Social Doctors

Social Drs & Hospitals
Corporates in India
Corporates in world
Corp Foundations

NGO Brands
NGOs in India
NGOs in the World

Funding Agencies Philanthropists
Celebrities National

BIG Social Hospitals

United Nations


Only few covered
Advertising Agencies
PR Agencies
Public issues



Social Doctors & Social Hospitals

People across the world live in this challenging world.
Many of the social issues by name remain the same, but the reason why they exist, the purpose why they exist may differ countrywise.
In India, they may differ statewise also. And why state, within a state also, it may differ.
Like Schools and their curriculum differ in Mumbai and Gadchiroli. Ot within Mumbai also it differs in South Mumbai & slums in Mumbai.

So we share social issues countrywise.
We started with Indian NGOs in 1999, so in India, we share NGOs districtwise (788 districts).
Nautrally, we share India as example and share NGOs in India and corporates in India with special coverage than rest of the world.

But we know that success stories are important.
So we share success stories for all countries together.
So do we share most of the other stakeholders like funding agencies or philanthropists or celebrities or colleges or clubs even challenges of social issues.
They can be from any country in the world and whether you are an NGO in India, China, Japan, USA, Germany, Algeria, Nigeria, Niger ... you can replicate good processes to address the challenges.

Of course, you can change the format based on scale of operations as well as support from govrnment and donors.
You can modify the story based on the state at which the NGO or corporate or funding agency or philanthropist or celebrities enters the challenge.

We have provision for government efforts, UN efforts, efforts of Ad & PR agencies as well as how companies can share their social angle at the time of public issue.

Artificial intelligence is given birth by people with intelligence.
But 2050 or 2100, this AI may take over human beings. Things will be so machine driven, that people suffer from mental health or mental depression.

One of the board member of CSR Consulting realised how traumatic life can be even in 2030.
So she is a Yog trainer and also doing P hd in Yog
CSRidentity.com will start Yog sessions from July 2024 or August 2024.

And this is a global problem.
Understanding that it is not possible to be physically present in all countries by 2030, we will do digital classes.
That also has limitations. So we will share key issue, which is respiration with focus on breathing with online module free to all, so that one can see it any time any day. And alsongwith her Yog training, there will be a medical doctor who can share views while the demonstration is on.

As is our nature, many online classes will be free, with only few specialised classes for a fee.

We have seen social sector since 1999.
Soial workers give life for people they dont know. With time, they become so related to communities they serve, that they become family members.

In this world, people think medical doctors save their life, take care of diseases, do surgeries ... so they treat doctors like God.

We think, time will come, when social workers, CSR professionals. Sustainability professionals, ESG professionals, Philanthropists, caring celebrities will be called Social Doctors and Social caring corporates, Funding Agencies, Philanthropist started organisations, Crowd funding ... will be called social hospitals.

In medical field, there are doctors with specialisation like cardiac, brain, kidneys, lungs .... similarly, in social issues, social doctors can be specialists in education, children, water, women, youth, skill development, agriculture, environment, climate change.

Please note that we share 200 000 NGOs is India districtwise.
We know that all do not work systematically in the issues where we have shared them. So we share their name, but we know that we can not gurantee their credibility on that issue. So donors, which are impact driven, can contact that NGO to know more. They can use services of consultants or research agencies which can guide them with whom they should partner with. CSR Consulting is one of the hundreds of consultants, researchers. So you can contact any of them who can devote time, can work on mutually agreed fees ...