Founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat is commited to a donation Rs 13433000/- (Rs 13.433 million) and Ads on Calendar pages is an integral part of the income he plans to donate. 366 pages in the calendar is a donation to Developed Nation Network Trust, an NGO which has 80G and FCRA. Each page covers related independence days, UN days, International days, Birthdays of some philanthropists, Nobel Laureates, Celebrities, scientists, registration days of corporates & NGOs & donation received by people who are Born as Philanthropists (Birthday Philanthropists). Contact : or message 9820073599 (No calls)

Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet
They started "Giving Pledge", a movement of philanthropists who commit to give the majority of their wealth to charitable causes, either during their lifetimes or in their wills.
Bhau & WILL
Bhau did 2 registered WILLs and also a registered Gift Deed where he gave his property to founder. And that was not all. He was the first person on earth so start postponing founder's death on 28.08.2013 
Today : UN Days

UN Days by type
UN Days by date
Independence Days
International days

Today : Birthdays


Nobel Laureate
Scientist, Innovators

World must know

Birthday Philanthrpists

Today : Registration

Corp Registration day
NGO Registration day

Venkat Krishnan
LivingMyPromise which involves Venkat Krishnan invites advantaged people to commit to giving 50% or more of their wealth to philanthropic causes either during their lifetime or in their will.
When is your birthday ?
January 1
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 6
January 7
January 8
January 9
January 10
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 15
January 16
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21
January 22
January 23
January 24
January 25
January 26
January 27
January 28
January 29
January 30
January 31

February 1
February 2
February 3
February 4
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8
February 9
February 10
February 11
February 12
February 13
February 14
February 15
February 16
February 17
February 18
February 19
February 20
February 21
February 22
February 23
February 24
February 25
February 26
February 27
February 28
February 29
(Feb 29 comes once
in four years - Leap year)

March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 6
March 7
March 8
March 9
March 10
March 11
March 12
March 13
March 14
March 15
March 16
March 17
March 18
March 19
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
March 29
March 30
March 31

April 1
April 2
April 3
April 4
April 5
April 6
April 7
April 8
April 9
April 10
April 11
April 12
April 13
April 14
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 18
April 19
April 20
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April 22
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April 28
April 29
April 30

May 1
May 2
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May 31

June 1
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June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30

When is your birthday ?
July 1
July 2
July 3
July 4
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 11
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
July 16
July 17
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July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31

August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
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August 30
August 31

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October 1
October 2
October 3
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December 31

How to become a Birthday Philanthropist

Donate to Developed Nation Network Trust

You can donate in 3 ways (we dont accept cash )
Donation from India : Rs 1000/-
1) Through G Pay (Image above)
2) Through Bank
Developed Nation Network Trust
Through NEFT : IFSC code : BARB0THANAX
Account Number : 04240100022890

Donation from countries outside India
USD 20 or equivalent anout in any country currency
We charge more because of two reasons
a) Bank trasaction fee
b) Currency rate changes anytime anyday

3) Developed Nation Network Trust
FCRA A/c No, : 40123734478
State Bank of India
IFSC : SBIN00000691

email your name and birthdate so that we can share it on the calendar within 24 to 48 hours. Developed Nation Network Trust is an NGO with 80G and FCRA

If you cant donate money, then donate blood on your birthday

When did the idea of donation start

Founder Sanjay Kumud Moreswhar Bapat has started donating Rs 3650/- from 13th October 2018 on birthdays of
his parents (Aai & Bhau), his wife (Rohini), his 2 sons, his birthday plus 28th August
Elder son : Rohan (Who has disability of sensory integration and is founder's teacher on integration)
Younger son : Aum (He is a medical doctor)

He has donated Rs 1 00 000/- (Rs 25000/- x 4) on his 60 years existance on earth on 8.8.22 to charities managed by Christain, Hindu & Muslim and 4th one is to Paradhi Samaj (Life is their religion) knows that people can give small amounts easily if they know NGOs which can make impact of donations given to them. India is our global example country because we started with India in 1999.
(Zambia could have global example if we started in Zambia)

First Target : Rs 13433000/-

Bhau, founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat's father gave house & property to him through a Gift Deed and Government Authorities valued it as Rs 13433000/- and founder's father (Bhau) paid a stamp duty of Rs 403000/-.

