Untitled Document
In each country
In each country
Perhaps 1st time
Canada country is a Brand

Bordering countries
United States

Land area
9,984,670 Sq Km

Aprox Population
40.1 million

National Government
Canada Government
National Law
Department of Justice Canada
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
July 1
National Helplines
Police / Ambulance / Fire - 911
Non-emergency - 311 (some areas only). 112 redirects to 911 on mobile phones
Tollfree Airline - 888-247-2262

Emergency numbers

Nobel Laureates

Alice Munro
Arthur B . McDonald
Bertram N . Brockhouse
Charles Brenton Huggins *
David H . Hubel *
Donna Strickland
Ernest Rutherford
Frederick Grant Banting
Gerhard Herzberg
Henry Taube *
Jack W . Szostak
James Peebles
John C . Polanyi
John James Rickard Macleod
Lester Bowles Pearson
Michael Smith
Myron S . Scholes *
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Ralph M . Steinman
Richard E . Taylor
Robert A . Mundell
Rudolph A . Marcus *
Saul Bellow *
Sidney Altman *
Willard S . Boyle *
William Francis Giauque *
William Vickrey *
Interesting facts

World Heritage Sites
LAnse aux Meadows National Historic Site
Nahanni National Park
Dinosaur Provincial Park
Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek
Head-Smashed - In Buffalo Jump
SGang Gwaay
Wood Buffalo National Park
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks
Historic District of Old Quibec
Gros Morne National Park
Old Town Lunenburg
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
Miguasha National Park
Rideau Canal
Joggins Fossil Cliffs
Landscape of Grand Pri
Red Bay Basque Whaling Station
Mistaken Point
Pimachiowin Aki
Writing - on - Stone / Amsmnaipi

Tourism spots, locations

Botanical Gardens
Abkhazi Garden, Victoria
Alberta Horticultural Research Center, Brooks
Allan Gardens, Toronto
Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens, Annapolis Royal
Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg
Belle Terre Botanic Garden, Otter Lake
Bloedel Floral Conservatory, Vancouver
Bruce Botanical Food Gardens, Ripley
Butchart Gardens, Victoria
Calgary Zoological Gardens, Calgary
Cascades of Time Garden (Banff), Banff
Centennial Conservatory, Thunder Bay
Centennial Park Conservatory, Etobicoke
Crown Forest Industries Arboretum and Museum, Ladysmith
Devonian Gardens (Calgary), Calgary
Dominion Arboretum and Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa
Edwards Gardens
Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University, Truro
Fanshawe College Arboretum, London
Fredericton Botanic Garden, Fredericton
Great Lakes Forest Research Centre Arboretum, Sault Ste. Marie
Halifax Public Gardens, Halifax
Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens, Wolfville
Horticulture Centre of the Pacific, Victoria
Humber College Arboretum, Toronto
Inglis Falls Arboretum, Owen Sound
Jackson Park, Windsor
James Gardens
Jardin Van Den Hende, Laval University, Quebec City
Jardins de Métis, Grand-Métis
Kingsbrae Horticultural Garden, St. Andrews
Lauber Arboretum, Kakabeka Falls
Lee Pavilion located within the Citadel Theatre, Edmonton
Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, Lethbridge
Man and His World, Montreal
Manitoba Horticultural Association Arboretum, Boissevain
Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden, St. John's
Metro Toronto Parks Commission, Toronto
Mont Royal Park, Montreal
Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal
Morden Research Station, Morden
Morgan Arboretum, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
Muttart Conservatory, Edmonton
New Brunswick Botanical Garden, Edmundston
Niagara Parks Commission, Niagara Falls
Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, Lethbridge
Olds College Botanic Garden, Olds
Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens, Oshawa
Ottawa Valley Native Plant Botanical Garden, Cobden
Park and Tilford Gardens, North Vancouver
Parkwood, The R.S. McLaughlin Estate National Historic Site and Heritage Garden, Oshawa
PFRA Tree Nursery, Indian Head
Plant Paradise Country Gardens, Caledon
Queen Elizabeth Park and Bloedel Floral Conservatory, Vancouver
Quinte Botanical Garden, Frankford, Ontario
Regina Floral Conservatory, Regina
Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington
Royal Roads University Botanical Gardens, Victoria
Sifton Bog, London
Summerland Research Station, Summerland
Tofino Botanical Gardens, Tofino
Toronto Botanical Garden, Toronto
Toronto Islands
Toronto Zoo, Toronto
UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research, Vancouver
University of Alberta Botanic Garden, Devon, Alberta
University of Guelph Arboretum, Guelph
University of Saskatchewan Gardens, Saskatoon
University of Toronto Erindale College Conservatory, Mississauga
University of Western Ontario Sherwood Fox Arboretum, London
VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver
Vineland Research Station, Vineland
Wascana Centre Authority, Regina
Woodland Gardens Arboretum, Surrey, British Columbia, Surrey

