vikas Private Limited , India
Bibharte Foundation , India
Bikash Bharati Welfare Society , India
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation , India
Biosense , India
Bithari Disha , India
Blank Noise , India
Bodh Shiksha Samiti , India
Boondh , India
Bosconet, India
Bright Future - New Resolution India, India
Budhha Rajeshwari Seva Sansthan, India
Building Dreams Foundation, India
Buzz Women, India
Caare Telemedicine Foundation, India
Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
, India
Calcutta Society For Professional Action In
Development , India
Campaign for Custodial Justice and Abolition
of Torture , India
Cancer Patients Aid Association, India
Cankids Kidscan, India
Cansupport, India
Caped India, India
Care 4 Autism , India
Care India Solutions For Sustainable Development,
Careers Worldwide , India
Caregiver Saathi Foundation, India
Casa India, India
cBalance , India
Cecoedecon, India
Center For Education Environment And Community
, India
Center for Science for Villages , India
Center For Social Security Action and Research
, India
Center for Teaching Accreditation(CENTA) ,
Central Himalayan Environment Association
(CHEA) , India
Centre for Agricultural Media , India
Centre For Aquatic Livelihood Jaljeevika ,
Centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation , India
Centre for Environmental Research & Education
(CERE) , India
Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad
University , India
Centre For Holistic Development (Chd) , India
Centre For Learning and Empowerment (Cle Trust)
, India
Centre For Learning Resources , India
Centre for Rural Development , India
Centre for Science and Environment , India
Centre for Science of Student Learning , India
Centre For Youth And Social Development ,
Change With One Foundation , India
Charutar Arogya Mandal , India
CHETNA , India
Child Heart Foundation , India
Child Protection program , India
Child Rights And You , India
Childfund India , India
Childline India Foundation , India
Childrens Lovecastles Trust , India
Children's National Science Congress , India
Chintan Environmental Research And Action
Group , India
Christel House India , India
Citizen Matters , India
Clensta , India
Clinton Health Access Initiative India , India
CML , India
Community Friendly Movement , India
Conflict Transformation Program , India
Conserve India , India
Consumers Action & Network Society , India
Control Arms Foundation of India (CAFI) ,
Cope With Cancer (Madat Charitable Trust)
, India
Covenant Center for Development , India
Creation Welfare Society , India
Creative Therapy Association of India , India
CreditAccess Grameen Limited , India
D.light , India
Dakshana , India
Dakshin Foundation , India
Dalberg , India
Dardionu Rahat Fund , India
Datasigns Technologies , India
Dean Foundation , India
Deenbandhu , India
Deepalaya , India
Defy Educational Organisation , India
Delhi Council For Child Welfare , India
Democracy Connect , India
Dev Bhoomi Samiti , India
Development Alternatives Group , India
Development Consortium , India
Dharamitra , India
Dhas Gramin Vikas Kendra , India
Digantar Vidyalaya , India
Digital Green , India
Dignity Foundation , India
Diksha , India
Dimagi , India
Disability Research and Design Foundation
, India
Disaster Mitigation Institute , India
Disha , India
Dishari , India
Divya Disha , India
Divya Jyoti Trust , India
DK Health Access Foundation , India
Doodhatolli Lok Vikash Sansthan , India
Doorstep School , India
Draco Films , India
Dream A Dream , India
Dream Catchers Foundation , India
Dream India Educational And Charitable Trust
, India
Dream School Foundation , India
Drishtee , India
Drishti Foundation Trust , India
E and H Foundation , India
Earth 360 , India
Echoing Healthy Ageing , India
Eco Friends , India
Edify Foundation , India
Educate Girls , India
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation Of India , India
Ekam Foundation , India
Ekgaon Technologies , India
Ekjut , India
Eklavya India Foundation , India
eKutir , India
Eleutheros Christian Society, , India
Emmanuel Hospital Association , India
Enable Health Society , India
Enable India , India
Energy Environment Group , India
Entrepreneurs Associates , India
Environmental Synergies In Development - Ensyde
, India
Equal Community Foundation , India