And after the Gift Deed, Bhau was the first person on earth (Of course others stepped in) to start postponing death of founder after an almost fatal accident on 28.08.2013.

Founder knows that after death, neither anyone takes anything with them nor do they know whether their son, grand son, daughter in law or so called blood relatives or neighbours came to see them before they left earth. When they leave this world, what remains is their Deeds when they were on earth.

And yes, they even dont take satisfaction when they expire.
Good that when a person expires, she or he doesnt take the bad behaviour with them.

So our first target is Rs 13433000/-


World population = 8 Billion.
365 days for 3 years & 366 days once in 4 years.
Average daily birthdays (not births) = 21902837

If 1% population donates USD 20/- on their birthday to the NGO they like, then world gets USD 1,60,00,00,000 by people.

These people are born as Philanthropists. So we can call them Birthday Philanthropists

When is your birthday ?


When is your birthday ?


Some people challenge Genuine WILL
WILL gets Questions. Even Nobel's WILL was challenged. So we want you to donate Rs 1000/- on your birthday when you are alive and not when you leave the world through a WILL.
We are not at all selfish

You need not donate to Developed Nation Network Trust.
You can donate any amount to any credible NGO from any country.

Founder started this idea of "Birthday Philanthropist" because almost 1 billion plus can do it. They dont do it maybe because they dont know whom to donate or which NGO / NPO to donate. So we have started sharing countrywise NGOs and because we started working on NGOs in India in 1999, we have started sharing NGOs districtwise in India.

Founder wants attitudinal changes.
And believes that giving gives you satisfaction.
And as bonus, you get lot of fun.

If you donate to any credible NGO or individual needing help (not beggar), you are a Philanthropist.

But we cant put your name as Birthday Philanthropist in our calendar because we dont know whether you donated or just said it to us.

But Developed Nation Network Trust is the NGO we started in 2009 to make example of a Developed Nation (Not just economically prosperous nation but a Developed Nation). And we started with a portal of many NGOs, so Network.
And we thought one must have trust, so a Trust.

That time, we did not know that the world will face crisis like Covid or Mental Health will be a key health issue. But we knew that Challenges will come all the time in one's life and on this earth.

The way out is address the challenges stress free.
Yes stress is good in competitive world but to address competition you must be alive.
So stress should not overcome you.
Its a kicking point to address challenges.
Nobody can address all the challenges alone.
So Integration is founder's approach.
Integration of past, present and future individuals and organisations helping communities by addressing social challenges.


Individuals, Corporates, NGOs, FAs, Celebrities ..

For individuals, birthday is the day when they were born.

For Corporates, NGOs, Funding Agencies, Media or any organisation, Birthday is the day when the organisation was registered.

Sometimes, the organisation is formed early but registered late, we take registration day (which has registration certificate) as their Birthday.

Like an individual may have been born on a particular day but her or his parents did birthday registration giving some other day, so we take the government recorded day.
And we take the timing as per English calendar, which means if one is born at 11.55 PM on 30th August, the birthdate is 30th August, but if she or he was born 6 minutes later, it is 31st August.

The donation amount is Rs 1000/- and is same for individuals and organisations.

Additional role
What corporates, NGOs, Funding Agencies, Hospitals, Media can do is invite their employees or supply chain to become Birthday Philanthropist.

Founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat

Founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat was thinking something which even an office clerk can do.
And he wanted people to help social causes.
Knowing that direct action is difficult, better option is to donate to NGOs (charities).

So was born the idea of Birthday Philanthropist . And donation amount is a starting step of Philanthropy. Rs 1000/- or USD 20/-
For details, contact Datacentre

Can you donate more than Rs 1000/- ?

Corporate Brands
A separate page shares names of corporates whose at least 100 employees are Birthday Philanthropists.