African Lion Safari - Hamilton
Assiniboine Park Zoo - Winnipeg
Bird Kingdom - Niagara Falls
Brantford Twin Valley Zoo - Brant
British Columbia Wildlife Park - Kamloops
Calgary Zoo - Calgary
Edmonton Valley Zoo - Edmonton
Elmvale Jungle Zoo - Elmvale
Forestry Farm Park and Zoo, Saskatoon
Granby Zoo - Granby
Greater Vancouver Zoo - Aldergrove
Greenview Aviaries Park & Zoo - Chatham-Kent, Ontario
High Park Zoo - Toronto
Indian River Reptile and Dinosaur Park - Indian River
Jungle Cat World - Orono
Magnetic Hill Zoo - Moncton
Miller Zoo - Frampton
Montreal Biodome - Montreal
Montreal Insectarium - Montreal
Oaklawn Farm Zoo - Aylesford
Oshawa Zoo - Oshawa
Papanack Park Zoo - Wendover
Parc Safari - Hemmingford
Reptilia (zoo) - Vaughan and Whitby
Riverdale Farm - Toronto
Riverview Park & Zoo - Peterborough
Safari Niagara - Stevensville
Saunders Country Critters - Kemptville
Shubenacadie Wildlife Park - Shubenacadie
Thompson Zoo - Thompson
Toronto Zoo - Toronto
Victoria Bug Zoo - Victoria
Victoria Butterfly Gardens - Brentwood Bay
Zoo de Falardeau - Saint-David-de-Falardeau
Zoo Sauvage de St-Félicien - Saint-Félicien

Celebrities in Canada

Paul Anka singer, songwriter
Margaret Atwood author, poet
Bachman-Turner Overdrive music group
Frederick Banting co-discovered insulin
William "Billy" Bishop world war I flying ace
James "Jim" Carrey actor, comedian
Cirque du Soleil entertainment company
Samuel Cunard founder cunard cruise lines
Celine Dion singer
Sir Sandford Fleming creator standard time zones
Michael J. Fox actor
Terry Fox humanitarian, cancer treatment activist
Wayne Gretzky hockey player
Gordon "Gordie" Howe hockey player
Peter Jennings journalist, television news anchor
Kathryn Dawn "K. D." Lang singer, songwriter
Art Linkletter radio, television host
Guy Lombardo musician, bandleader
Lorne Michaels creator saturday night live, producer
Lucy Maud Montgomery author
James Naismith inventor basketball, coach
Morley Safer reporter, news correspondent
Isadore "Issy" Sharp founder four seasons hotels
Joseph "Joe" Shuster co-creator superman
Pierre Trudeau former prime minister
Jacques Villeneuve automobile racing driver
Jack "J. L." Warner co-founder warner bros. studios

Tourism & Tourism Agencies in Canada
L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site
Nahanni National Park
Dinosaur Provincial Park
Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek
Head-Smashed - In Buffalo Jump
SGang Gwaay
Wood Buffalo National Park
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks
Historic District of Old Québec
Gros Morne National Park
Old Town Lunenburg
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
Miguasha National Park
Rideau Canal
Joggins Fossil Cliffs
Landscape of Grand Pré
Red Bay Basque Whaling Station
Mistaken Point
Pimachiowin Aki
Writing - on - Stone / Áísínai’pi
Interesting Facts in Canada
Canada spans 9 984 670 sq km and comprises 6 time zones.

Canada is home to the longest street in the world. Yonge Street in Ontario starts at Lake Ontario, and runs north through Ontario to the Minnesota border, a distance of almost 2,000 km.

While we’re talking ‘longest’, here’s another record: Canada has the world's longest coastline at 202,080 km.

A bear cub named Winnipeg was exported from Canada to the London Zoo in 1915. A little boy named Christopher Robin Milne loved to visit Winnipeg, or Winnie for short. His love for the bear cub inspired the stories written by his father, A.A. Milne, about Winnie-the-Pooh.

The Canadian motto, A Mari Usque ad Mare, means "From sea to sea."

Toronto’s Rogers Centre, formerly known as the SkyDome, is home to the largest Sony big screen in the world, measuring 10 m x 33.6 m.

The Blackberry Smartphone was developed in Ontario, at Research In Motion's Waterloo offices.

The Big Nickel in Sudbury, Ontario is the world's largest coin. It is a huge reproduction of a 1951 Canadian nickel and measures nine meters in diameter.

Canada has twice been invaded by the USA, first in 1775 and again in 1812.

Actor Leslie Nielsen is Canadian. His brother, Erik, was the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada for two years, from 1984 to 1986.

Canada holds the record for the most gold medals ever won at the Winter Olympics, taking 14 Golds at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.

Sandy Gardiner, a journalist with the Ottawa Journal in the 60s, coined the term 'Beatlemania' while he was writing a story about the Beatles.

Canada was named through a misunderstanding. When Jaques Cartier, a French explorer, came to the new world, he met with local Natives who invited them to their 'kanata' (the word for ‘village’). The party mistakenly thought the name of the country was "Kanata" or Canada.

The Mounted Police was formed in 1873, with nine officers. In 1920, the group merged with the Dominion Police to become the famous Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which today has close to 30 000 members.

Canada is home to approximately 55,000 different species of insects.

