Birthdays of Innovators & Discoverers : CSRidentity.com thinks they are born as Philanthropist
We are clear. Their contribution is a donation to mankind & it is invaluable donation. (Not patented money)
When is your birthday ?
January 1
January 2
January 3
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January 31

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February 20
February 21
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February 24
February 25
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February 27
February 28
February 29
(Feb 29 comes once
in four years - Leap year)

March 1
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March 30
March 31

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December 31

Abraham - Louis Breguet
Discovery : Watch

Adolph Rickenbacker
Discovery : Electric Guitar

Dr Alan Mathison Turing
Discovery : Electronic (Computer)

Albert Einstein
Discovery : Theory of Relativity E=mc2

Albert H. Taylor
Development of : Radar

Alessandro Volta
Discovery : Electric Battery

Alexander Catlin
Discovery : Refrigerator

Alexander Fleming
Discovery : Penicillin

Sir Alexander Graham Bell
Discovery : Telephone, Microphone

Alexandar Parkes
Discovery : Parkesine, the first man-made plastic.

Alfred B Nobel
Discovery : Dynamite

Alfred Binet
Discovery : I . Q . Test (
Intelligence Test)

Alfred Kinsey
Discovery : Human Sexuality

Alfred Wegener
Discovery : Continental Drift

Amedeo Avogadro
Discovery : Avogadro ’s Hypothesis

Amos E Dolbear
Discovery : Microphone

Anders Celsius
Discovery : Centrigrade Scale

Andre - Marie Ampere
Discovery : Galvanometer

Andreas Vesalius
Discovery : New Anatomy

Antoine Joseph Sax
Discovery : Saxophone

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Discovery : Revolution In Chemistry

Archimedes (287 bce)
Discovery : Principle For Lever (S . P . Gravity),
Specific Gravity

Arthur Eddington
Discovery : Modern Astronomy

August Kekule
Discovery : Chemical Structure

August Wilhelm Von Hofmann
Discoveries : Formaldehyde, Hydrazobenzene, Isonitriles, Allyl alcohol

Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumiere
Discovery : Cenema

B F Skinner
Discovery : Behaviorism

Benjamin Franklin
Discovery : Lightning rod, iron furnace stove or Franklin Stove, bifocal glasses, odometer

Benjamin Franklin Goodrich
Discovery : Zipper

Blaise Pascal
Discoveries : Adding Machine, Calculating Machine

Carl Benz
Discovery : Gasoline Engine , Automobiles Using Gasoline

Carl David Anderson
Discovery : Positive Electrons

Carl Friedrich Gauss
Discovery : Mathematical Genius

Carl Linnaeus
Discovery : Binomial Nomenclature

Charles William Siemens

Discovery : Electric Furnace

Carlton Mcgee
Discovery : Parking Meter

Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
Discovery : Raman Effect (when light traverses a transparent material, the deflected light changes its wavelength and frequency. This phenomenon is Raman effect or Raman scattering).

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
Discovery : Fundamental Laws Of Electric

Charles Algernon Parsons

Discovery : Steam Turbine, Ship (Turbine)

Charles Babbage
Discovery : Computer ,
Difference Engine

Charles Darwin

Discoveries : Laws Of Natural Selections, Theory Of Evolution, Origin Of Species

Charles F. Brush
Discovery : Arc Lamp

Charles Goodyear
Discoveries : Vulcanised Rubber

Charles Lyell
Discovery : Modern Geology

Charles Macintosh
Discoveries : Raincoat , Waterproof Rubber

Charles Scott Sherrington
Discovery : Neurophysiology

Chester Carlson
Discovery : Zerox Machine

Christiaan Barnard
Discovery : Replacing Human Heart

Christiaan Eijkman

Discovery : Beriberi

Christiaan Huygens
Discovery : Clock (Pendulum)

Christopher Cockerell
Discovery : Hovercraft

Christopher Columbus
Discovery : West Indies

Christopher Latham Sholes
QWERTY keyboard , Typewriter

Claude Bernard
Discovery : Founding Of Modern Physiology

Claude Levi - Strauss
Discovery : Structural Anthropology

Conrad Elvehjem
Discovery : Vitamin Niacin

Cyrus McCormick
Invention : Mechanical reaper which made the harvesting of grain ​

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
Discoveries : Mercury-in-glass thermometer,
Fahrenheit scale.