Birthday Philanthropist name
Birth name & surname
(In case of married women, after birthname, present name & surname)

We had thought of lot of things like putting names of parents, names of husband ... but dropped the idea because name matters in Brands.

Birthday Philanthropist can prepone or postpone date
You cant prepone or postpone your real Birthdate.
But Birthday Philanthropists can prepone or postpone donation day because need is more important.
e.g. if you want to donate in March when your birth date is 1 January or you want to donate in March when your birth date is 8 August.
Afterall you are important decision maker.

Founder wanted to do Blood Donation on his real birthday which is 8th August (The blood donation was in 2022). But blood bank said that on 15th August many donate blood because it is independence day in India, so donate blood earlier. More than the date, importance was idea of donation. So founder preponed blood donation to 2nd July 2022 but as part of his birthday

You must think that you have got birth from parents for a larger purpose than just living & leaving life.
So the idea is give.

Can you donate more than Rs 1000/- ?

Of course on your birthday or infact anyday any year, you can donate more. And founder and director of CSR Consulting are trustees, so they will not take any money from your donation.

You can donate any amount and tell us the NGO or NPO or Charity the donation should go to (We do not accept donations to political parties, NGOs whose trustees are from political parties or NGOs which work for specific religion or caste or activists or do pornography related work).

We must say that we are not legally responsible of your decision to donate to a particular NGO.

You donate as Birthday Philanthropist because you donate based on your study. You may ask us to donate to UN

And yes, while we can not do donations to political parties, we accept donations to be given to Indian Central Government at State / UT Governments of India departments.

Birthday Philanthropist : No donation

Philanthropy is attitude.
Philanthropy can be financial philanthropy or service.

Exceptions make life interesting
Founder, his wife, his son Aum have to donate if their name is to be put as Birthday Philanthropist.

But exceptions make life interesting.
This is not a marketing excercise, but life experiences.
Following persons will not donate anything on their birthday to be called " Birthday Philanthropists" but still we call them Birthday Philanthropist. Of course, they can donate on anyday.

Maybe because they are responsible for helping founder survive after an almost fatal accident or are greats that founder admires. Yes, founder is a human not a robot and he knows sometimes he becomes selfish to help the world, not himself.

They are
Dr Harshad Purandare, Dr Vikas Mhaskar
Venkat Krishnan, Mohan Hukerikar

Cecil Dmello Family
Dr Huzaifa Khorakiwala
Sanjeev Bramhe, Mahesh Joshi, Suvarna Raval,
Mastek Foundation, Adfactors PR

WILL is important

Bill & Melinda Gates with Warren Buffet started "Giving Pledge",which is a movement of philanthropists who commit to give the majority of their wealth to charitable causes, either during their lifetimes or in their wills.
See last words "In their wills"

LivingMyPromise where Venkat Krishnan is involved is a community of like-minded Indians who believe in giving back to society. It invites advantaged people to commit to giving 50% or more of their wealth to philanthropic causes either during their lifetime or in their will.
See last words "In their will"

WILL & India
Does Indian Judicial System takes clear decisions on gunuine will ? Is Probate of WILL compulsory if the WILL is registered ?

If anyone wants to take objections or put court cases, then India is a democratic country and people can go to court and take objections on any WILL giving various reasons, can file police cases, can think of murder someone who is party to WILL .... just anything.
Because India is democracy. And thinking of murder is different than actual murder.

If former Prime Minister Shizo Abe can be assasinated on July 8, 2022, in public in a developed democratic country like Japan, anything is possible in a democratic country.

The person who does assasination or murder will anyway die one day and the death can be through public anger or judicial system or heart attack or cancer or whatever.

Founder believes in Indian Judicial System and thinks it will take right decision.
He knows the judicial system is burdened with thousands of cases in different courts, so the WILL issue may not be a priority for them.

There are millions of Indian citiznes above 18 years of age in 2022 and they can be from any religion or any caste or women, men, transgenders. And all have a will. Its in mind and may not be on paper.