Montreal is home to many beautiful churches and is often called The City of Saints or City of a Hundred Bell Towers.

Ontario is believed to be home to the world's smallest jail, which measures only 24.3 sq metres.

The Hotel de Glace in Quebec is built every year using 400 tons of ice and 12 000 tons of snow. Every summer it melts away, only to be rebuilt the following winter.

Canada’s only desert in British Columbia is only 15 miles long and is the only desert in the world with a long boardwalk for visitors to walk on.

Famous Canadians include Pamela Anderson, Leonard Cohen, Avril Lavigne, Keanu Reeves and Jim Carrey.
Political Parties in Canada

Liberal Party of Canada
Parti libéral du Canada
Founded : 1867
Website : liberal.ca

Conservative Party of Canada
Parti conservateur du Canada
Founded 7 December 2003
Website : http://www.conservative.ca/

New Democratic Party
Nouveau Parti démocratique
Founded : August 3, 1961
Website : www.ndp.ca

Bloc Québécois
Founded : 15 June 1991
Website : www.blocquebecois.org

Green Party of Canada
Parti vert du Canada
Founded : 1983
Website : www.greenparty.ca

Conservative Party of Canada
Parti conservateur du Canada
Founded : 7 December 2003
Website : http://www.conservative.ca/

Liberal Party of Canada
Parti libéral du Canada
Founded : 1867
Website : liberal.ca

Alliance of the North
Alliance du Nord
Founded : September 11, 2013
Website : http://alliancedunord.ca/adnen.html

Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Founded : 2005
Website : environmentvoters.org

The Bridge Party of Canada
Founded : June 28, 2015
Website : http://www.thebridgeparty.ca/

Canadian Action Party
Parti action canadienne
Founded : 1997
Website : actionparty.ca/

Christian Heritage Party of Canada
Parti de l'héritage chrétien du Canada
Founded : 1987
Website : www.chp.ca

Communist Party of Canada
Parti communiste du Canada
Founded : May 1921
Website : www.communist-party.ca

Libertarian Party of Canada
Parti libertarien du Canada
Founded : 1973
Website : http://www.libertarian.ca/

Marijuana Party (Canada)
Parti Marijuana
Founded : 2000
Website : www.marijuanaparty.ca

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist–Leninist)
Parti communiste du Canada (marxiste-léniniste)
Founded : March 31, 1970
Website : www.mlpc.ca

Party for Accountability, Competency and Transparency
Parti pour la Responsabilisation, la Compétence et la Transparence
Founded : October 1, 2010
Website : votepact.ca

Pirate Party of Canada
Parti Pirate du Canada
Founded : June 12, 2009
Website : www.pirateparty.ca

Progressive Canadian Party
Parti progressiste canadien
Founded : March 29, 2004
Website : http://www.pcparty.org/

Rhinoceros Party
Parti Rhinocéros
Founded : May 21, 2006
Website : www.eatgoogle.com

United Party of Canada
Parti Uni du Canada
Founded : November 2009
Website : unitedpartyofcanada.com

Bloc populaire
Bloc populaire canadien
Founded September 8, 1942
Website : None

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Fédération du Commonwealth Coopératif
Parti social démocratique du Canada
Founded : 1932
Website : None

Labor-Progressive Party
Parti ouvrier-progressiste
Founded 1943
Website : None

Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
Parti progressiste-conservateur du Canada
Founded December 10, 1942
Website : None

Strength in Democracy
Forces et Démocratie
Founded : October 21, 2014
Website : forcesetdemocratie.org

Unionist Party (Canada)
Parti unioniste
Founded October 10, 1917
Website : None

Other minor parties

Democratic Advancement Party of Canada
Seniors Party of Canada
New Democracy (Canada)
Ralliement créditiste
Reform Party of Canada
Social Credit Party of Canada

Rivers in Canada

The Mackenzie River
The Mackenzie River is the largest and longest river system in Canada, and is exceeded only by the Mississippi River system in North America. It flows through a vast, isolated region of forest and tundra entirely within the country's Northwest Territories, although its many tributaries reach into four other Canadian provinces and territories. The river's mainstem runs 1,738 kilometres (1,080 mi) in a northerly direction to the Arctic Ocean, draining a vast area nearly the size of Indonesia. It is the largest river flowing into the Arctic from North America, and with its tributaries is one of the longest rivers in the world.

