Stock Exchanges

Stock exchanges : Fast, Intelligent but emotional at times
NGOs in India Corporates in India Thane is located in India Afghanistan Algeria Albania Andorra Portugal Angola Antigua & barbuda/ Argentina Armenia Kuwait Qatar Djibouti Ethiopia Australia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Georgia Kazakhstan Maldives Bahamas Bahrain Jordan Bangladesh Barbados Saint Lucia Dominican Republic Haiti Cuba trinidad & Tobago Saint kitts & nevis Dominica Honduras Guatemala El Salvador Nicaragua Costarica Panama Colombia Ecuador Peru Chile Grenada Venezuela Guyana Brazil Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay Mexico Belize USA Puerto Rico Canada Suriname French Polynesia American Samoa Kiribati Pacific Ocean South Pacific Ocean United Arab Emirates Ghana Benin Greenland Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Falkland Islands South Georgia Iceland Janmayen United Kingdom Ireland Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Poland Germany France San Marino Monaco Spain Vatican City Italy Greece Turkey Bulgaria Romania Ukraine Belarus Lithuania Latvia Estonia Tunisia Malta Libya Western Sahara Mauritania Senegal Gambia Sierra Leone Liberia Ivorycoast Burkina Faso Mali Niger Nigeria Chad Central African Rep. Gabon Congo Namibia Botswana South Africa Lesotho Swaziland Mozambique Zimbabwe Zambia Tanzania Demo. Rep. of Congo Burundi Madagascar Mauritius Kenya Uganda Somalia South Sudan Sudan Egypt Israel Yemen Saudi Arabia Iraq Iran Pakistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Sri Lanka Bhutan China Mongolia Russian Fed. Myanmar Laos Thailand Vietnam Brunei Malaysia Singapore Cocos Islands Christmas Island Indonesia North Korea South Korea Japan Philippines Palau Timor-Leste Vanuatu Micronesia Marshall Islands Kiribati Tuvalu Fiji Tonga Togo Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland Slovenia Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Serbia Moldova Macedonia Cyprus Lebanon Guinea Bissau Guinea Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Rwanda Cambodia Malawai Liechtenstein Montenegro Kosovo St Vincent & Grena.. Papua New Guinea Walls and futuna Morocco Solomon Islands Nauru India (Andaman & Nikobar) Oman Samoa Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Syrian Arab Republic Sao Tome &  Principe Cape Verde Comoros Pacific Ocean Eritrea Bermuda Coralsea Islands Howland Island Newcaledonia Thane is located in India Arctic ocean
28.8.2013 was black day for us
but realised that it was golden day for world
Bhau made us realise : Vishwachi Apule Ghar (Universe is our house) 
Stock exchanges for NGOs

Stock exchange exist only for corporates in this world, where ROI means Return On Investment. It is financial returns.
In our Dream Stock Exchanges for social sector, stock exchanges have NGOs as free members of Stock Exchange for the issue in which they have programmes and in health issues, we have doctors & hospitals as free members.

Remember, this is a Dream Stock Exchange and not a Real Stock Exchange.
Also remember that we have experienced that when the founder leaves the NGO may be because of age or maybe because NGO founder has expired, the vision and programmes of the NGO changes suddenly. So many NGOs are dependent on the founder and their stock exchange value is steady or goes up with the founder but the minute the founder opts out, the NGO value either goes down or is steady or new person increases the value.

So it is almost like Stock Exchange where sales, profits, turnover, issues related to tax or any financial issues suddenly changes the stock value of corporates. Also, in real stock exchanges, they have limited number of corporates as members of that stock exchange and not all the corporates, So what about companies of small or medium size or companies which have just started ? No may be the answer because people invest in stocks and reputation of the stock exchange is key, so they have some criteria.