David Brewster
Discovery : Kaleidoscope

David Bushnell
Discovery : Submarine

Dmitri Mendeleev
Discovery : Periodic Table Of Elements

Edmund Cartwright

Discovery : Power Loom

Edward Butler
Discovery : Three-wheeled petrol automobile called the Butler Petrol Cycle, which many think was the first British car.

Edward Jenner
Discovery : Vaccination

Edward Mellanby

Discovery : Vitamin D

Edward O Wilson
Discovery : Sociobiology

Edward Teller
Discovery : Bomb

Edwin Hubble
Discovery : Modern Telescope

Eli Whitney
Invention : Cotton gin

Elias Howe
Invention : important improvements (Lockstitch loop method) in Sewing Machine

Elisha Graves Otis
Discovery : Elevator

Elisha Gray
Discovery : Microphone

Elmer Verner McCollum
Discovery : Vitamin A, Vitamin B

Emil Fischer
Discovery : Organic Chemistry

Enrico Fermi
Discovery : Cyclotron

Ernest Rutherford
Discovery : Atomic Structure

Sir Ernest Swington
Discovery : Tank

Ernst Alexanderson
Discovery : Radio Transmitter

Ernst Haeckel
Discovery : Biogenetic Principle

Ernst Walter Mayr
Discovery : evolutionary biologist

Erwin Schrodinger

Discovery : Wave Mechanics

Euclid (No date available)

Discoveries : Foundations Of Mathematics, Geometry

Evangelista Torricelli
Discovery : Barometer

Francis Crick
Discovery : Molecular Biology

Francis Galton
Discovery : Eugenics

Sir Frank Whittle
Discovery : Jet Propulsion , Jet Engine

Franz Boas
Discovery : Modern Anthropology

Frederick Banting
Discovery : Insulin

Frederick Gowland Hopkins
Discovery : Vitamins

Frederick Sanger
Discovery : Genetic Code

G Bradshaw

Discovery : Scooter

Gabriel Lippmann
Discovery : Coloured Photography

Galileo Galilei
Discoveries : Thermoscope

Georg Ohm
Discovery : Laws Of Electrical Resistance

Sir George Caley
Discovery : Glider

George Eastman
Discovery : Camera

George Gaylord Simpson
George Stephenson

George Westinghouse

Discovery : Transformer, Air Brake

Georges Claude
Discovery : Neon-Lamp

Gerhard Domagk

Discovery : Sulpha Drugs

Gertrude Belle Elion
Discovery : Pharmacology Gertrude

Gottlieb Daimler
Discovery : internal-combustion engines and automobile development
Automobile, Carburetor

Graf Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Discovery : Airship (Rigid)

Gregor Mendel
Discovery : Laws Of Inheritance Gregor

Guglielmo Marconi

Discovery : Radio

Gustav Kirchhoff
Discovery : Spectroscopy

Hans Bethe
Discovery : Energy Of The Sun

Hans Selye
Discovery : Stress Concept

Dr. Hargobind Khorana
Discovery : Deciphering The Genetic Code

Harold Clayton Urey

Discovery : Heavy Hydrogen, Deuterium (Heavy Water)

Harry Brearley
Discovery : Stainless Steel

Hedy Lamarr
Invented : Radio-guidance system for torpedoes. The frequency-hopping technology has been used to develop Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
Discovery : Electrical Waves

Henry Becquerel
Discovery : Radio-Activity Of Uranium

Henry Bessemer
Discovery : Steel Melting Process

Henry Cavendish
Discovery : Hydrogen

Henry Greathead
Discovery : Life Boat Henry

Henry Moseley
Discovery : Inventing the first atomic battery,
Moseley's law in X-ray spectra.

Henry Seely White

Discovery : Electric Iron

Herbert Evans
Discovery : Vitamin E

Hermann Fottinger
Discovery : Automatic Gearbox

Hermann Von Helmholtz

Discovery : Rise Of German Science

Herman Hollerith
Invention : Punch-card tabulation machine system for statistical computation.