Aanaakisiuqvik River
Abitibi River
Abitibi River
Abrams River
Achazi River
Achepabanca River
Achepabanca River North-East
Adam River
Adams River
Adlatok River
Afton River
Aigneau River
Akie River
Albany Forks
Albany River
Alces River
Alder River
Alex Creek
Allanwater River
Allard River
Alluviaq River
Alouette River
Alsek River
Anagance River
Anderson River
Anistuwach River
Annapolis River
Antler River
Apple River
Aquatuc River
Arctic Red River
Armark River
Armstrong River
Arnaud River
Aroostook River
Arrowsmith River
Artlish River
Asatawasach River
Ash River
Asheweig River
Asiak River
Asitka River
Aspy River
Assean River
Assiniboine River
Assinica River
Assup River
Atikameg River
Atleo River
Atlin Lake
Atnarko River
Attawapiskat Lake
Attawapiskat River
Attic River
Aua River
Aukpar River (Baffin Island)
Avakutak River
Avon River
Ayton Creek
Azure River
Babbage River
Back River
Baddeck River
Baillie River
Bancroft Creek
Barbara River
Barnaby River
Barrière River
Barrington River
Barrow River
Bartholomew River
Bartibogue River
Bass River
Bastien River
Batemans Brook
Bathurst Harbour
Battis River
Battle River
Bay of Fundy
Bear River
Beatton River
Beaver River
Beaver Stone River
Becaguimec Stream
Bedeque River
Bedwell River
Bell River
Bella Coola River
Belle Kedgwick River
Belle River
Belliveau River
Benoit Creek
Benson River
Bentick River
Bérard River
Berens River
Berg River
Berthelot River
Besa River
Béthume River
Beurling River
Bideford River
Big Canoe River, Cuttle Lake
Big Pierre Jacques River
Big Presque Isle Stream
Big Salmon River
Big Willow River
Birkenhead River
Bishop River
Black Avon River
Black Duck River
Black River
Black Sturgeon River
Blackbear River
Blackstone River (Canada)
Blanchard River
Bloedel Creek
Bloodvein River
Bloody River
Blow River
Blue River
Blueberry River
Bluefish River
Boas River (Southampton Island)
Bodell River
Boivin River
Boivin River (Quebec)
Bolton River
Bonaparte River
Bonnet Plume River
Boot Creek
Boots Creek
Borden River
Bouctouche River
Boughton River
Boulain River
Bousquet River
Boutin River
Bowron River
Bowser Lake, Bowser River
Boyne River
Bradshaw River
Brae River
Bras de Fer River (Iron Arm River)
Bridge River
Brightsand River
Brissard River
Broad Cove River
Broad River
Broadback River
Brochant River
Brokenhead River
Brooks River
Browns River
Brudenell River
Brunswick River
Buet River
Bulkley River
Bull River
Bullen River
Burman River
Burning River
Burnside River
Burntbush River (Ontario)
Burntwood River
Buron River
Burrows River, Burrows Lake
Cadillac River
Cadwallader Creek
Caillet River
Cains River
Calhoun Brook
Camachigama River
Cameron Creek
Cameron River
Campbell River (Vancouver Island)
Canaan River
Canet River
Caniapiscau River
Canimimte River
Canoe River
Cape Traverse River
Capitachouane River
Capouscataca River
Caraquet Bay
Caraquet River
Cardigan River
Caribou River
Carmanah Creek
Carrot River
Cascalama River
Castle Creek
Castor and Pollux River
Castor River (Beaver River)
Castor River East
Cat River
Caycuse River
Cayoosh Creek
Cedar River
Cervus Creek
Chaleur Bay
Chapleau River
Charpentier River (Carpenter River)
Chateauguay River
Châtillon River
Chauvreulx River
Cheakamus River
Chebogue River
Cheepash River
Cheepay River
Chehalis River
Chemainus River
Cherry River
Cheslatta River
Chéticamp River
Chezzetcook River
Chibougagmau River
Chiganois River
Chilanko River
Chilcat River (sp. Chilkat in Alaska)
Chilcotin River
Chilko River
China Creek
Chipilly River
Chisasipis River
Chischa River
Chochocouane River
Chockpish River
Chowade River
Chukachida River
Chukotat River
Churchill River
Churn Creek
Chute Creek
Clam Harbour River
Clayoquot River
Clearwater River
Clement Creek
Clergue River
Cléricy River
Cleveland River (Southampton Island)
Clyde River
Clyde River (Baffin Island)
Coal Branch River
Coal River
Cobham River
Cocagne River
Cochrane River
Cogmagun River
Cohade River
Coigne River
Coldwater River (from Coquihalla Pass)
Collin River
Colomb River
Colquitz Creek
Columbia River
Comox Creek
Compeau River
Conefroy River
Conn River
Consul River
Conuma River
Coppermine River
Copperneedle River
Coquihalla River
Coquitlam River
Corbin River
Corporon River
Corrigan Creek
Costley River
Cotoneaster Lake
Country Harbour River
Cous Creek
Cow River
Cowans Creek
Cowichan River
Craig River
Cree River
Croker River
Crooked River
Cross River
Cruickshank River
Cudmore Creek
Curtis River
Cypress River
Dagenais River
Dagenais River (Quebec)
