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In each country
In each country
Perhaps 1st time
Angola country is a Brand

Bordering countries
DR of the Congo

Land area
1,246,700 Sq Km

Aprox Population
36.75 million

National Government
Angola Government
National Law
Law and Legislation
National Police
Link NA
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
November 11
National Helplines
Police - 129
Ambulance - 127
Fire - 128
Traffic police – 126
Emergency at sea - 125
All emergency services - 112
Hotline for missing children - 116000
Helplines for victims of crime - 116106
Child help-line - 116111
Emotional support helplines - 116123

Emergency numbers
Emergency Response Number 112
Ambulance: 118
Fire: 118
Police: 110

World Heritage Sites
Mbanza Kongo , Vestiges of the Capital of the former Kingdom of Kongo

Botanical Gardens




Celebrities in Angola
Tourism Agencies in Angola
Interesting Facts in Angola
Luanda, Angola's capitol is the world’s most expensive city for expats
Angola's economy is one of the world's fastest growing - Between 1994 and 2004, Angola had one of the world's fastest-growing economies. Economic growth in 2012 is expected to exceed 7%
Angola is very rich in natural resources - The country is the 2nd largest oil and diamond producer in sub-Saharan Africa
Luanda is known as the " Paris of Africa" - This title is apparently due to the city's sophisticated culture and atmosphere
Portuguese is the official language - Other spoken languages include Umbundu, Kimbundu, Kikongo, and Tchokwe
Angola gained independence in 1975 - The country got independence from Portugal on November 11, 1975. It is the last country in Africa to gain independence from Portugal
Civil war lasted from independence (1975) to 2002 - After Angola gained independence, the country went through a long period of civil war, causing millions of lives to be lost
Angola has a very young population - Interestingly, nearly 70% of the population in Angola is under the age of 24
Life expectancy for both men and women is 54.59 years, according to the CIA Factbook (2012 est.)
Angola has the highest death rate (mortality) in the world - According to the CIA Factbook, for every 1000 people, there are 23.4 deaths a year (2011 statistics)
The name of the country is derived from the Kimbundu word N'gola, meaning King - N'gola (King) Kiluange was the king of the Ndongo Kingdom at the time of the Portuguese arrival in what is now Angola
Angola is twice the size of Texas - The country spans 481,354 square miles, making it the world's 23rd largest country. It's the seventh largest country in Africa
The local currency is called the Kwanza (AOA) - 1 USD is about 95 Kwanza
The Angolan flag is red, black and gold - The red part of the flag represents the blood of Angolans killed in conflicts, the black represents the Angolan people, and as for the gold parts - the cogwheel represents industry, the gold machete represents peasantry, and the gold star is modeled after the star on the flag of the former Soviet Union

The current Miss Universe is Angolan - Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira Lopes, known simply as "Leila Lopes" holds the title of Miss Universe
Angola's traditional music is the semba - Brazilian samba is believed to have originated in Angola, where it's known as "semba". The two are very similar. Angolan semba was danced to celebrate different occasions and is known as the music of the sea
Angola's national tree is the majestic imbondeiro - There is one tree that is special to Angolan, it's called "imbondeiro". There was a popular belief that God planted this tree, also known as "Boabob" upside down. The unusual looking imbondeiro tree can be found growing all over the country and on local artwork
Angola is the birthplace of the dreadlocks hair style
Growing Portuguese diaspora - in 2010, the number of visas issued to Portuguese was at 23,787
Shortage of men - After 27 years of civil war, there's a shortage of men in the country. So it's not unusual for a man to have several "non-official" wives

Source to get more information

The official language in Angola is Portuguese, but they also speak Bantu and other African languages.

Due to the increasing of oil production, Angola has one of the fastest growing economies.

Angola also is the home for the giant sable antelope. It can't be found anywhere else and was thought to be extinct until they discovered it a few years ago.

Angola went through long civil war that took thousands of people’s life and lasted from 1975 to 2002.

Angola’s favorite sport is basketball.

The highest mountain in Angola is Serra Mountain which is 2610 meters.

Angola has two official names: The Undemocratic Anti-Photographic Monarchy of Angola and Angolish Empire of Flying Snakes.

38% of the population are roman catholic, 15% are protestant and 47% are indigenous beliefs.

One of Africa's most beautiful natural wonders, the Ruacana Falls, is located in Angola.

Angola gained its independence from the Portuguese colony in 1975.

Political Parties in Angola

Democratic Angola – Coalition
Angola Democrática – Coligação
Founded : 1992

The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola - UNITA
União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola
Founded : March 13, 1966
Website : unitaangola.org

Democratic Party for Progress – Angolan National Alliance
Partido Democrático para o Progresso – Aliança Nacional Angolana
Founded : March 1991

Democratic Renewal Party (Angola)
Partido Renovador Democrático
Founded : December 1990

Liberal Democratic Party (Angola)
Partido Liberal Democrático
Founded : December 1983
Website : http://www.pld.ebonet.net/

Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola- MPLA
Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola
Founded : 10 December 1956
Website : www.mpla.ao

National Liberation Front of Angola
Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola, FNLA
Founded 1954
Website : http://www.fnla.net/

New Democracy Electoral Union
Nova Democracia União Eleitoral
Founded : November 2006

