Untitled Document
In each country
In each country
Perhaps 1st time
Colombia country is a Brand

Bordering countries

Land area
1,138,910 Sq Km

Aprox Population
52.32 million

National Government
Colombia Government
National Law
Minsitry of Justice
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
July 20
National Helplines
Police - 112 / 123
Ambulance - 125 / 123
Fire - 119 / 123
Anti-kidnapping hotline - 165

Emergency numbers

Nobel Laureates
Gabriel García Márquez
Juan Manuel Santos
Interesting facts

World Heritage Sites
Port , Fortresses and Group of Monuments , Cartagena
Los Katmos National Park
Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox
National Archeological Park of Tierradentro
San Agustmn Archaeological Park
Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary
Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia
Qhapaq Qan , Andean Road System
Chiribiquete National Park   The Maloca of the Jaguar 

Tourism spots, locations

Botanical Gardens
Red Nacional de Jardines Botánicos de Colombia
Jardín Botánico de Cartagena
Jardín Botánico del Pacífico, Chocó
Jardín Botánico del Quindio
Bogotá Botanical Garden
Fundación Jardín Etnobotánico Villa Ludovica
Jardín Botánico de Cali
Jardín Botánico de San Andrés

Barranquilla Zoo - Barranquilla
Bioparque Los Ocarros - Villavicencio
Cali Zoo - Cali
Hacienda Nápoles - Medellín
Jaime Duque Park Zoo - Bogotá
Matecaña City Zoo - Pereira
Santa Fe Zoo - Medellín
Santa Marta Aquarium - Santa Marta
Santacruz Zoo - San Antonio del Tequendama

Celebrities in Colombia

You Bo writer
Long Boret former prime minister
Kum Bunnadeth singer
Cheam Channy politician
Arn Chorn-Pond human rights activist
Geraldine Cox president, operator of the Sunrise Children's Village Orphanage, only Australian granted Cambodian citizenship by royal decree, author
Vichara Dany actress
Virak Dara actress
Tep Rin Daro actor
Norodom Buppha Devi princess
Kong Som Eun film director, actor
Thongvan Fanmuong general
Sosthene Fernandez commander–in-chief
Preah Maha Ghosananda Buddhist monk
Nau Hach writer
Cheng Heng former head of state
Ung Huot political figure
Patricia Hy-Boulais tennis player
L'Okhna Suttantaprija Ind Cambodian monk, writer, poet
Jayavarman VII former Khmer King
Vandy Kaonn Khmer history analyst, author
Sar Kheng politician
Rim Kin writer
Ieu Koeus politician, intellectual
Bour Kry supreme patriarch of Dhammayuttika order
Chorn Chan Leakhena actress
Kim Leakhena singer
Hong Lim politician
Somaly Mam author, human rights advocate
Son Ngoc Minh politician
Ta Mok military commander of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge movement
Vann Molyvann architect
Danh Monica actress, dancer
Chan Nak former prime minister
Chuon Nath late supreme patriarch
Vann Nath painter, artist, writer, human rights activist
Chum Ngek musician
Haing S. Ngor actor, physician, author
Krom Ngoy poet
Lon Nol general, former president, former prime minister
Lon Non politician, soldier
Norodom I former king
Chanthou Oeur painter, sculptor
U Sam Oeur poet
Rithy Panh film director, screenwriter
Pov Panhapich singer
Ieu Pannakar film director, politician
Chhet Sovan Panya singer
Eh Phoutong kick boxer
Meng Keo Pichenda singer
Chath Piersath poet, painter, humanitarian
Pisith Pilika ballet dancer, actress
Domnang Pin artist
Keo Pich Pisey actress, dancer
Soth Polin writer
Pol Pot leader of Khmer Rouge (born in Indochina)
Dith Pran photo journalist
Sam Rainsy politician
Norodom Ranariddh politician
Veth Rattana actress
Chhouk Rin Khmer Rouge commander
Tep Rindaro actor
Uth Roeun cartoonist
Pan Ron singer, songwriter
Am Rong soldier, filmmaker
Sophiline Cheam Shapiro dancer, choreographer
Pen Samithy journalist
Heng Samrin chairman of the National Assembly
Son Sann former prime minister
Duong Saree artist, illustrator
Sam Sary politician
Dy Saveth actress
Hun Sen prime minister
Ros Sereysothea singer
Norodom Sihamoni king
Norodom Sihanouk former king
Chea Sim politician
Prach Sim journalist
Sinn Sisamouth singer, songwriter
Him Sivorn singer
Kem Sokha president human rights party
Thus Sophannarith artist
Meas Sophea senior general
Kem Sopranei singer
Chea Soth politician
Chhim Sothy painter, sculptor
Preap Sovath singer
Sok Sreymom singer, actress
Chea Sundaneth journalist
Norodom Suramarit former king
Sak Sutsakhan politician, soldier
Chan Sy former prime minister
In Tam former prime minister
Ampor Tevi actress
Loung Ung human rights activist, lecturer
Vann Vannak actor
Noy Vanneth singer
Saom Vansodany actress
Chea Vichea leader of free trade union of workers
Tep Vong Buddhist monk
Chamroeun Yin dancer

Tourism & Tourism Agencies in Colombia
Port , Fortresses and Group of Monuments , Cartagena
Los Katíos National Park
Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox
National Archeological Park of Tierradentro
San Agustín Archaeological Park
Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary
Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia
Qhapaq Ñan , Andean Road System
Chiribiquete National Park – “ The Maloca of the Jaguar ”
Interesting Facts in Colombia
Notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar reportedly offered to pay Colombia’s national debt of $10bn to improve his reputation and escape the crosshairs of justice.