Hideki Yukawa
Discovery : Meson Hideki

Hipparchus (Born in 190 BC)
founder of trigonometry

Humphrey Davy
Discovery : Safety Lamp

Isaac Newton

Discovery : Newtonian Revolution

Isaac Singer
Invention : important improvements in the design of Sewing Machine

Ivan Pavlov
Discovery : Theory Of Conditioned Reflex

J Froelich
Discovery : Tractor

Joseph J. Thomson

Discovery : Electron

Jacob Schick
Discovery : Electric Razor

Jacques - Constantin Périer
Discovery : Double-acting engine

Jacques Montgolfier
Discovery : Balloon

Jagadish Chandra Bose

Discovery : Crescograph

James Chadwick
Discovery : Neutron

James Clerk Maxwell
Discovery : Electromagnetic

James Dewar

Discoveries : Liquid Oxygen, Thermos Flasks

Sir James Dyson
Vacuum cleaner.

James Hargreaves

Discovery : Spinning Jenny

James Joule
Discovery : Mechanical Equivalent Of Heat

James Lind
Discovery : Vitamin C

James Naismith
Invented basketball in 1891.

James Prescott Joule

Discovery : Measurement Of Electrical Energy

James Watson
Discovery : Structure Of DNA

James Watt
Discovery : Steam Engine

James Young Simpson
Discovery : Chloroform

Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Discovery : Foundations Of Biology

Jean Piaget
Discovery : Child Development

Johan Edvard Lundstrom
Discovery : Match (Safety)

Johann Philipp Reis
Discovery : Microphone

Johann Vaaler
Discovery : Paper Clip

Johannes Gutenberg
Discovery : Printing Press

Johannes Kepler
Discovery : Motion Of The Planets

Sir John Ambrose Fleming
Discovery : Valve Of Radio

John Bardeen
Discovery : Transistor

John Boyd Dunlop
Discovery : Pneumatic Tyres, Bicycle Tyre

John Dalton
Discovery : Theory Of The Atom

John Hadley
Discovery : Sextant

John Harrison

Discovery : Chronometer

John J Loud
Discovery : Ball-Point Pen

John Logie Baird
Discovery : Television (Mechanical), inventions related to radar and fiber optics.

John Napier
Discoveries : Logarithmic Tables, Logarithms

John Rex Whinfield

Discovery : Terylene

John Von Neumann

Discovery : Modern Computer

Jonas Salk
Discovery : Polio vaccine

Joseph Aspdin
Discovery : Cement

Lord Joseph Lister
Discovery : Antiseptic Surgery

Joseph Louis Gay - Lussac
Discovery : Law Of Gases

Joseph Montgolfier
Discovery : Balloon

Joseph Priestley
Discoveries : Laughing Gas, Oxygen

Kalpathi Ramakrishna Ramanathan
Discovery : Molecular Scattering Of Light In

Karl Landsteiner
Discovery : Blood Groups

Katherine Bishop
Discovery : Vitamin E

Kazimierz Funk (Official name)
Casimir Funk
(commonly anglicized)
Discovery : Vitamins , Vitamin B1
He called Vitamins "vital amines"

King C. Gillette
Discovery : Safety Razor King

Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Discovery : Bicycle

Konrad Lorenz

Discovery : Ethology

Lee De Forest
Discovery : Film (With Sound)

Leo C. Young
Development of : Radar

Leo H Baekeland
Discovery : Bakelite

Levi Strauss
Discovery : Jeans

Lewis E Waterman
Discovery : Fountain Pen

Llly Brandt (Not sure)
Discovery : T.N.T.

Lord Kelvin
Discovery : Dynamical Theory Of Heat

Louis Braille
Discovery : Printing For The Blind

Louis Charles Breguet (Not sure because many names come up)
Discovery : Helicopter