Dall River
Darling River
Dauphin River
Davie River
De Lesseps River
De Pas River
De Thury River
De Troyes River
Deadman River
Dean Channel
Dean River
Dease River
Death River (Rivière de la Mort)
Debert River
Deception River
Deception River East
Decker Lake
Decoumte River
Deharveng River
Delay River
Denys River
Derville River
Des Lacs River
Desable River
Descareaux River
Detour River (Ontario et Québec)
Devils Creek
Dezadeash River
Dirty River
Dock River
Doghole River
Doig River
Donjek River
Doran River
Doré River
Drowning River
Dubawnt River
Dudidontu River
Dufreboy River
Duncan River
Dunedin River
Dungarvon River
Dunk River
Dunrankin River
Duparquet River
Durouvray River
Duti River
Eagle River (Shuswap Lake)
Eagle River (Yukon)
East Branch St. Nicholas River
East Dunrankin River
East Klanawa River
East Noel River
East River
East River Sheet Harbour
East Tutshi River
Eastmain River
Eau Claire River
Eau Froide River
Echimamish River
Echoing River
Echoing River
Eclipse River
Economy River
Ecstall River
Ecum Secum River
Edmond River
Eel Bay
Eel River
Effingham River
Ekalluk River
Ekwan River
Elaho River
Elk River
Ellice River
Endako River, Burns Lake
English River
Englishman River
Esperey River
Esturgeon River
Eve River
Exchamsiks River
Fairford River
Falcoz River
False River
Fantail River
Farrells River
Farrington Creek
Fat River
Fawn River
Fecteau Lake
Ferguson River
Finlay River
Fire River
Firebag River
Firesteel River
Firth River
Fisherman River
Five Mile River
Five Rivers
Flat River
Flathead River
Fleet River
Flemer River
Flindt River
Flint River, Flint Lake
Flowers River
Folly River
Fond du Lac River
Fontas River
Forbes River
Ford River
Ford River (Southampton Island)
Forks River
Fort Nelson River
Fortune River
Forty-Five River
Fortymile River
Foucault River
Founds River
Fox River
Foxe Basin
Foxley River
Franklin River
Fraser River
Frederick House River
French River
Frenchman River
Frichet River
Frog River
Garry River
Gaspereau River
Gataga River
Gates River
Gatin River
Gays River
Geikie River
Geikie River (Wollaston Lake)
George River
Georges River
Gifford River (Baffin Island)
Gitnadoix River
Gladys River
Glenfinnan River
Gold River
Goodspeed River
Goodwood River
Goose River
Gordon River
Gossen Creek
Gouault River
Goudalie River
Gounamitz River
Graham River
Grand Anse River
Grand River
Grant Lake
Grass River
Grayling River
Great Bear River
Great Village River
Great Whale River (Grande rivière de la Baleine)
Green River
Greenhill River
Groundhog River
Groust River
Gué River
Guichaud River
Gulquac River
Gun Creek
Gundahoo River
Habitant River
Hackett River
Haldiman River
Halfway River
Hamelin River
Hammond River
Hanbury River
Hantzsch River (Baffin Island)
Harding River
Hargrave River
Harricana River
Harricana River (Quebec)
Harrington River
Harrison River
Hart River
Hay River
Hayes River
Heber River
Hendon River
Henley River
Herbert River
Herrick Creek
Hesquiat River
Hess River
Hillsborough (East) River
Hinata River
Hollow River
Homan River
Homathko River
Hone River
Hood River
Hope River
Hoppner River
Hornaday River
Horsefly River
Houston River
Humphrey Brook
Hunt River
Hunter River
Huntley River
Hurley River
Ikarut River
Iktotat River
Illecillewaet River
Indian River
Ingenika River
Ingonish River
Ingram River
Inhini River
Inklin River
Innuksuac River
Irish River
Iron River
Iroquois River
Irsuaq River
Isaacs Harbour River
Iskut River
Isortog River (Baffin Island)
Isurtuq River
Ivanhoe River
Jacklah River
Jackson Falls
Jacquere River
Jacques River
Jacquet River
James River
Jarvis River
Jemseg River
Jennings River
Joe River
Johnstons River
Jolicoeur River
Jonathan Creek
Joncas River
Joncas River (Quebec)
Jordan River
Jungersen River
Kabinakagami River
Kagloryuak River
Kagloryuak River (Victoria Island)
Kaipokok River
Kaipokok River-South Branch
Kaleet River
Kamanatsuk River
Kaminahikuschit River
Kanaaupscow River
Kanairiktok River
Kaouk River
Kapikotongwa River
Kapiskau River
Kapuskasing River
Kasiks River
Kaskawulsh River
Katete River
Kaunamaekauk River
Kâwânatakodjiwâk River
Kayakawakamau River
Kazan River
Kechika River
Kedahda River
Kedgwick River
Kehlechoa River
Kekek River
Kellett River
Kelsall River
Kemano River
Kemogamisis River
Kendall River
Kennebecasis River
Kennedy River
Kennetcook River
Kenogami River
Keogh River
Kesagami River
Keswick River
Kettle River
Kicking Horse River
Kildare River
Kinojévis River
Kinushseo River
Kirkwall River
Kishkakoesis River