Equidiversity , India
Erc Eye Care , India
Esdecs (Edskill Services) , India
Etasha Society , India
Eureka Child , India
Everwell , India
Evidyaloka Trust , India
Exnora International , India
Family Health India , India
Family Planning Association Of India , India
Farm2Food Foundation , India
Farms and Farmers (FnF) Foundation , India
Feeding India , India
Feminist Approach To Technology , India
Fields of View , India
FifthEstate Trust , India
Fluoride and Fluorosis , India
Food Security Army , India
FORCE , India
Foster And Forge Foundation , India
Foundation For Excellence India Trust , India
Foundation For Innovative New Diagnostics
(Find) , India
Foundation For Mother And Child Health , India
Foundation For Reproductive Health Services
India (Frhs India) , India
Freedom Foundation , India
Fresh Water Action Network South Asia , India
Friends Union For Energising Lives (Fuel)
, India
FUEL , India
Gangotree , India
Garden Reach Institute For The Rehabilitation
And Research , India
Gene Campaign , India
Genome Foundation , India
Girl Effect , India
Global Health Strategies , India
Go On India , India
Going To School , India
Gokul Prakalp Pratishthan , India
Goodwill International Association , India
GOONJ - A Voice, An Effort , India
Gopal Kiran Samaj Sevi Sanstha (Gksss) , India
Gram Vikas Trust , India
Grama Abhyudaya Society For Integrated Rural
Development , India
Grameen Mahila Okkuta , India
Gramin Vikas Evam Chetna Sansthan , India
Grassroot Tea Corporation , India
Great India Talent Foundation , India
Green Cross Society , India
Green India Trust , India
Gully Classes Foundation , India
Gunjan Foundation , India
Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary , India
GVNML (Gram Vikash Navyuvak Mandal, Laporiya)
, India
Gyan Shala , India
Hana Tissue Culture Ltd. Works, India
Happy Horizons Trust , India
HAQ Centre for Child Rights , India
Harmony House , India
Hasiru Dala , India
Headstart Learning Centre , India
Healing Fields Foundation , India
Heartfulness Institute , India
Help Foundation , India
Helpage India , India
Helping Hands Foundation , India
Helping Hands Team Trust , India
Henry Martyn Institute , India
Heritage School , India
Highway Rescue Project , India
Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation
Organization , India
Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion
Trust , India
Hippocampus , India
I Donate Organisation , India
Ibrahimpatnam Vyavasaya Coolie Sangham , India
Idea Foundation (Foundation For Initiatives
In Development And Education For All) , India
Idream Education , India
Iimpact , India
IIMPS , India
IKP Centre for Technologies in Public Health
, India
iKure Techsof , India
Impact Guru Foundation , India
Impact India Fouindation , India
Impulse Social Enterprises , India
India Cares Foundation , India
India Education Collective , India
India Health Action Trust , India
India Leaders For Social Sector (Ilss) , India
India Literacy Project , India
India Rescue (Grey Sim Learnings Foundation)
, India
India Stem Foundation , India
Indian Cancer Society (Ics) , India
Indian Center For Development And Rights ,
Indian Network on Participatory Irrigation
Management , India
Indian NGOs.com Pvt Ltd - Not an NGO but Social
Enterprise acknowledged by , India , India
ASHOKA, Washington , India
Indian Society of Agribusiness Professional
, India
Indus Action , India
Infosys Foundation , India
Institute for Rural Credit and Enterprise
Development , India
Institute for School Science Education , India
Institute of Palliative Medicine , India
Institute of Peace Research and Action , India
Institute Of Public Health , India
Institute of Road Traffic Education , India
Institution for Culture and Rural Development
, India
InVenture , India
I-Saksham , India
Isha Education , India
Iswar Sankalpa , India
Jagruiti , India
Jai Vakeel Foundation And Research Centre
, India
Jamal Household , India
Jan Lok Kalyan Parishad , India
Janacare Solutions Private Limited , India
Janakalyan , India
Janakalyan Sevashram , India
Janakeeya Samithi (Arogyam) Ima Blood Bank
Complex And Research Centre
Janani , India
Janasahajya , India
JanaSahyog-An Urban Resource Centre , India
Janitri , India
Janmitram Kalyan Samiti , India
Jansahas , India
Jeevika Development Society , India
Jidnyasa Charitable Trust , India