Louis Francis Patrick Jean Lumière
Discovery : Cenema

Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre
Discovery : Photograph

Louis Pasteur
Discoveries : Germ Theory Of Disease, Hydrophobia, Rabies Vaccine

Louis Victor De Broglie
Discovery : Wave/Particle

Discovery : Scientific Thinking

Lucy Wills
Discovery : Vitamin Folic Acid

Ludwig Boltzmann
Discovery : Thermodynamics

Lynn Margulis
Discovery : Symbiosis Theory

Marie Curie
Discoveries : Radium, Radioactivity

Marcello Malpighi

Discovery : Microscopic Anatomy

Marguerite Davis

Discovery : Vitamin A

Maria Montessori
Discovery : Montessori Method

Max Born
Discovery : Quantum Mechanics

Max Delbruck
Discovery : Bacteriophage

Max Planck
Discoveries : Quanta, Quantum Theory

Max Von Laue
Discovery : X-Ray

Meghnad Saha
Discovery : Effect Of Pressure On Trough Bodies

Michael Faraday
Discoveries : Classical Field Theory, Dynamo,
Electric Generator, Transformer,
electromagnetic induction

Morris Travers
Discovery : Neon Gas

Murray Gell - Mann
Discovery : Eightfold Way

Nicolas Leblanc

Discovery : Manufacture soda ash from common salt

Nicolaus Copernicus
Solar System : Model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center

Nicolaus Otto
Discovery : Otto engine, large stationary single-cylinder internal combustion four-stroke engine

Niels Bohr
Discovery : Atom

Niels Ryberg Finsen
Discovery : Phototherapy

Nikola Tesla
Discovery & Inventions : Electric Motor (AC),
Fluorescent lighting, Tesla induction motor, and the Tesla coil.

Norman Lockyer
Discovery : Helium Gas

Oho Hahn
Discovery : Uranium Fusion

Oliver Lodge
Discovery : Wireless Communication

Orville Wright
Discovery : Aeroplane

Ottmar Mergenthaler

Discovery : Linotype

Otto Hahn
Discovery : Nuclear Fission

Otto Von Guericke
Discovery : Air Pump

Paul Ehrlich
Discovery : Chemotherapy

Paul Gyorgy
Discovery : Vitamin B6

Paul Muller (Not sure of discovery)
Discovery : D.D.T.

Peter Carl Goldmark
Discovery : The Long Playing Microgroove Record

Philip Drinker

Discovery : Drinker’s Chamber Of Iron Lung

Pierre Simon De Laplace
Discovery : Newtonian Mechanics

Rene Laennec

Discovery : Stethoscope

Sir Richard Arkwight
Discovery : Spinning Frame

Richard Feynman
Discovery : Quantum Electrodynamics

Dr Richard Gatling

Discovery : Machine Gun

Richard Trevithick
Discovery : Locomotive

Roald Amundsen

First : First to reach the South Pole and the North Pole

Robert Andrews Millikan
Discovery : Cosmic Rays

Robert Boyle
Discovery : Boyle’s Law

Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
Discovery : Caesium, Rubidium, cacodyl radical, Laboratory Gas Burner

Robert Fulton
Discovery : Steam Boat

Robert Koch
Discovery : Bacteriology
Discovery : Cholera

Robert Peary
Discovery : North Pole

Robert Recorde

Discovery : Equal Sign (=)

Roberts Mallet
Discovery : Seismograph

Roger Bacon

Discovery : the importance of empirical testing when the results he obtained were different from those that would have been predicted by Aristotle

Ronald Ross
Discovery : Malarial Parasite

Rudolf Diesel

Discovery : Diesel Engine

Rudolf Virchow

Discovery : Cell Doctrine

Samuel Colt

Discovery : Revolver

Samuel Hahnemann
Discovery : Homoeopathy

Samuel Morse
Discoveries : Telegraph, Telegraphic Code

Samuel Plimsoll
Discovery : Line Of Demarcation (Ship)

Satyendra Nath Bose

Discovery : Boson

Sigmund Freud
Discovery : Psychology Of The Unconscious, Psycho-Analysis

Srinivasa Ramanujan
Discovery : In Number Theory

Stephen Hawking
Discovery : Quantum Cosmology

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Discovery : Mathematical Astro Physics,
Chandrasekhar limit, Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Theodosius Dobzhansky
Discovery : Modern Synthesis

Thomas Alva Edison
Discoveries : Cinematograph, Cinematography, Electric Lamp, Gramophone, Movie Projector

Thomas Hunt Morgan
Discovery : Theory Of Heredity Chromosomal

Thomas Newcomen
Discovery : Steam Engine (Piston)

