Untitled Document
In each country
In each country
Perhaps 1st time
Uruguay country is a Brand

Bordering countries

Land area
176,215 Sq Km

Aprox Population
3.39 million

National Government
National Law
Judicial Branch of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
National Police
National Capital
National Population
Latest population
Independence Day
August 25
National Helplines
World Heritage Sites
Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento
Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape

Botanical Gardens



Celebrities in Uruguay

Eduardo Blanco Acevedo politician, physician
Delmira Agustini poet
Wilson Ferreira Aldunate leader national party
Gregorio Alvarez general, former dicator
Juan Jose de Amezaga lawyer, former president
Julio Cesar Benitez Amodeo footballer
Mariano Arana politician, former minister of housing
Jorge Pacheco Areco politician, former president
Rodney Arismendi author, politician
Jose Gervasio Artigas national hero
Danilo Astori minister of economic and finance
Pablo Atchugarry sculptor
Real de Azua analyist
Didier Opertti Badan former interior minister
Alfredo Baldomir soldier, architect, former president
Hugo Batalla politician, former vice-president
Jose Belloni scultpor
Mario Benedetti journalist, poet, author
Luis Batlle Berres politician, former vice-president
Juan Manuel Blanes artist
Samuel Blixen author
Juan Maria Bordaberry rancher, former president
Pedro Bordaberry politician
Raul Sichero Bouret architect
Emiliano Branchiari musician
Federico Britos musician
Baltasar Brum former president
Jose Maria Flores Burlon boxer
Raul Montero Bustamante professor
Fernando Cabrera author
Juan Jose Calandria artist
Edgardo Cambon musician
Canaro orchestra leader, violinist
Roberto Canessa one of 16 survivors in Andes air crash, politician
Lorenzo Carnelli lawyer, politician
Del Ciopo director
Mauricio Cravotto architect
Juan Lindolfo Cuestas former president
Pedro Dalton musician
Antonio Diaz author
Eduardo Acevedo Diaz author
Eladio Dieste engineer
Jorge Drexler composer
Dr. Jose L. Duomarco scientist
Jose Eugenio Ellauri lawyer, former president
Alfredo Evangelista boxer
Eduardo Fabini composer, musician
Hugo Fernandez Faingold former vice-president
Hugo Fattorusso composer
Vaz Ferreira philosopher, author
Pedro Figari artist
Acuna de Figueroa lyricist
Francisco Acuna de Figueroa poet
Venancio Flores general, former president
Diego Forlan football player
Gonzalo Frasca game designer, academic researcher
Emilio Frugoni socialist, politician, lawyer, journalist
Eduardo Galeano author
Joaquin Torres Garcia artistr
Serafin Garcia scholar
Carlos Gardel king of tango
Reinaldo Gargano socialist party leader, politician
Jorge Gestoso journalist
Carlos Gonzalez artist
Julio Cesar Grauert lawyer, politician
David Hendler actor
Carlos Maria Herrera artist
Luis Alberto de Herrera lawyer, politician
Eleuterio Fernandez Huidobro former guerrilla, politician, journalist, author
Juana de Ibarbourous poet
Mariana Ingold composer, singer
Nicholas Jodal co-founder of software company
Luis Alberto Lacalle lawyer, former president
Francisco Curt Lange musicologist
Osvaldo Laport actor
Juan Antonio Lavalleja revolutionary, political figure
Diego Lugano football player
Jorge Majfud author
Jose Luis Massera scientist
Eduardo Mateo singer, songwriter
Aparicio Mendez former president
Martin Mendez musician
Rafael Michelini politician
Zelmar Michelinipolitician
Emir Rodriguez Monegal writer, literary scholar
Emil Montgomery musician
Barbara Mori actress
Jose Mujica politician, president
Homar Murdoch musician
Rodolfo Nin Novoa leader Progressive Alliance, former vice-president
"Los Olimarenos" folklore performer
Juan Carlos Onetti author
Jose Batlle Ordonez former president
Natalia Oreiro actress
General Manuel Oribe former president
Carlos Ott architect
Nando Parrado one of 16 survivors of Andes air crash
Sisto Pascale artist
Horacio Quiroga author, playwright, poet
Ruben Rada musician
Julio Herra y Reissig poet
Carlos Reyles authort
Jose Fructuoso Rivera general, patriot
Jose Enrique Rodo essayist
Jaime Roos singer, composer, record producer
Enrique Rubio politician, author, teacher
Hermenegildo Sabat artist
Julio Maria Sanguinetti former president, journalist
Juan Zorrilla de San Martin poet
Felipe Seade artist
Julio Sosa singer
Gabriel Terra former president
Sebastian Teysera singer
Waldemiro Torres boxer
Jose Pedro Varela education reformer
Javier de Viana author
Julio Vilamajo architect
Carlos Paez Vilaro artist
Alfredo Zitarrosa composer, singer, journalist, poet
China Zorrilla actress

Tourism Agencies in Uruguay
Interesting Facts in Uruguay
Uruguay is the only country whose name in English has the same letter three times in its first five.

