HIV : Success Stories

Snehalaya - NGO
biofarm - himmatgram
People living with HIV face prejudice and their ART medication weakens them, making holding down a job and providing for their families extremely difficult. Snehalaya's Himmatgram or 'Hamlet of Courage' stands in 25 acres of arable land on the outskirts of Ahmednagar, complete with its own poly tunnel, well and reservoir. It provides food for our other projects as well as a safe haven and gainful employment for a number of HIV+ families.

This biofarm has become a community for former sex workers and HIV+ beneficiaries ready to make a new life for themselves and their families. Here they learn how to become self-sufficient in a rural setting, gaining skills in organic farming, crop rotation, irrigation and dairy farming. Live-in project manager ensures they receive all the support they need to farm their own produce with the excess going to supply our Rehab Centre. He also counsels them through their transition to rural life, medical treatment and respite care - the farm has become their family home.

Success Stories (From any country or island)
We share about 2 paras of each success story with due links.
We must admit that the organisation deserves recognition across the world and we are just drivers.

You can replicate or modify the success based on : Community, Country culture, Scale of challenges.












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