Jiva Ayurveda , India
Jivika , India
Jodo Gyan , India
Jubayer Masud Educational And Charitable Trust
, India
Junoon Foundation , India
K C Mahindra Education Trust , India
K.C. Thackeray - Vidya Niketan English Medium
School , India
Kachara Vahatuk Shramik Sangh , India
Kaivalya Education Foundation , India
Kalinga Institute Of Social Sciences , India
Kalpavriksha , India
Kamdar Swasthya Suraksha Mandal , India
Kannada Sangha , India
Kanthari , India
Karan Grover Associates , India
Karnataka Health Promotion Trust , India
Karo Sambhav , India
Katalyst , India
Kathalaya Academy of Stories, India
Kaushalya Foundation , India
Key Education Foundation , India
Keystone Foundation , India
Khawaja Mohinuddin Chisty Eye Foundation ,
Khushbu Vikas Sahyogi Samiti , India
Khushii - Kinship For Humanitarian Social
And Holistic Intervetnion , India
Kilikili , India
Kinara Capital , India
Kiran Society , India
Kishalay Founda, India tion , India
Kolkata Sanved , India
Koshish , India
Krishi Avam Paristhitiki Vikas Sansthan (KRAPAVIS)
, India
Labhya Foundation , India
Labournet , India
Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council
(LAHDC) , India
Ladli Foundation Trust , India
Leapforword , India
LEARN , India
Learning Curve Life Skills Foundation , India
Learning Links Foundation , India
LEDS/HomeShops , India
Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment
(LIFE) , India
Lend-A-Hand India(LAHI) , India
Lepra Society , India
Life lab , India
Lions Eye Hospital , India
Literacy India , India
Livelihoods Equity Connect , India
Logistimo , India
Lokamata Rani Rashmoni Mission , India
Lokmitra , India
Lords Education and Health Society , India
Loreto Day School, Sealdah , India
Lotus Petal Charitable Foundation, India
m.Paani , India
Madhi Foundation, India
Madras Crocodile Bank Trust , India
Madurai Health And Leprosy Relief Centre ,
Magic Bus India Foundation , India
Majlis , India
Make a DIfference , India
Makerghat , India
Making The Difference Charitable Trust , India
Mamta Health Institute For Mother And Child
, India
Mana Centre , India
Manas , India
Manav Sansadhan Evam Mahila Vikas Sansthan
, India
Manavlok , India
Mandra Lions Club , India
Manipur Mountaineering and Trekking Association
, India
Mann Vikas Samajik Sanstha , India
Mantra Social Services, India
Manzil Mystics , India
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha , India
MARG (Multiple Action Research Group) , India
Marpu Foundation , India
Masoom , India
Matri Sudha A Charitable Trust , India
MAYA (Movement for Alternatives and Youth
Awareness) , India
Maya Care Foundation , India
Medha , India
Meghshala Trust , India
Mental Health Action Trust , India
Mental Health Foundation (India) , India
Mentor Together , India
Million Sparks Foundation , India
Mind Piper , India
Mine Labor Protection Campaign , India
Mob Rural Health Centre , India
Modern Educational Social And Cultural Organization
- Mesco , India
Mohan Foundation , India
Mojo Labs , India
Mukti , India
Mulberry , India
Mumbai Mobile Creches , India
Muni International School , India
Mushroom Foundation , India
Nada India Foundation , India
NandalaWay Foundation , India
Narayan Seva Sansthan, India
Narayana Hrudayalaya(NH) - Heart Hospital
, India
Nargis Dutt Foundation , India
Nari Nirjatan Pratirodh Mancha (Platform Against
Violence Against Women) , India
Nasscom Foundation , India
National Conference of Dalit Organizations
, India
National Fishworkers Forum; SEWA, Thiruvananthapuram
, India
National Forum of Forest People and Forest
Workers , India
National Organisation for Consumer Education
& Research , India
Natl Centre for Promotion of Employment for
Disabled People , India
Nature's Beckon , India
Nav Chetana Organisation for People with Disabilities(NOPD)
, India
Navadiganta , India
Navayana , India
Navgurukul , India
Navya Disha , India
Navya Tarang Foundation , India
Naya Sawera Society , India
Nayam Innovations , India
Naz Foundation (India) Trust , India
NEED - Network of Entrepreneurial & Economic
Development , India
Neeti Solutions , India
Neevjivan Foundation , India
Neptune Foundation , India
Neurosynaptic Communications Pvt Ltd , India
Newbeginnings Charitable Trust , India
NIDAN , India
NIIT Foundation , India
Niramaya Health Foundation , India
Nirant, Juhu , India