But in case of NGOs / NPOs, every NGO has its own audience and their programmes affect that audience. So in our Dream Stock Exchange, every NGO / NPO is critical and there is no membership cost. We also dont invite the NGOs to be on stock exchange because someone may take objection. But legal experts must remember, its a Dream Stock Exchange and not a Real Stock Exchange. In this world, anybody can play with names. So Albert can be name of many but the minute you say Albert Einstein, you think differently. Or Bill or Mark will be name of thousands of people in the world, but when you say Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, the attention suddenly goes up.

CSRidentity.com founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat has a Dream Stock Exchange for NGOs & Social sector where the term ROI remains same but long form is different
R = Returns but here returns mean Invaluable Satisfaction
O = Opportunities of Social, Health & Climate Investment.
I = Impact of work

We have shared stock exchanges countrywise in countrywise corporates because every country has different consumers, culture, government ministry outlook but some departments in corporates look at stock exchanges most of the time.

We were working on NGOs in Social issues in India since 1999, then started a portal which had NGOs across the world in 2001. But we did not take the portal forward after 2002-03 because of Sustainability. We started separate Health issues in CSRidentity.com after 28.08.2013.

Our founder Identity was a Social Entrepreneur since 1999.
But 28.08.2013 was a life changing day.
Our founder Identity now it TM.
World calls it Trade Mark but founder calls it a short form of Time & Money.
Infact he wants every person to give 2.3% Time & Money for social, health or climate causes.

Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat, founder of CSRidentity.com was thinking of strategies & attitude of CSRidentity.com on 20th May 2018 at 5.30 AM, and he thought that there must be a stock exchange for social & health issues where corporates, funding agencies, celebrities ... can get an opportunity to get Good ROI (Returns in terms of invaluable satisfaction, Opportunities for Social & health Investment and Impact of work)

Then he realised that CSRidentity.com directly is not a real stock exchange.
Yes but we can be a Dream Stock Exchange where we can
Brand NGOs in social issue stock exchange
Brand Doctors, Brand hospitals which give information on the health issue in common person's language and not medical language.




Stock exchanges
Media or News Links will be shared by 19th May 2024



Albania : Bursa e Tiranes and Media

Algeria : Algiers Stock Exchange and Media

Angola : The Angola Debt and Stock Exchange and Media

Argentina : Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and Media
Argentina : Argentina : Bolsa de Cereales and Media
Argentina : Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires and Media
Argentina : Bolsa de Comercio de Mar del Plata and Media
Argentina : Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario and Media
Argentina : Bolsa de Comercio de Santa Fe and Media
Argentina : Mercado a Termino de Rosario (ROFEX) and Media
Argentina : Mercado de Valores de Buenos Aires and Media

Armenia : Armenia Securities Exchange and Media

Australia : Australian Securities Exchange and Media
Australia : NSX National Stock Exchange of Australia and Media

Austria : Wiener Borse and Media

Azerbaijan : Baku Stock Exchange and Media
Azerbaijan : Baku Interbank Currency Exchange and Media

Bahamas : Bahamas International Securities Exchange and Media

Bahrain : Bahrain Bourse and Media

Bangladesh : Chittagong Stock Exchange and Media
Bangladesh : Dhaka Stock Exchange and Media

Barbados : Barbados Stock Exchange and Media

Belgium : Euronext Brussels and Media

Belize : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres and Media

Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnia & Herzegovina : Banja Luka Stock Exchange and Media
Bosnia & Herzegovina : Sarajevo Stock Exchange and Media

Botswana : Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) and Media

Brazil : Bolsa Brasileira de Mercadorias and Media
Brazil : Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros and Media
Brazil : BOVESPA (A Bolsa do Brazil) and Media

Bulgaria : Bulgarian Stock Exchange and Media
Bulgaria : Sofia Commodity Exchange and Media

Burkina Faxo
Burkina Faso : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres and Media

Canada : CNQ and Media
Canada : ICE Futures Canada and Media
Canada : Montreal Exchange (Bourse de Montréal) and Media
Canada : NASDAQ Canada and Media
Canada : NGX (Natural Gas Exchange) and Media
Canada : Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and Media

