exchange exist only for corporates
in this world, where ROI means Return On Investment.
It is financial returns.
In our Dream Stock Exchanges for social sector,
stock exchanges have NGOs as free members of Stock
Exchange for the issue in which they have programmes
and in health issues, we have doctors & hospitals
as free members.
this is a Dream Stock Exchange and not a Real
Stock Exchange.
Also remember that we have experienced that when
the founder leaves the NGO may be because of age
or maybe because NGO founder has expired, the
vision and programmes of the NGO changes suddenly.
So many NGOs are dependent on the founder and
their stock exchange value is steady or goes up
with the founder but the minute the founder opts
out, the NGO value either goes down or is steady
or new person increases the value.
So it is almost like Stock Exchange where sales,
profits, turnover, issues related to tax or any
financial issues suddenly changes the stock value
of corporates. Also, in real stock exchanges,
they have limited number of corporates as members
of that stock exchange and not all the corporates,
So what about companies of small or medium size
or companies which have just started ? No may
be the answer because people invest in stocks
and reputation of the stock exchange is key, so
they have some criteria.
in case of NGOs / NPOs, every NGO has its own
audience and their programmes affect that audience.
So in our Dream Stock Exchange, every NGO / NPO
is critical and there is no membership cost. We
also dont invite the NGOs to be on stock exchange
because someone may take objection. But legal
experts must remember, its a Dream Stock Exchange
and not a Real Stock Exchange. In this world,
anybody can play with names. So Albert can be
name of many but the minute you say Albert Einstein,
you think differently. Or Bill or Mark will be
name of thousands of people in the world, but
when you say Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, the
attention suddenly goes up.
founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat has a Dream
Stock Exchange for NGOs & Social sector where
the term ROI remains same but long form is different
R = Returns but here
returns mean Invaluable
O = Opportunities
of Social, Health
& Climate Investment.
I = Impact of work
have shared stock exchanges countrywise in countrywise
corporates because every country has different
consumers, culture, government ministry outlook
but some departments in corporates look at stock
exchanges most of the time.
were working on NGOs in Social issues in India
since 1999, then started a portal which had NGOs
across the world in 2001. But we did not take
the portal forward after 2002-03 because of Sustainability.
We started separate Health issues in
after 28.08.2013.
founder Identity was a Social Entrepreneur since
But 28.08.2013 was a life changing day.
Our founder Identity now it TM.
World calls it Trade Mark but founder calls it
a short form of Time & Money.
Infact he wants every person to give 2.3% Time
& Money for social, health or climate causes.
Kumud Moreshwar Bapat, founder of
was thinking of strategies & attitude of
on 20th May 2018 at 5.30 AM, and he thought that
there must be a stock exchange for social &
health issues where corporates, funding agencies,
celebrities ... can get an opportunity to get
Good ROI (Returns
in terms of invaluable satisfaction, Opportunities
for Social & health Investment and Impact
of work)
he realised that directly is not
a real stock exchange.
Yes but we can be a Dream Stock Exchange where
we can
Brand NGOs in social issue stock exchange
Brand Doctors, Brand hospitals which give information
on the health issue in common person's language
and not medical language.
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will be shared by 19th May 2024