Colombia’s ‘second city’ Medellin was once the murder capital of the world with 17 murders every day in 1991. It has since undergone a renaissance and is now one of the country’s main cultural hubs.

Botero’s birds: A destroyed sculpture sits next to a newer, perfectly-formed counterpart, representing the two stories of Medellin

Aracataca, the birthplace of author Gabriel García Márquez, once held a referendum to rename the town ‘Aracataca-Macondo’ after the fictional town of Macondo from his famous book One Hundred Years of Solitude. Unfortunately, the referendum failed due to low turnout.

Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world, after only Brazil which is 10 times its size. It is one of only 17 “megadiverse” countries in the world.

Colombia is part of the Ring of Fire, a group of countries in the Pacific Ocean vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Colombia was the inspiration behind our ebook Don’t Offer Papaya: 101 Tips for Your First Time Around the World. The phrase ‘don’t offer papaya’ is one of the rules of the street and warns that if you leave your valuables (‘papaya’) in a vulnerable position, someone will take it.

Hardcore porn is sold on street stalls so don’t be surprised if you’re confronted with sensual donkey porn while waiting at the traffic lights.

Colombian women don’t hesitate to change their bodies if they’re dissatisfied. The country is currently the 5th most popular hub for cosmetic surgery.

Following on from the above, store mannequins have enormous breasts as a reflection of the country’s preoccupation with curves.

Bogota has South America’s largest network of bicycle routes: over 300km stretching from slum areas and suburbs to the city centre.
Political Parties in Colombia

Social Party of National Unity
Partido Social de Unidad Nacional

Founded 2005
Website :- www.partidodelau.com

Colombian Conservative Party
Partido Conservador Colombiano

Founded October 4, 1849
Website :- http://partidoconservador.com/

Colombian Liberal Party
Partido Liberal Colombiano

Founded 1848
Website :- http://www.partidoliberal.org.co/

Democratic Center (Colombia)
Centro Democrático

Founded 20 January 2013
Website :- http://www.centrodemocratico.com/

Other Parties

Radical Change
Cambio Radical

Founded 1998
Website :- http://www.partidocambioradical.org/

Citizen Option
Partido Opción Ciudadana

Founded November 2009
Website :- http://www.partidoopcionciudadana.com/portal/

Green Alliance
Alianza Verde

Founded 2005
Website :- http://www.partidoverde.org.co/

Alternative Democratic Pole
Polo Democrático Alternativo

Founded December 2005
Website :- http://www.polodemocratico.net/

Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation
Movimiento Independiente de Renovación Absoluta

Founded July 26, 2000
Website :- http://www.movimientomira.com/

(*) Citizen Option Party is the union of four previous small right-wing parties:

Democratic Colombia Party (Partido Colombia Democrática)
Living Colombia Movement (Movimiento Colombia Viva)
Citizen's Convergence Party (Partido Convergencia Ciudadana)
Liberal Opening Movement (Movimiento Apertura Liberal)

Minor parties

Indigenous Parties

Indigenous Social Alliance (Alianza Social Indígena) (Center)
Indigenous Authorities of Colombia (Autoridades Indígenas de Colombia) (Far-left)

Afro-Colombian communities Parties

United Popular Movement (Movimiento Popular Unido) (Center-right)
PROVIDES Association (Asociación PROVIDES) (Center-left)

Rivers in Colombia

Ajajú River
Amazon River
Amazon River Basin
Anchicayá River
Apaporís River
Apure River
Aquio River
Arauca River
Ariguaní River
Ariporo River
Arriari River
Atlantic Ocean
Atrato River
Batán River
Baudó River
Bogotá River
Bojacá River
Bojayá River
Cabrera River
Caguán River
Cahuinari River
Cali River
Capanaparo River
Caquetá River
Cara Paraná River
Carare River
Caribbean Sea
Casanare River
Catatumbo River
Cauca River
Ceibas River
Cesar River
Chicamocha River
Cinaruco River
Cotuhé River
Cravo Norte River
Cravo Sur River
Cuiari River
Cuja River
Cusiana River
Dagua River
Duda River
Fucha River
Fundación River
Guachiría River
Guáitara River
Guamués River
Guanía River
Guatapé River
Guatapurí River
Guaviare River
Guavio River
Guayabero River
Guayas River
Guayuriba River
Güejar River
Güiza River
Içana River
Igara Paraná River
Inírida River
Iscuandé River
Juan Amarillo River
La Miel River
La Vieja River
Lake Maracaibo
Lebrija River
Lengupá River
Leon River
Losada River
Magdalena River
Manacacías River
Mayo River
Mecaya River
Medellín River or Porce
Mendihuaca River
Meta River
Metica River
Mira River
Miritiparaná River
Mulatos River
Murrí River
Nare River
Nechi River
Negro River
Neusa River
Opon River
Orinoco River
Orinoco River Basin
Orteguaza River
Otún River
Pacific Ocean
Páez River
Pamplonita River
Pance River
Papunáua River
Papuri River
Patía River
Pauto River
Purui River
Querary River
Quindío River
Ranchería River
Rio de Oro
Río Frío
Salaqúí River
Saldaña River
Samaná Norte River
San Jorge River
San Juan de Micay River
San Juan River
San Miguel River
Sarare River
Sardinata River
Sinú River
Soacha River
Sogamoso River
Suárez River
Subachoque River
Sucio River
Sumapaz River
Tapaje River
Tarra River
Telembí River
Teusacá River
Tomo River
Traíra River
Tunia River
Tunjuelo River
Tuparro River
Upía River
Uvá River
Vaupés River
Vichada River
Vita River
Yarí River
Yurumanguí River
Zulia River