Chile : Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago and Media
Chile : Bolsa Electrónica de Chile and Media

China : China Financial Futures Exchange and Media
China : Dalian Commodity Exchange and Media
China : Shanghai Futures Exchange and Media
China : Shanghai Stock Exchange and Media
China : Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Media
China : Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange and Media

Colombia : Bolsa de Valores de Colombia and Media
Colombia : Bolsa Nacional Agropecuaria and Media

Costa Rica
Costa Rica : Bolsa Nacional de Valores and Media

Cote d'ivore (Ivory coast)
Cote d"Ivore : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres and Media

Croatia : Zagrebacka Burza and Media

Cyprus : Cyprus Stock Exchange and Media

Cezch Republic
Czech Republic : Prague Stock Exchange and Media
Czech Republic : RM-SYSTEM and Media

Denmark : OMX Copenhagen and Media

Ecuador : Bolsa de Valores de Quito and Media
Ecuador : Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil and Media

Egypt : Egyptian Exchange (EGX) and Media

El Salvador
El Salvador : Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador and Media

Estonia : Tallinn Stock Exchange and Media

Eswatini : Swaziland Stock Exchange (SSX) and Media

Fiji : South Pacific Stock Exchange(SPSE) and Media

Finland : OMX Helsinki and Media

France : Euronext Paris and Media

Germany : Börsen AG and Media
Germany : Börse Berlin Equiduct Trading and Media
Germany : Börse Düsseldorf and Media
Germany : Börse München and Media
Germany : Boerse Stuttgart and Media
Germany : Bremer Baumwollbörse and Media
Germany : Deutsche Börse and Media
Germany : European Energy Exchange and Media
Germany : Hamburger Börse and Media

Georgia : Georgian Stock Exchange and Media

Ghana : Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) and Media

Greece : Athens Exchange and Media

Guatemala : Bolsa de Valores Nacional and Media

Guinea Bissau
Guinea Bissau : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres and Media
(Regional Stock Exchange for West Africa)
and Media

Hong Kong : Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society and Media
Hong Kong : Growth Enterprise Market and Media
Hong Kong : Hong Kong Exchanges and Media
Honduras : Bolsa Centroamericana de Valores and Media

Hungary : Budapest Stock Exchange and Media

Iceland : Iceland Stock Exchange and Media

India : Bombay Stock Exchange and Media
India : National Stock Exchange of India and Media
India : Calcutta Stock Exchange and Media
India : Madras Stock Exchange and Media
India : Inter-connected Stock Exchange and Media
India : OTC Exchange Of India and Media
India : Multi Commodity Exchange of India and Media
India : Bangalore Stock Exchange and Media

Indonesia : Indonesia Stock Exchange and Media
Indonesia : Jakarta Futures Exchange and Media

Iraq : Iraq Stock Exchange and Media

Ireland : Irish Stock Exchange and Media

Israel : Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Media

Italy : Borsa Italian and Media

Japan : Fukuoka Stock Exchange and Media
Japan : Jasdaq Securities Exchange and Media
Japan : Nagoya Stock Exchange and Media
Japan : Japan Exchange Group and Media
Japan : Sapporo Securities Exchange and Media
Japan : Tokyo Commodity Exchange and Media
Japan : Tokyo Financial Exchange and Media

Jordan : Amman Stock Exchange and Media

Kazakhstan : Kazakhstan Stock Exchange and Media

Kenya : Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) and Media

Kuwait : Boursa Kuwait and Media

Kyrgyzstan : Kyrgyz Stock Exchange and Media

Latvia : Riga Stock Exchange and Media

Lebanon : Beirut Stock Exchange and Media

Lithuania : Vilnius Stock Exchange and Media

Luxembourg : Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Media

Malawi : Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) and Media

Malaysia : Bursa Malaysia and Media

Maldives : Maldives Stock Exchange and Media

Mali : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres
and Media

Mauritius : Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) and Media

Mexico : Bolsa Mexicana de Valores and Media
Mexico : Mercado Mexicano de Derivados and Media