Social Democratic Party (Angola)
Partido Social-Democrata
Founded : November 1988

Party of the Alliance of Youth, Workers and Farmers of Angola
Partido da Aliança Juventude, Operários e Camponeses de Angola
Founded : January 199

Social Renewal Party (Angola)
Partido de Renovação Social
Founded : November 18, 1990
Website : http://www.prs-angola.com/

Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Journalist, writer

Football player

Nito Alves

Flavio Amado
Football player

Felizardo Ambrosio
Basketball player

Mario Pinto de Andrade
Poet, politician

Jorge Antunes

Milton Barros
Basketball player

Waldemar Bastos

Americo Boavida

Musician, singer, songwriter

Domingos Bonifacio
Basketball player

Oscar Lino Lopes Fernandes Braga

Maria Mambo Cafe

Boaventura Cardoso

Joao Carqueijeiro

Mendes de Carvalho

Carlos Castro

Alberto Graves Chakussanga
Radio journalist

Daniel Chipenda
Field commander in war of independence

Abel Chivukuvuku

Efigenia dos Santos Lima Clemente

Armando Costa
Basketball player

Manuel Franklin da Costa

Assuncao Cristas

Viriatom da Cruz
Poet, politician

Antonio Dembo


Joana Amaral Dias
Politician, clinical psychologist

Luis Fernando
Journalist, novelist

Armenio Ferreira

Shunnoz Fiel
Fashion designer

Paulo Flores

Irina D. Franca
Singer, songwriter

Damiao Antonio Franklin

Maria Joao Ganga
Film director

Joaquim Gomes
Basketball player

Antonio Jacinto

Aguinaldo Jaime

Almerindo Jaka Jamba

Paulo Teixeira Jorge

Ze Kalanga
Football player

Paulo Kassoma
Former prime minister

Don Kikas

Alda Lara

Leila Lopes
Miss Universe 2011

Ana Dias Lourenco

Paulo Lukamba

Football player

Ana Clara Guerra Marques

Rafael Marques
Journalist, human rights activist

Rui Marques
Football player

Joao de Matos
Military general

Eduardo Mingas
Basketball player

Chilala Moco

Marcolino Jose Carlos Moco
Former prime minister

Carlos Morais
Basketball player

Jose Pedro de Morais

Venancio da Silva Moura

Alexandre do Nascimento

Eduardo Nascimento

Lopo do Nascimento
Former prime minister

Antonio Agostinho Neto
Former president

Pitra Neto
Politician, professor, lawyer

Domingos Manuel Njinga

Fernando Nobre

Tekasala Ma'at Nzinga
Fashion designer

Paul G
Singer, songwriter, producer, dancer

Leonel Paulo
Basketball player


Jose de Fontes Pereira
Lawyer, journalist

Vadinho Pina
Fashion designer

Nando Rafael
Football player

Oscar Ribas

Holden Roberto

Isaias Samakuva

Ana Paula dos Santos
First lady

Artur Carlos Mauricio Pestana dos Santos

Elisabeth Santos
Fashion designer, artist

Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos aka Nando
Former prime minister

Jose Eduardo dos Santos

Jonas Savimbi

Armando Jose Sayovo Paralympics

Ana Paula Tavares

Fernando Jose de Franco Dias Van-Dunem
Former prime minister

Neide Van-Dunem
Singer, songwriter, actress

Manuel Vicente

Jeronimo Elavoko Wanga

Rivers in Angola

The Okavango river
The Okavango river basin covers a hydrologically active area of approximately 323 192 km2 shared by three countries in southern Africa: Angola, Namibia and Botswana. The Okavango River is the fourth longest river system in southern Africa, running for 1,100 km from central Angola, as the Kubango, through Namibia to the Kalahari in Botswana. The river rises in the headwaters of the Cuito and Cubango tributaries in the highland plateau of Angola at an elevation of 1780 metres.

It derives its principal flow from 120,000 km² of sub-humid and semiarid rangeland in Cuito-Cubango province of Angola before concentrating its flow along the margins of Namibia and Angola and finally spilling into the Okavango fan or ‘delta’ at an elevation of 980 metres. Several rivers become one as the water moves south and east, branching again when it reaches and ends in the Okavango Delta, one of the largest freshwater inland wetlands on the planet. The river delivers about 10 cubic kilometres of surface flow into the Delta system per annum.

Bengo River (Zenza River)
Bentiaba River (Rio de São Nicolau)
Bero River
Caculuvar River
Cambo River
Catumbela River
Chicapa River
Chiloango River
Chiumbe River
Congo River
Coporolo River
Cuando River
Cuanza River
Cubal River
Cuilo River
Cuito River
Cuíva River
Cunene River
Cunhinga River
Curoca River
Cutato River
Cuvo River
Dande River
Inkisi River
Kasai River (Cassai River)
Kwango River (Cuango River)
Kwenge River
Kwilu River (Cuilo River)
Loange River
Loge River
Longa River
Lovua River
Luachimo River
Luando River
Luanginga River (Luio River)
Lucala River
Luena River
Lui River
Luia River
Luiana River
Lungwebungu River (Lungué Bungo River)
Lushiko River
Mbridge River
Quembo River
Quicombo River
Utembo River
Wamba River (Uamba River)
Zambezi River