Kiskatinaw River
Kispiox River
Kitchigama River
Kitimat River
Kitlope River
Kitnayakwa River
Klanawa River
Klappan River
Klastline River
Klehini River
Klinaklini River
Klondike River
Kluane River
Kluatantan River
Klukshu River
Knight Inlet
Koeye River
Kogalu River
Kogaluk River
Kokish River
Koksilah River
Koksoak River
Koktac River
Komaktorvik River
Kongut River
Kootenay River
Koroc River
Kouchibouguac River
Kouchibouguacis River
Koukdjuak River (Baffin Island)
Kovik River
Kugaryuak River
Kunuak River
Kusawa River
Kuugaapik River
Kuugajaraapik River
Kuuguluk River
Kwadacha River
Kwakwatanikapistikw River
Kwataboahegan River
Kwinitsa Creek
Kwois Creek
La Biche River
La Grande River (Grand River)
La Loche River
La Salle River
La Sarre River
La Sarre River (Quebec)
La Vallée River
Lac aux Feuilles (Leaves River)
Laflamme River
Laguerne River
LaHave River
Lake of the Woods watershed
Lake St. Joseph
Lakelse River
Lakitusaki River
Larrys River
Latourette River
Lawagamau River
Lawashi River
Leech River
Lefroy River
Leiner River
Lepallier River
Lepelle River
Leslie Creek
Lestage River
Liard River
Lillooet River
Limestone River
Lindeman Creek (from Chilkoot Pass)
Liscombe River
Little Bass River
Little Bouctouche River
Little Churchill River
Little Current River
Little East River
Little Ekwan River
Little Fire River
Little Iroquois River
Little Iskut River
Little Kesagami River
Little Klappan River
Little Nahanni River
Little Nebotik River
Little Nitinat River
Little Opinaca River
Little Otter River
Little Oyster River
Little Partridge River
Little Pierre Jacques River
Little Puvirnituq River
Little Qualicum River
Little Rancheria River
Little River
Little River (Cariboo River)
Little River (Little Shuswap Lake)
Little River (Vancouver Island)
Little Sackville River
Little Saganash River
Little Salmon River
Little Saskatchewan River
Little Seal River
Little Shashiskau River
Little Shawmere River
Little Southwest Miramichi River
Little Swan River
Little Swanson River
Little Tahltan River
Little Tobique River
Little Tracadie River
Little Turtle River
Little Tuya River
Little Valentine River
Little Waswanipi River
Little Whale River (Petite rivière de la Baleine)
Long River
Longland River
Lord River
Lorillard River
Louvicourt River
MacDonald's Inlet
MacDonalds River
MacFarlane River
Machisipi River
Machmell River
Macho River
MacJack River
Mackenzie River
Mactaquac Lake
Madawaska River
Magaguadavic River
Maguse River
Mahood River
Maicasagi River
Major Hart River
Makonie River
Makoop River
Malartic River
Malcolm River
Mamquam River
Manigotagan River
Manitou River
Mannic River
Manson River
Maquatua River
Mara River
Marble River
Marchington River
Margaree River
Marie River
Marquis River
Marralik River
Marte River
Martins River
Mary River
Mascogne River
Masnières River
Matateto River
Mattagami River
Mattawitchewan River
Matthew River
McAskill River
McBride River
McConnell River
McCook River
McGregor River
McInness River
McKeond River
McLennan River
McLeod River
McNaughton River
McNeil River
McQuade Brook
McQuesten River
McTaggart Creek
Meager Creek
Meduxnekeag River
Medway River
Megin River
Mégiscane River
Mélèzes River
Memkay River
Memramcook River
Mersey River
Mesilinka River
Meteghan River
Middle Memkay River
Middle River
Midgell River
Milford Haven River
Mill River
Miminegash River
Minago River
Minaker River
Miniss River
Mira River
Miramichi Bay
Miramichi River
Missaguash River
Missinaibi River
Missisa River
Missisicabi River
Missisicabi River (Quebec)
Missisicabi River East
Missisicabi River East (Quebec)
Missisicabi River West
Missisicabi River West (Quebec)
Mistik Creek
Mitchell River
Moberly River
Molus River
Montague River
Montreal River
Montrose River
Moose River
Moose River (Ontario)
Morell River
Morice River
Morley River
Morrison River
Moser River
Mosher Bay
Mosque River
Mountain River
Mouton River
Moyena River
Muchalat River
Muketei River
Murchison River
Murky Creek
Murray River
Murtle River
Mushamush River
Muskwa River
Musquash River
Musquodoboit River
Myra Creek
Nabesche River
Nackawic Stream
Nagagami River
Nahatlatch River
Nahlin River
Nahmint River
Nahwitti River
Nakina River
Nakonake River
Nanaimo River
Nanook River
Napaaktoktok River
Napan River
Narraway River
Nashwaak River
Nashwaaksis Stream
Nass River
Nastapoka River
Nat River
Natalkuz Lake
Nation River
Natouacamisie River
Naufrage River
Naujaat River
Nausarisiq River
Nautley River
Nauyok River
Nebotik River
Nechako River