Mongolia : Mongolian Stock Exchange and Media

Morocco : Casablanca Stock Exchange (Bourse de Casablanca) and Media

Namibia : Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) and Media

Nepal : Nepal Stock Exchange and Media

Netherlands : Euronext Amsterdam and Media
Netherlands : jaarverslag.info and Media

New Zealand
New ealand : NZX and Media
New Zealand : New Zealand Futures & Options and Media

Nicaragua : Bolsa de Valores de Nicaragu and Media

Niger : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres and Media

Nigeria : Nigerian Exchange Group and Media

North Macedonia
North Macedonia : Macedonian Stock Exchange and Media

Norway : Oslo Stock Exchange and Media

Pakistan : Lahore Stock Exchange and Media

Paraguay : Bolsa de Valores Asunción: BV and Media

Peru : Bolsa de Valores de Lim and Media

Poland : Warsaw Commodity Exchange and Media
Poland : Warsaw Stock Exchange and Media

Qatar : Qatar Stock Exchange and Media

Republic of Moldova
Republic of Moldova : Moldova Stock Exchange and Media

Romania : Bucharest Stock Exchange and Media
Romania : Bursa Moldovei Iasi and Media
Romania : Sibex and Media
Romania : Bursa Romana de Marfuri and Media

Russian Federation
Russian Federation : Moscow Stock Exchange and Media
Russian Federation : Russian Trading System Stock Exchange and Media
Russian Federation : Samara Currency Interbank Exchange and Media
Russian Federation : St. Petersburg Stock Exchange and Media
Russian Federation : Siberian Interbank Currency Exchange and Media

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia : Saudi Stock Exchange and Media

Senegal : Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres and Media

Serbia : Belgrade Stock Exchange and Media

Singapore : Singapore Commodity Exchange and Media
Singapore : SGX - Singapore Exchange and Media

Slovakia : Burza Cenných Papierov v Bratislave and Media

Slovenia : Ljubljanska Borza and Media

South Africa
South Africa : Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and Media
South Africa : STRATE and Media
South Korea : Korea Exchange and Media

Spain : Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles and Media

Srilanka : Colombo Stock Exchange and Media

Sudan : Khartoum Stock Exchange (KSE) and Media

Sweden : OMX Stockholm and Media

Switerland : SIX Swiss Exchange and Media

Tanzania : Dar-Es-Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) and Media

Thailand : Stock Exchange of Thailand and Media

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago : Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange and Media

Tunisia : Bourse de Tunis (Tunis Stock Exchange) and Media

Turkey : Ankara Ticaret Borsasi and Media
Turkey : Borsa Istanbul and Media
Turkey : Istanbul TicaretBorsasi and Media
Turkey : Izmir Mercantile Exchange and Media
Turkey : Polatli Grain Exchange and Media

Uganda : Uganda Securities Exchange (USE) and Media

Ukraine : PFTS Stock Exchange and Media
Ukraine : Ukrainian Exchange and Media

UAE : Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange and Media
UAE : Dubai Financial Market and Media
UAE : Dubai Mercantile Exchange and Media

United Kingdom
United Kingdom : Baltic Exchange and Media
United Kingdom : LCH.Clearnet and Media
United Kingdom : London Metal Exchange and Media
United Kingdom : London Stock Exchange and Media

USA : The New York Stock Exchange and Media

Uzbekistan : Tashkent Republican Stock Exchange and Media
Uzbekistan : Uzbek Commodity Exchange and Media

Venezuela : Bolsa de Valores de Caracas and Media

Zambia : Lusaka Stock Exchange(LuSE) and Media

Zimbabwe : Zimbabwe Stock Exchange and Media