The only country in South America smaller than Uruguay is Suriname.

The name ‘Uruguay’ comes from the Uruguay River which is thought to mean ‘river of the painted birds’ in the Guarani language.

Uruguay is the only country in Latin America which is entirely outside the tropics.

Uruguay is the only country that keeps track of 100 per cent of its cattle.

In December 2013, Uruguay became the world’s first country to legalise the marijuana trade.

Uruguay won gold for football at both the 1924 and 1928 Olympics. They are the only Olympic gold medals the country has ever won.

The first European in Uruguay was Spanish explorer Juan Diaz de Solis in 1516.

He was killed and possibly eaten by the native Charrúa. This kept Europeans away for 100 years.

The President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a Dutch pro-drugs institute for legalising marijuana.

Political Parties in Uruguay

Broad Front
Frente Amplio
Founded : 5 February 1971
Website : http://www.frenteamplio.org.uy/

Uruguay Assembly
Asamblea Uruguay
Founded : 1994
Website : http://www.2121.org.uy/

Broad Front Confluence
Confluencia Frenteamplista

Current 78
Corriente 78

Movement of Popular Participation
Movimiento de Participación Popular
Founded : 1989
Website : http://www.mpp.org.uy/

Christian Democratic Party of Uruguay

Partido Demócrata Cristiano del Uruguay
Founded : 1962
Website : http://www.pdcuruguay.uy/

Communist Party of Uruguay
Partido Comunista del Uruguay
Founded : September 21, 1920
Website : http://www.pcu.org.uy/

Party of the Communes
Partido de los Comunes

Socialist Party of Uruguay
Partido Socialista del Uruguay
Founded : 1910
Website : http://www.ps.org.uy/

Artiguist Tendency
Vertiente Artiguista
Founded : 1989
Website : http://www.vertiente.org.uy/

Progressive Alliance
Alianza Progresista
Founded : 1999
Website : http://www.alianza738.org.uy/

New Space
Nuevo Espacio
Founded : August 6, 1994
Website : http://www.nuevoespacio.org.uy/

Colorado Party
Partido Colorado
Founded : 17 September 1836
Website : http://www.partidocolorado.com.uy/

National Party
Partido Nacional
Founded : 10 August 1836
Website : http://www.partidonacional.com.uy/

National Alliance
Alianza Nacional

Independent Party
Partido Independiente
Founded : 2003
Website : http://www.partidoindependiente.org.uy/

Popular Assembly
Asamblea Popular
Founded : 21 April 2006
Website : http://www.asambleapopular.webcindario.com/

March 26 Movement
Movimiento 26 de Marzo
Founded : 1971

Partido de la Gente
Party of the Folk
Founded : 7 November 2016
Website : http://www.novick.com.uy/partido/

Oriental Revolutionary Movement
Movimiento Revolucionario Oriental
Founded : April 21, 1961
Website : http://www.mro.nuevaradio.org/

Civic Union
Unión Cívica
Founded : 1971
Website : http://www.unioncivica.org.uy/

Workers' Party
Partido de los Trabajadores
Founded : 1984
Website : http://www.pt.org.uy/

Partido Liberal
Liberal Party
Founded : 2002
Website : http://partidoliberal.com.uy/

Anti-imperialist Artiguist Unitary Commissions for National Liberation and Socialism
Comisiones Unitarias Antiimperialistas Artiguistas por la Liberación Nacional y el Socialismo
Founded : 2008
Website : http://comuna.nuevaradio.org/

Partido Ecologista Radical Intransigente

Partido Ecologista Radical Intransigente
Founded : 2014
Website : http://www.partidoecologista.org.uy/

Rivers in Uruguay

Arapey Chico River
Arapey Grande River
Arroyo Carrasco
Arroyo de la India Muerta
Arroyo Grande
Arroyo Miguelete
Arroyo Pando
Arroyo Pantanoso
Arroyo Solís Chico
Arroyo Solís Grande
Bay of Montevideo
Caraguatá River
Cebollatí River
Chamangá River
Cuareim River
Daymán River
Lagoa Mirim
Olimar Chico River
Olimar Grande River
Porongos River
Queguay Chico River
Queguay Grande River
Río de la Plata
Río Negro
Rosario River
San José River
San Juan River
San Luis River
San Salvador River
Santa Lucía Chico
Santa Lucía River
Tacuarembó River
Tacuarí River
Uruguay River
Yaguarón River
Yí River