Nirbhay Bano Andolan ( NBA) , India
Nisarga Sadhana , India
Nishtha , India
Noah's Ark , India
Noble Educational Empowerment Society , India
Noel Foundation , India
Nomads' Society , India
Noora Health , India
North Bank Baptist Medical Association , India
Occupational Health and Safety Association
( OHSA) , India
Occupational Health and Safety Centre, Mumbai
, India
Odanadi Seva Samsthe , India
OFFER (Organization for Friends Energies and
Resources) , India
OLAKH , India
Omix Labs , India
Ondede , India
One Billion Literates Foundation , India
One Village, One Computer , India
Onebreath India Private Limited , India
Operation Eyesight India , India
Opportunity Foundation Trust , India
Oral Health Promotion Foundation , India
Organisation for Awareness of Integrated Social
Security (OASiS) , India
Organization for Rare Diseases India , India
Orissa Environmental Society , India
Orissa Institute For Social Development ,
Ottapalam Welfare Trust , India
Outline India , India
Oxfam India , India
Pagaria Welfare Foundation , India
Pallium India , India
Palni Hills Conservation Council , India
Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development Foundation
, India
Pan IIT Alumni Reach For India Foundation
, India
Panah Foundation , India
PaperMan , India
Pardada Pardadi School , India
Parikrma Humanity Foundation , India
Parinaam Foundation , India
Paripurnata Half-Way Home , India
Parivaar Education Society , India
Parivartan , India
Parivartan The Change Society , India
Path , India
Peepul (Registered As Absolute Return For
Kids) , India
Pejawar Sridhama Charitable Trust , India
People’s Rights and Social Research (PRASAR)
, India
People's Archive of Rural India , India
Pinkishe Foundation , India
Piramal Swasthya Management And Research Institute
, India
Plan India , India
Planet Read, Bookbox, SLS , India
Plus Trust , India
Positive Women Network (PWN+) , India
Praajak , India
Prabha Hira Pratishthan , India
Prabhaav Foundation , India
PRADAN - Professional Assistance For Development
Action , India
Prafull Oorja , India
Pragat Shikshan Sansthan , India
Pragathi Association For Rural Development
(Pard India) , India
Pragati , India
Pragati Learning System ( P ) Ltd. , India
Pragati, Gurgaon , India
Pragya , India
Prajwala , India
Pratham , India
Pratham Books , India
Pratham Education Foundation , India
Pratham Mumbai Education Initiative , India
Pratigya Educational Initiative Society ,
Pratisandhi Foundation , India
Pratyamanya , India
Pravah , India
Prayasam , India
Prerana , India
Prerna Parivar Welfare Foundation , India
Protsahan India Foundation , India
PRS Legislative Research , India
Public Health Foundation Of India (Phfi),
Public Health Resource Network , India
Punarvasan Sangharsh Samiti (The Struggle
for Rehabilitation Group), India
Puraiyur Welfare Trust , India
Purbachal Ananda Foundation , India
Pure India Trust , India
Purkal Youth Development Society , India
Quality Education Support Trust , India
Quest Alliance , India
R.N Podar , India
RACHNA , India
Ragini Foundation , India
Ragpicker's Education and Development Scheme
(REDS) , India
RAHI Foundation , India
Raised Lines Foundation , India
Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal , India
Rang De , India
Rasikashray Sanskritik Kala And Bahhuudeshya
Sanshtaa , India
Rationing Kruti Samiti , India
Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust , India
REACH , India
Reap Benefit , India
Resilient Foundation , India
Ripples Of Change Foundation (Rocf) , India
Rishi Valley Institute for Educational Resources
(RIVER) , India
River Research Centre , India
Riverside School , India
Rocket Learning , India
Room To Read , India
Room To Read India Trust , India
Roots Foundation , India
Round Table India Trust , India
Ruchika Social Service Organization , India
Rukmini Devi Charitable Trust , India
Rural Development Foundation , India
Rural Environment Awareness Community Help
(Reach) , India
Rural Health Care Foundation , India
Rural Innovations Network, India
Rural Telecom Foundation , India
Rural Volunteer Centre , India
Rushabh Foundation , India
Saarthi Education , India
SAATH - Initiatives for Equity in Development
, India
Sabri Helpage , India
Sabuj Sangha , India
Sadhana Educational Resource Centre , India
Safai Karmachari Andolan , India