And it is not about their money or property but also is about their talent.
For discoveries or innovations, they do patent.
Parent and Patent.
Just replace R in PArENT
with T to see the word PAtENT.

You cant replace R for respect and it is not T for temporary. Respect if it is temporary, then it is temporary respect and not all time respect.

Parents can be those who give you biological birth or can be greats who adopt. While biologically male - female are required to give birth, there is possibility of a "single parent"

Indian Judicial System must consider legal cases related to WILL are important because millions of people in India (irrespective of their religion, caste, talent, economical value ) depend on court's final decision.

They must know what is legally right and once the law is clear, suddenly cases will go down.

In India, the Law is already written.
So the cases and therefore burden of courts will be reduced if there is someone from Indian Government who is given legal authority as to whether a court case can be filed or not filed. But India is a democracy and all political parties must agree on this legal order. Till this happens, we dont know how much burden will be put on Indian legal system.

People can go on doing mental rape like do an accident in such a way that they will not be caught for 5 or 10 or 50 years or person is alive after the accident but time is issue for human life or people say Raktapaat (Blood bath) ...

If Mahatma Gandhi (popularly called Father of India) , PM's in India like Indira Gandhi or Rajeev Gandhi and PM of Japan Shinzo Abe get assasinated, anybody can leave the world anytime (However big that person is). But this is physical death which happens only once for humans.

But mental rape may happen many times.

Will to donate Rs 1000/- is possible to millions when they are alive because the amount is such that they will not think for hours to take a decision. Afterall, a birthday cake with party to family, friends is equal to or more than Rs 1000/-

So founder starts a movement to invite people to donate on their Birthday and call them Birthday Philanthropist. knows that people can give small amounts easily if they know NGOs which can make impact of donations. So while we share 200000 NGOs in 150 plus countries, we plan to share 10 000 NGO Brands from aprox. 95 countries by 31.3.2025 (or maybe earlier).

Developed Nation Network Trust has only India coverage.
So DNNT can give to NGOs in India as of now (and yes, donations can be from any country on earth because it has FCRA).

And within India, Thane is our global example location of development. So if you want to make Thane as an example, then we are happy to suggest NGOs either located in Thane or have programmes in Thane.

How we will cover NGO Brands ?
We plan to share 10 000 NGO Brands supported by corporates, foundations, funding agencies, philanthropists, celebrities as well as those whose trustees are experienced in corporates or funding agencies or those started by founders who got fellowship like Ashoka or organisations which give fellowships in minimum 25 countries.

We will have them from 150 countries by 31.3.2025 and if the response is good , then we may increase it to 36 500 NGO Brands.

We are happy if development happens without us.

If there is no donation to us, how will we promote ?
Any organisation can take a banner on top of any of the 26 pages because we put the names in Alphabetical order.
This advertising money will be used for our sustainability and more importantly your global promotion

Founder's death was postponed on 28.8.2013 because he has not served Mother Earth enough, so he knows instead of actually working, promoting those who address social, climate & health challenges in different countries is better because it is not only faster but they have a physical reach out and also it serves the larger purpose of being climate positive person..

Founder will start approaching corporate HR teams to give 2 hours official leave to employees on their birthdays so that they can use that time to donate blood or talent or time.

Want your banner ?

We plan to donate 100% of the amount a Birthday Philanthropist gives to Developed Nation Network Trust.

We invest time to give donation to NGOs, and costs related to space required for sharing names, global research.
And we need to be sustainable while doing this.

If we go to a chemist, asking for medicines, the chemist will not give us free medicines to social workers because they have their own expenses.

But we know air is free.
People make polluted air.
We know that if you go to a church, mosque or temple or any related great location your religion, the GOD their doest ask money.
But you donate money. And we all know that you want GOD to take care of your deeds (Good or bad). Its selfish.

Be a person who sees GOD and asks nothing.
Nothing means not even life or tension free life may be because other people & organisations created trouble & tension.
But you dont ask to anything.
You dont pray selfishly. Dont talk to god.
Just be like God, who doesnt talk to anyone.