Tim Berners Lee
Discovery : World Wide Web And Hypertext Markup Language

Trofim Lysenko
Discovery : Soviet Genetics

Tycho Brahe

Discovery : New Astronomy

Upendranath Brahmachari
Discovery : Kala-Azar Fever

Wallace H Carothers
Discovery : Nylon

Walter Houser Brattain
Discovery : Transistor

Walter Hunt
Discovery : Safety Pin

Werner Heisenberg
Discovery : Quantum Theory

Wernher Von Braun
Discovery : Space Flying

Whitcomb L. Judson
Discovery : Zip Fastener

Wilbur Wright
Discovery : Aeroplane

Wilhelm Rontgen
Discovery : X-Ray

Wilhelm Wundt
Discovery : Founding Of Psychology

Willard Libby
Discovery : Radioactive Dating

William Bayliss
Discovery : Modern Physiology

William Burroughs

Discovery : Cash Register

William Friese - Greene

Discovery : Cine Camera

William Ramsay
Discovery : Neon Gas

William Harvey
Discovery : Circulation Of The Blood

William Henry Fox Talbot
Discovery : Photography (Paper)

William Henry Perkin

Discovery : Dye

William Herschel
Discovery : Heavens

William Murdoch
Discovery : Gas Lighting

William Oughtred
Discovery : Symbol

William Shockley
Discovery : Transistor

William Stokes
Discovery : Stethoscope

William Sturgeon
Discovery : Electromagnet

John Wesley Hyatt
Discovery : Celluloid

Christopher Columbus
Discovery : West Indies
Birthdate not confirmed but is supposed to be between 25 August and 31 October 1451
The voyages of Columbus are considered a turning point in human history, marking the beginning of globalization and accompanying demographic, commercial, economic, social, and political changes

Euclid (No date available)
Discoveries : Foundations Of Mathematics, Geometry

Edward Butler (1862–1940) Birthdate not available
Discovery : Three-wheeled petrol automobile called the Butler Petrol Cycle, which many think was the first British car.

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How to become a Birthday Philanthropist

Donate to Developed Nation Network Trust

You can donate in 3 ways
(we dont accept cash )
Donation from India
Rs 1000/-
1) Through G Pay
(Image above)
2) Through Bank
Developed Nation Network Trust
Through NEFT
IFSC code
Account Number

Donation from countries outside India (USD 20 or equivalent amout in any country currency)
We charge more because of two reasons
a) Bank trasaction fee
b) Currency rate changes anytime anyday

3) Developed Nation Network Trust
FCRA A/c No.

State Bank of India
IFSC : SBIN00000691

email Datacentre@

While you can donate on any day of the year, we want to show the world that you were born as a philanthropist. So we will share your name on your birthdate in our calendar.

We can share it on the calendar within 24 to 48 hours. But in case we are going to village tour or any official tourn, it will be within a week.

Developed Nation Network Trust is an NGO with 80G and FCRA.

If you cant donate money, then donate blood on your birthday

First Target
Rs 1 34 33 000/-

Bhau, founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat's father gave house & property to him through a Gift Deed and Government Authorities valued it as Rs 13433000/- and founder's father (Bhau) paid a stamp duty of Rs 403000/-.

And after the Gift Deed, Bhau was the first person on earth (Of course others stepped in) to start postponing death of founder after an almost fatal accident on 28.08.2013.

Founder knows that after death, neither anyone takes anything with them nor do they know whether their son, grand son, daughter in law or so called blood relatives or neighbours came to see them before they left earth. When they leave this world, what remains is their Deeds when they were on earth.

And yes, they even dont take satisfaction when they expire.
Good that when a person expires, she or he doesnt take the bad behaviour with them.

So our first target is
Rs 13433000/-

How we plan
The birthday philanthropist donation of Rs 1000/- or USD 20 or its equivalent in any currency will be a donation.

Banner on top of this page as well as Banners on all pages where we share only UN specific info will be a donation and banners above all Nobel Laureates pages (name, 6 issues where you get Nobel Prize, by year and by country, will be a donation)

We will go on adding more types to ensure our donation target of 2030

Target by 2030
Rs 5 00 00 000/-