Sahadja Samrudha , India
SAHAS , India
Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra , India
Sahyadri Gramin Vikas Va Bahuuddeshiya Yuvak
Kalyan Sanstha , India
Sahyog Trust , India
Sai Educare Trust , India
Saksham , India
Salaam Baalak Trust - Delhi , India
Salaam Baalak Trust- Mumbai , India
Samagra , India
Sambandh , India
Sambhav Foundation , India
Sambhav Foundation India , India
Samerth Charitable Trust , India
Sampark , India
Sampark Sathi Foundation , India
Samvedana , India
Sanchetana Community Health And Research Centre
, India
Sangath , India
Sanjeevani Kalyan Samiti , India
Sanjivini Society For Mental Health , India
Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust , India
Sankara Netralaya , India
Santulan , India
Satark Nagrik Sangathan , India
Satpura Foundation , India
Satya Special School , India
Sauhard , India
Save Life Foundation , India
Save The Children (Registered As Bal Raksha
Bharat) , India
SavitriJotirao Samajkarya Mahavidalaya ( SJSM)
College , India
SCERT , India
Schizophrenia Research Foundation(I) , India
Schools And Teachers Innovating For Results
(India) , India
Scope For Change , India
SCORE Foundation , India
SEARCH (Society For Education, Action And
Research In Community Health, Gadchiroli)
, India
SEED Foundation , India
SELCO , India
Self Reliant India (Sri) Foundation , India
Service Initiative For Voluntary Action Trust
, India
Setu , India
Setu - Skill And Empower The Unserved , India
Sevabharathi , India
Shaishav , India
SHAKTI Legal Aid and Human Rights Centre,
Shanti Sahyog Coop, India eration For Peace
India , India
Shelter Associates , India
Shifting Orbits Foundation , India
Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra , India
Shikvan , India
Shram Sarathi , India
Shramik Elgar , India
Shrankhla Foundation , India
Shri Sant Singaji Educational Society , India
Shrimad Rajchandra Aatma Tatva Research Centre
, India
Shrimad Rajchandra Educational Trust , India
SIDUR ( Society for Integrated Development
in Urban & Rural) , India
Simple Education Foundation , India
Skill Train , India
Skills Art And Beyond Social Welfare Society
, India
Skillveri , India
Smarter Dharma , India
Smile Foundation , India
Sneha (Society For Nutrition, Education And
Health Action) , India
Snehalaya Ahmednagar Maharashtra , India
Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation , India
Social Activities Integration (Sai) , India
Social And Development Research And Action
Group , India
Social Venture Partners - Svp India , India
Society for Educational And Economic Development
(SEED) , India
Society For Health,Education And Economical
Progress (Sheep) , India
Society For Women's Education Economic Development
- Sweed , India
Society Undertaking Poor People's Onus For
Rehabilitation (Support), India
Solidarity And Action Against The Hiv Infection
In India , India
Sol's Arc , India
Sos Children's Villages Of India , India
SOSAD , India
Sosva - Society For Service To Voluntary Agencies
, India
South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude (SACCS)
, India
Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti , India
Spark A Change Foundation , India
Sphoorti Foundation , India
Spitiecosphere , India
Spot Healthcare (Spotsense) , India
Sri Sathya Sai Orphanage Trust - Kerala ,
Sri Someswar Nath Mahadev Trust , India
SRIJAN , India
Srishto Toxics Link , India
Sristy For Human Society , India
Sshrishti Trust , India
St.Jude India Childcare Centres , India
Star Wellness And Care Foundation , India
STIR Education , India
STOP , India
Stree Mukti Sanghatana , India
Students Educational and Cultural Movement
of Ladakh , India
Sudarshanam Netra Chikitsalayam , India
Sugam Jagriti , India
Suicide Prevention India Foundation , India
Sukanya , India
Sukhad Yatra Foundation , India
Sulabh International , India
Super School India , India
Support for Advocacy and Training to Health
Initiatives SATHI , India
Suraksha , India
Sustaintech , India
Sutradhar Educational Resource Centre , India
Suvidya , India
Suyam Charitable Trust , India
SVA (Sahabhagi Vikash Abhiyan) , India
Swades Foundation , India
Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement , India
Swanchetan , India
Swapnopuron Welfare Society , India
Swarna Pragati Housing Microfinance Pvt. Ltd.