Nedlouc River
Nelson River
Nemegosenda River
Nemiscau River
Nepisiguit River
Nerepis River
Nesook River
New Harbour River
Newtown River
Niagara Creek
Nicola River
Nicomekl River
Nictaux River
Night Hawk River
Nimpkish Lake
Nimpkish River
Nine Mile River
Ningunsaw River
Nipukatasi River
Nisling River
Nisutlin River
Nitinat River
Noaxe Creek
Noel River
Noire River (Kinojévis River)
Noluskatsi River
Nomash River
Nordenskiold River
North (Yorke) River
North Branch Gounamitz River
North Branch Meduxnekeag River
North Kwadacha River
North Memkay River
North Milk River
North Nanaimo River
North Pipestone River
North Pole Stream
North Renous River
North River
North Saskatchewan River
North Thompson River
North Wabassie River
North Washagami River
Northwest Miramichi River
Northwest Upsalquitch River
Notakwanon River
Nottaway River
Oak River
Oba River, Oba Lake
Obamsca River
Obamsca River (Quebec)
Obo River
Octave River
Octopus Creek (Ena Brook)
O'Donnel River
Ogilvie River
Ogoki River
Okanagan River
Oktwanch River
Old Crow River
Omand's Creek
Omineca River
Opasatika River
Opawica River
Opinaca River
Opinnagau River
Oromocto River
Orwell River
Osborn River
Osilinka River
Ospika River
O'Sullivan River
Otadaonanis River
Otasawian River
Ottawa River (Rivière des Outaouais)
Otter River
Ouasouagami River
Owl River
Ox River
Oyster River
Pabineau Falls
Pachena River
Pack River
Pagashi River
Pagwachuan River
Palmer River
Papijjusaq River
Parsnip River
Parton River
Partridge River
Pasquatchai River
Passamaquoddy Bay
Patapedia River
Patten River (Québec et Ontario)
Pêche River
Peel River
Peep Bay
Péladeau River
Pelly River
Pembina River
Pend d'Oreille River
Percival River
Perry River
Perry River (Kuukyuak)
Pesekanaskoskau River
Petitcodiac River
Petite Rivière
Petitot River
Pheasant Creek
Piagochioui River
Piggott Creek
Pike River
Pine River
Pineimuta River
Pineroot River
Pinette River
Pinewood Lake
Pinewood River
Pipestone River
Pisquid River
Pitman River
Pitt River
Pitticow River
Pivabiska River
Plamondon River
Plamondon River (Quebec)
Platte River
Point Wolfe River
Pokemouche River
Pokiok Stream
Pollett River
Pomquet River
Pons River
Pontax River
Pontois River
Poplar River
Porcupine River
Portage River
Portapique River
Potier River
Pouce Coupe River
Pout River
Powell River
Powitik River
Primrose River
Prophet River
Prospect River
Ptarmigan River
Puntledge River
Puvirnituq River
Qijuttuuq River
Qikirtaluup Kuunga River
Qualicum River
Qu'Appelle River
Quartz Creek
Quatsie River
Quesnel River
Quiddy River
Quinsam River
Quoddy River
Quoich River
Qurlutuq River
Rabbit River
Rabbitkettle River
Racine Creek
Racing River
Rae River
Raging River
Rainy Lake
Rainy River
Ralph River
Ramshead River
Rapid River
Rapid River (Churchill River)
Rapid River (Cree River)
Rasmussen Basin
Rat River (Burntwood River)
Rat River (Red River of the North)
Raush River
Red Deer River
Red River
Red River of the North
Redstone River (Northeastern Ontario)
Redwillow River (Smoky River, Alberta drainage)
Reindeer River
Relay Creek
Renous River
Restigouche River
Reversing Falls
Richardson River
Richibucto Harbour
Richibucto River
Rimouski River
River De Chute
River Denys
River of Golden Dreams
Rivière aux Feuilles (Leaves River)
Rivière du Nord
Rivière Grosses Coques
Rivière Verte
Roaring River
Robertson River
Robson River
Roggan River
Roman Valley River
Roscoe River
Roseau River
Roseway River
Ross River
Rottenfish River
Round Bay River
Rowley River (Baffin Island)
Rupert River
Rusagonis Stream
Rutherford Creek
Ryan River
Sabascunica River
Sable River
Sable River (Sandy River)
Sachigo River
Sackville River
Sagesigan River
Sahtaneh River
Saint Croix River
Saint Francis River
Saint John River
Saint-Charles River
Saint-Fond River
Saint-Vincent River
Sakami River
Salamandre River
Salmon River
Samotua River
Samson River
Samson River (Quebec)
San Josef River
San Juan River
Sand River
Sanirqimatik River
Sanirqitik River
Sarita River
Saskatchewan River
Schipa River
Scoudouc River
Seal River
Seine River
Senneterre River
Sérigny River
Serment River
Serpentine River
Seton Creek
Severn River
Sevogle River
Seymour River
Shamus River
Shashiskau River
Shawmere River
Shawnigan River
Shediac Bay
Shediac Harbour
Shediac River
Sheemahant River
Sheep River
Shegunia River
Shekak River
Shelburne River
Sheldrke River
Shepherd Creek
Shepody Bay
Shepody River
Sherman River
Sheslay River
Shipyard River
Shogomoc Stream
Shubenacadie River
