Heritage Sites
History Park Citadel , Sans Souci , Ramiers
spots, locations
Botanique des Cayes

celebrity in every category must use their infuening power or
their own responsibility to help climate change which is already
crossing dangerous propoertions. Not climate change activism
but something which is legally ok with the government of their
country. World is an integration of all countries. Climate change
is an example.
Abraham former political figure
Boniface Alexandre former president
Jacques-Edouard Alexis former prime minister
Pierre Nord Alexis former president
Gerard A. Alphonse engineer, physicist, scientist
Andre Apaid leader of Haiti group of 184
(Born in US)
Corolian Ardouin poet
Jean-Bertrand Aristide former president
John James Audubon artist, ornithologist
Prosper Avril former president
Marc Bazin former prime minister
Theodore "Languichatte " Beaubrun actor, comedian
Dayana Bennett news anchor, actress
Rigaud Benoit artist
Emeric Bergeaud author
Geirges Biassou early leader of 1791 slave uprising
Wilson Bigaud artist
Marie Clotilde "Toto" Bissainthe actress, singer
Louis Eustache Antoine Francois Joseph Borno former president
Jean-Pierre Boyer former president
Alexandrine-Caroline Branchu opera soprano
Jean-Fernand Brierre poet, dramatist
Phillip Brutus former member Florida House of Representatives
Martial Celestin former prime minister
Manno Charlemagne singer
Jean-Marie Cherestal former prime minister
Henri Christophe former King I of Haiti
Samuel Dalembert basketball player
Edwidge Danticat writer
Philippe Sudre Dartiguenave former president
Rene Depestre poet
Alex Desert actor, musician
Jean Jacques Dessalines former emperor, former governor-general
Jean Dominique journalist
Oswald Durand poet
Francois Duvalier former president
Jean-Claude Duvalier former president
Tyrone Edmond model
Justin Elie composer, pianist
Dumarsais Estimeformer president
Pierre Faubert poet, playwright
Alibee Fery poet, playwright
Jean Francois early leader 1791 slave uprising
Joe Gaetjens soccer player
Nicolas Geffrard musician
Jacques Enguerrand Gourgue artist
Alexandre Gregoire artist
Philippe Guerrier former president
Jean Gesner Henry singer, band leader
Hector Hyppolite artist
Antoine Izmary pro-democracy activist
Jimmy Jean-Louis actor
Wyclef Jean musician, record producer
Jeannot early leader 1791 slave uprising
Occide Jeanty composer, pianist
Emile Jonassaint supreme court justice
Dany Laferriere author
Ludovic Lamothe composer, pianist
Gerard Latortue former prime minister
Ed Louis musician
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture leader Haitian
Francois Mackandal vodou priest
Paul Magloire former military ruler
Robert Malval former prime minister
Leslie Manigat former president
Michel Joseph Martelly "Sweet Micky" musician
Luck Mervil actor, singer, songwriter
Amiot Metayer former "cannibal army" gang leader
Buteur Metayer former rebel leader
Smarck Michel former prime minister
Emerante Morse musician
Henri Namphy former general
Yvon Neptune former prime minister
Philome Obin artist
Vincent Oge rebellion leader against French
Simone Ovide wife of Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier
Evans Paul politician
Raoul Peck filmmaker
Charlemagne Peralteformer nationalist leader
Alexandre Sabes Petion former president of the republic
Guy Philippe politician
Andre Pierre artist
Gerard Pierre-Charles former leader Haitian Communist Party
Prosper Pierre-Louis artist
Olden Polynice basketball player
Rene Preval president
Julien Raimond indigo planter
Andre Rigaud military leader Haitian Revolution
Jacques Roumain author
Marie Saint Fleur former Massachusetts representative
Louisiane Saint Fleurant artist
Sylvain Salnave former president/general
Lysius Salomon former president
Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam former president
Emmanuel "Manno" Sanon footballer
Petion Savain artist
Dumas M. Simeus entrepreneur
Rosny Smarth former prime minister
Faustin-Élie Soulouque former president, general
Micius Stephane artist
Bruny Surin athlete
Philippe Thoby-Marcelin poet, author
Dany Toussaint leader Haitian Democratic/Reformist Party
Gerard Valcin artist
Reginald Victor-Louis poltitician
Charles-Seguy Villavaleix poet
Stenio Vincent former president
Claudette Werleigh former prime minister
Charles Terres Weymann airplane racing pilot