, India
Swasth Foundation , India
Swasthya Swaraj Society , India
Swasti , India
Swasti - The Health Catalyst , India
Swathi Foundation Kandivali West , India
Swayam , India
Swayam Shikshan Prayog , India
Sweekar Foundation , India
Tap India Foundation , India
Tare Zameen Foundation , India
TARU-The Leading Edge Pvt. Ltd., India
Tata Steel Family Initiative Foundation (Tsfif)
, India
Tata Trusts , India
Tathapi Trust , India
Teach For Change Trust , India
Teach For India , India
Team Everest , India
Tech Aid , India
Technology Informatics Design Endeavour ,
Thanal Charitable Organization , India
Thats Eco Foundation , India
The Adventurers , India
The Akanksha Foundation , India
The American India Foundation Trust , India
The Antara Foundation , India
The Banyan , India
The Bombay Hemp Company Private Limited (BoHeCo)
, India
The Centre for Development Communication ,
The Centre for Internet & Society , India
The Community Library Project , India
The Concerned for Working Children , India
The Digital Study Hall , India
The Education Alliance , India
The Gateway School , India
The Goat Trust , India
The Hans Foundation , India
The Humsafar Trust , India
The Institute for Rural Health Studies , India
The Inventors' Action Society , India
The Leprosy Mission Trust India , India
The Live Love Laugh Foundation , India
The National Institute of Behavioral Sciences
(NIBS) , India
The Naz Foundation India Trust , India
The Red Door , India
The Salem Don Bosco Anbu Illam Social Service
Society , India
The Society For Door Step Schools , India
The Timbaktu Collective , India
The We Foundation , India
The Youth Parliament Foundation (TYPF) , India
The/Nudge Institute , India
Theni Social Rehabilitation And Development
Trust , India
Tinkerhub Technology Innovation Foundation
, India
Tomorrow's Foundation , India
Trinita Society For Social And Health Research
, India
Trust Circle , India
Trust for Health , Environment and Literacy
for the People , India
Turnstone Global , India
TVS Academy, India
Udaan India Foundation , India
Udaan Welfare Foundation , India
Udayam Charitable Trust (Uct) , India
Udayan Care , India
Udgi Foundation , India
Udhyam Learning Foundation , India
Ujjeewan , India
Ujjwal , India
Umang Foundation , India
Ummeed , India
Under The Mango Tree (Utmt) , India
Uninhibited (Previously Sukhibhava) , India
Unique Welfare Foundation , India
United Way Of Bengaluru , India
United Way Of Chennai , India
Universal Versatile Society , India
Universe Simplified , India
Unnati , India
Upay Under Privileged Advancement By Youth
, India
Uplift Mutuals , India
V Citizens Action Network , India
V Excel, Chennai , India
Vaatsalya Healthcare , India
Vanangana , India
Vanavil Trust , India
Vandemataram Foundation (Vmf) , India
Vardhishnu - Social Research & Development
Society , India
Vasantha Memorial Trust , India
V-Care Foundation , India
Vicharata Samuday Samarthan Manch , India
Video Volunteers , India
Vidya , India
Vidya And Child , India
Vidya Bhawan Society , India
Vidya Poshak , India
Vidya Pratishthan’s Institute of Information
Technology , India
Vidyarambam Trust , India
Vidyashram - The Southpoint School , India
Vidyodaya School , India
Vikas Samvad , India
Vinayaga Trust , India
Vinyas Centre for Architectural Research and
Design , India
Vipla Foundation , India
Vishalakshi Foundation , India
Vishvodayaa Trust , India
Vishwa Prakash Mission , India
Vision For Health Welfare And Special Needs
, India
Visionspring Foundation , India
Vitamin Angels , India
Vivekananda Seva Kendra O Shishu Uddayan (VSSU)
, India
Vivekananda Tribal Welfare Group, India
Vodafone Foundation, India
Voluntary Health Association Of India, India
Wamanrao Oak Rakta Pedhi, India
Water Literacy Foundation, India
We CAN, India
Well Being Foundation, India
White Swan Foundation For Mental Health, India
Wildlife Protection Society of India, India
Win Over Cancer, India
Windmill Health, India
Wockhardt Foundation, India
Women And Child - Development Service Center,
Womens Education And Economic Development
Society, India
World Comics India, India
World Health Partners, India
Yact (Yoga Amirtham Charitable Trust ), India
Yash Charitable Trust, India
Yatn- A Society, India
Yoddhas, India
Yostra Labs, India
Young Leaders For Active Citizenship, India
Youth Dreamers Foundation, India
Youth Football Club Rurka Kalan, India
Youth For Seva, India
Youth ki Awaaz, India
Youth Technical Training Society, India
Yug Sambal Foundation, India
Y-Ultimate, India
Yuva Unstoppable, India
Yuvraj Singh Foundation, India
Zameen Organic, India
ZMQ Development, India
ZMQ Software Systems, India