Shushartie River
Shuswap River
Sicintine River
Sikanni Chief River
Silcox Creek
Silver Salmon River
Similkameen River
Simpson River
Sissiboo River
Sittakanay River (confluence with the Taku is in Alaska)
Situraviup River
Sixtymile River
Skagit River
Skeena River
Sky Pilot Creek
Skye River
Slave River
Sleeman Creek
Slim Creek
Slims River
Sloko River
Smelt River
Smith River
Snake River
Snowbank River
Somass River
Soo River
Sooke River
Soper River
Sorehead River
Souris River
South Branch Kedgwick River
South Branch Pokemouche River
South Branch St. Nicholas River
South Englishman River
South Greenhill River
South MacMillan River
South Nahanni River
South Nanaimo River
South River
South Sarita River
South Saskatchewan River
South Thompson River
South Whiting River
Southeast Upsalquitch River
Southgate River
Southwest Miramichi River
Southwest River
Soweska River
Spatsizi River
Spillimacheen River
Sproat River
Squamish River
Squinguila River
St. Andrews Harbour
St. Andrews River
St. Charles River
St. Croix River
St. Francis Harbour River
St. Mary's River
St. Nicholas River
St. Peters River
St. Raphael River
Stamp River
Stanley River
Stave River
Stein River
Stellako River
Stewart River
Stewiacke River
Stikine River
Stranby River
Streatfeild River
Stuart River
Sturdee River
Sturgeon Creek (or) Sturgeon River
Sturgeon River
Sturgeon River (Saskatchewan)
Sturgeon-Weir River
Sucowa River
Sukunwa River
Summit Lake (Thunder Bay District)
Surprise Creek
Sustut River
Sutlahine River
Sutton River
Sutton River (Southampton Island)
Suzie River
Swampy Bay River
Swan River
Swannell River
Swanson River
Swift Creek
Swift River
Sydney River
Tabusintac River
Tagish River
Tahini River
Tahltan River
Tahsis River
Tahsish River
Tahtsa Reach, Tahtsa Lake
Takhini River
Taku River
Talbot Creek
Talluup River
Tammarvi River
Tantramar River
Tanzilla River
Taseko River
Tats Creek
Tatsatua Creek
Tatshenshini River
Tavernier River
Taxis River
Tay River
Taylor River
Tchaikazan River
Teihsum River
Telkwa River
Témiscamie River
Tennycape River
Terence Bay River
Teslin River
Tetachuck Lake
Tetsa River
Tha-anne River
Thelon River
Thelwood Creek
Thlewiaza River
Thompson River
Thomsen River
Thorne River
Tignish River
Tillemont River
Tiny Creek
Tkope Creek
Tlupana River
Toad River
Toba Inlet
Toba River
Tobique River
Toboggan Creek
Tofino Creek
Tomwool Creek
Toodoggone River
Toquart River
Torpy River
Torres Channel
Tracadie River
Trail River
Tree River
Trent River
Trévet River
Trout Creek?
Trout River
Truite River
Tryon River
Tsable River
Tsitika River
Tsolum River
Tsuiquate River
Tuchodi River
Tuktu River
Tulsequah River
Turgeon River
Turgeon River (Quebec)
Turnabout River
Turnagain River
Turtle River
Tusket River
Tutshi River (from White Pass)
Tuttuquaaluk River
Tuya River
Tyaughton Creek
Ucana River
Umiruup River
Ungavatuarusik River
Unuk River
Upana River
Upper Salmon River
Upsalquitch River
Ursus Creek
Vachon River
Valentine River
Valleyfield River
Vamp Creek
Vaudray River
Vaughns River
Vauquelin River
Vedder River (aka Chilliwack River)
Vents River
Vermilion River
Vernon River
Vernot River
Viennaux River
Vieux Comptoir River (Old Factory River)
Villemontel River
Vimy River
Vizien River
Wabigoon River
Wakeham River
Walbran Creek
Walton River
Wannock River
Wap Creek
Wapaseese River
Wapesi River
Wapiti River (Smoky River, Alberta drainage)
Wapske River
Wapusukatinastikw River
Warneford River
Wascana Creek (Regina)
Waswanipi River
Waterhen River
Watt Creek
Waugh River
Waukwaas River
Wawagosic River
Wawagosic River (Quebec)
Weir River
Wesachewan River
West (Elliot) River
West Bass River
West Branch Gounamitz River
West Branch St. Nicholas River
West Kiskatinaw River
West River
West River Sheet Harbour
West Road or Blackwater River
West Toad River
West Wind River (Rivière du Vent d'Ouest)
Western Passage
Western River
Westmoreland River
Westside Bay
Whale River (Rivière à la Baleine)
Wheatley River
Wheeler River
White River
White River (Yukon)
Whiteclay River
Whitefish River
Whitegoose River
Whitemouth River
Whitesand River
Whiteshell River
Whiting River
Whitney Creek
Wicked River
Wilmot River
Wilson River
Wind River (Yukon)
Windigo River
Winisk River
Winnipeg River
Winter River
Wintering Lake
Wolf Creek (Timiskaming District)
Wolf River
Wolf River (Yukon)
Wolverine River
Woollings Creek
Woss Creek
Wrights River
Yahk River
Yalakom River
Yellowknife River
Yeth Creek
Yukon River
Zeballos River
Zohini Creek
Zymoetz River