
NGO Brands

We share NGO Brands programmes & NGOs together because there may be good credible NGOs which we have yet not shared as NGO Brands or we may not know their funding partners.

It is our editorial decision not to share following categories or types of NGOs
1) Which do activities only for specific religion
(like Christian, Hindu, Islam, Jain, Parsi, Punjabi ...) or
2) NGOs formed by politicians or have trustees as politicians (we cant answer questions related to trustee background unless we know that. So even if we believe that many scholars should join politics and help develop their area or country, we can not share their names because we want to stay out of politics)
3) NGOs formed by activists or their programmes are related to activism
4) NGOs formed by naxalites (however good efforts may be because we dont want to enter zones which are anti government of related country)
, 5) NGOs formed by terrorists
6) NGOs formed by murderers (again, a person who has done murder once may have changed her or his human behaviour, but we cant share their names because we do not want to enter into investing our time to know actual details and leave this field to others)

While we say this, we cant commit because it is not possible to check 200 000 NGOs or many more than we plan to share in due time.

Plus there maybe some Ashoka Fellows which are activitsts or Nobel Laureates who are in politics.

We plan to share 10000 NGO Brands from 100 plus countries and 10 000 success stories of Corporates, NGOs, Funding Agencies, Celebrities, Philanthropists ..on social, climate & health issues in any country or island of this world.

Corporates, Funding Agencies, Philanthropists, Celebrities partner with NGOs to help communities. This partnership makes NGOs as known brands. And it helps in their fund raising efforts.

Branding helps NGOs focus on helping communities rather than invest valuable time in fund raising.

On 28.08.2013 he had an almost fatal accident.
The accident changed our vision in terms of canvas of coverage. From India and Thane, we now cover all countries, islands, oceans, continents, planets, world & universe.

Corporates, Philanthropists, PR Agency, Friends and school & college friends all helped. Financially as well as timewise. Bhau, father of founder who gave him house & property through Gift Deed before the accident was the first person on earth to start postponing his death because he has not served Mother Earth enough. If anyone on earth says it was father (Bhau) who helped his son (founder), then world will think he or she is right. That is only because their thinking is blood relatives are related. We are related to people from many castes, many religions, many nationalities because we think beyond blood relations.

Now we want to give Return Gift. Not to Bhau and friends.
If may look selfish because founder thinks world as his family. Some help, some dont, some others who are against goodness, will think differently. Worldover, within the family, there are disputes. Over money, property, shareholding, patents ...

Founder has decided that as his Responsibility he will invest personal time and money to make 10000 NGO Brands.
He thinks his identity is IIT which is Integration of Investment & Time.

Why NGO Branding is essential ?
Corporates, products or services by corporates advertise or do PR.
Corporates, Funding Agencies, Philanthropists, Celebrities want to partner with good NGOs.

NGOs need to reachout to donors but hardly do they advertise or do PR.
Founders or CEOs of millions of small or medium sized NGOs
either do word of mouth publicity or reach out to local corporates, government agencies or only the corporates or funding agencies they know. This in a way takes their time.

Having worked in Advertising & PR, founder Sanjay Kunud Moreshwar Bapat, who is an Ashoka fellow for his Social Enterprise, knows that worldover people even brand gods. So NGO Branding is essential.

If NGO is a Brand, it attracts more donors & volunteers.
So donors must mention the NGO they support and make them brands.
A donor investing lakhs of Rupees or thousands of dollars in NGO, must invest in Term Insurance of the NGO Founder or the person in the NGO whose life is always at risk while working in the NGO maybe in deadly areas or deadly issues.
Initially founder thought of asking donors to invest Rs 10000/- or USD 135/- in NGOs they support so that world knows them as NGO Brands but he is personally taking time to make NGO Brands and popularist them.
So he thought of Term Insurance, which he did personally after the accident. It means if you die, your nominee gets money. If you dont die during Term Investment period, the money financially goes as waste but emotionally its a great relief.

What we plan to cover in dedicated page for NGO Brands
We plan to share 10000 NGO Brands in following ways.
1) NGO name with link to its official website (not website of any agency)
2) Special pages which share NGO country name because typically donor partners NGOs countrywise.

NGO Brand promotion
We plan to email emagazine to reachout to following from India and about 50 countries.
5000 companies, 1000 media, 2000 funding agencies, 1000 corporate foundations and some philanthropists and celebrities. We will send them one newsletter every quarter from October 2023.
And we expect success rate of 2% which means 2% of these organisations see the mail.

Brand Makers and Brand promoters

Ashoka is Washington based and as of May 2023 has just about 4000 Social enterpreneurs in 92 odd countries as Ashoka Fellows.
And this is from about 7 million NGOs (We dont know the number but know that in India itself there are over 3 million NGO and like population, India has the largest population of NGOs in the world) working in 193 UN Member countries, 2 SARs and many islands.
Founder was an Ashoka Fellow during 2005-2008 and knows how important it was for him to be financially supported by Ashoka.
Now if some Ashoka Fellows have joined politics (e.g. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is an Ashoka Fellow), then we will remove the NGO they started. But if they have left the NGO and joined politics, then we will not remove the NGO)

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
United Kingdom

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
United Kingdom

Association of Mental Health Providers
United Kingdom

Cancer Research UK
United Kingdom

Centre for Mental Health
United Kingdom

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
United Kingdom

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Mental Health Foundation
United Kingdom

Mental Health UK
United Kingdom

United Kingdom

National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training
United Kingdom

Primary Care Respiratory Society
United Kingdom

Rethink Mental Illness
United Kingdom

SPECTRUM Consortium
United Kingdom

Turning Point
United Kingdom

University of York: Department of Health Sciences
United Kingdom

Yorkshire Smokefree
United Kingdom

NGO Brands in the world
NGO Brands
NGO Brands starting A
NGO Brands starting B
NGO Brands starting C
NGO Brands starting D
NGO Brands starting E
NGO Brands starting F
NGO Brands starting G
NGO Brands starting H
NGO Brands starting I
NGO Brands starting J
NGO Brands starting K
NGO Brands starting L
NGO Brands starting M
NGO Brands starting N
NGO Brands starting O
NGO Brands starting P
NGO Brands starting Q
NGO Brands starting R
NGO Brands starting S
NGO Brands starting T
NGO Brands starting U
NGO Brands starting V
NGO Brands starting W
NGO Brands starting X
NGO Brands starting Y
NGO Brands starting Z
NGO Brands in India
NGO Brands
Starting with A
Starting with B
Starting with C
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Starting with E
Starting with F
Starting with G
Starting with H
Starting with I
Starting with J
Starting with K
Starting with L
Starting with M
Starting with N
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Starting with P
Starting with Q
Starting with R
Starting with S
Starting with T
Starting with U
Starting with V
Starting with W
Starting with X
Starting with Y
Starting with Z
10 000 NGO Brands in the world

On any country index page, you will see NGO Brands from that country with link to NGO Brand website.
(Total 10 000 by 31.3.2025)
Alongwith NGO Brands, you will also see Corporates, NGOs, Media, Government, Law ministry, Police and several other things.

We are still different.
We plan to share following links
NGO Brand
Partners or funders
Success story
Annual report
About us page
Contact page

This helps donors & volunteers understand the NGO, its funders, about the NGO & its financial size and the location where it has headquarters.

If you want to see the actual social issue where the NGO Brand has social programmes, go to social issues.