That's meditation.
You can sit wherever you are and dont have to go to Church or mosque or temple or god's place of any religion.

Dont think.
Can you do it for 2 minutes.
Not once but one week.
Try to invest 2 minutes every day and in those 2 minutes, dont tthink.

We know 2 minutes silence (no talk, no thinking) is not at all possible for 99.99% of people. No bets. Its reality.

We are showing way to enhance attitude of giving or bring in change to become a first step philanthropist. And it costs us money.

So advertising.

Who can advertise on a day
1) Companies which have products or services related to UN observation day on the day they advertise. e.g. Lifebuoy Soap brand on 15th October which is Global Handwash Day. Since we worked with Lifebuoy since 2008 and the brand is great because even on 15th October 2013 (despite of the fact that founder had an almost fatal accident of 28.08.2013, Lifebuoy did its yearly Handwash Day with us, so it is our ethical responsibility to give them this day but if they say no, then we can approach others) If they pay us, it will be 100% donation because of their attitude of goodness.

2) Companies who have national or global volunteering day on the day they advertise. Again, 15th October is an example.

3) Companies which are from countries which have independence days or corporates from India which export to these countries

Following can not advertise (for any amount)
Political parties
Individuals or organisations which are Naxalites, terrorists, Activists, even any religious organisations doing great work because there is competition from other religions and we dont want competition on someone's birthday page.
Erotic or porno websites or novels or media
No agency which collects funds for NGOs (we admire them but we are a corporate)

How much are the fees for advertising ?
Rs 20000/- plus GST or
USD 275 for any day
Foreign money means we have to pay related banks.

Our founder donates
Rs 3650/- on birthdays of
his mother,
his father,
his wife,
his 2 childrem
his birthday and
28th August (day on which he had an almost fatal accident but Bhau, his father was the first on earth and many others postponed his death because he has not served Mother Earth enough)

Our founder names himself as Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat, which means he thinks Mother first in his name, then father, then surname.

So we are different in the world. Not great but different.

Founder thinks he is just 1 of the 8 billion people living in this world and one day he will leave the world.

But what is important is what he will do when he lives in the world because leaving money or property is what everybody does.

But leave something which others should follow, and like an award which is overtaken by others, be happy if someone overtakes your thought and implementation of it

Maintaining privacy depends on your ability

People notice mistakes faster.
We could have easily written "see him leaving earth" but wrote " hiw"

So instead of him we wrote hiw.

Maybe founder thinks of great ad of ONIDA TV.
He was working with them and Advertising Avenues created it by showing a TV which was Broken.

"Neighbours envy, owners pride" was the caption.
It got more attention.
Of course Quality of TV was good, so advertising sustained reputation.

Family's gift
Everybody in every country has a Birth day and a Death day. Actually, it is Birth time and death time which is a second.
Any day has 24 hours means 86400 seconds (24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds)
Economically, you cant be donating billions of dollars like Bill Gates, Azim Premji, Rohini & Nandan Nilekani and just a few great philanthropists like them.
It is very rare that during your lifetime, you are a great financial as well as non financial philanthropist like Ratan Tata and Keshub Mahindra.

During your lifetime, you may not as generous as Mohan Hukerikar or Sandeep Hardikar or Mathew Cherian or Dr Amita Joseph.
It is rare to see Dr Aum Bapat, who donated all the income in his first internship to give masks to Wadia Hospital people as well as Eununches. (During Covid challenge)

But donate just Rs 1000/- to Developed Nation Network Trust & you will be a Birthday Philanthropist.
We share your name and donate 100% of amount to NGO in India you want.

Corporates employ lot of people, so it is good for them to request their employees to donate Rs 1000/- and that too to an NGO of employee's choice.
Employee's are happy because very rarely doest top management requests them and that too, it is choice of employee (not corporate).
While you are on earth, enjoy life, earn money & knowledge, gift it but die empty. Give your property or knowledge to others who may be biological relatives or maynot be biological relatives. But be sure that what you do is accepted by law of your country of citizenship.
 is sustainable thanks to