to note
Skodowska Curie won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
in 1911. She shared the Prize for Physics
in 1903 with husband Pierre Curie. Their daughter,
Irene Joliot-Curie was awarded the Chemistry
Prize in 1935.
William Bragg won the Nobel for Physics in
1915 and Lawrence Bragg in 1915.
Physicist Niels Bohr was awarded the Nobel
in 1922 and his son Aage N. Bohr in 1975.
Hans von Euler-Chelpin won the Nobel Prize
for Chemistry in 1929 and his son Ulf von
Euler for Medicine in 1970.
Arthur Kornberg won the Prize in 1959 for
Medicine and his son Roger D. Kornberg for
Chemistry in 2006.
Manne Siegbahn was awarded the Nobel for Physics
in 1924 and his son Kai M. Siegbahn won the
Physics Prize in 1981.
Physicists JJ Thomson won the Nobel Prize
in 1906 and his son George Paget Thomson in

sponsor whose banners are shared on the top
gives a donation which is for promotion a
knowledge based information for NGO managements
across the world by Brand Thane.
donation will be used for projects and global
promotion of Brand Thane in memory of Bhau
the official website of Nobel, you will see
the name and details like brief of subject
on which one got Nobel Prize ...
We share Brand names i.e. Individuals &
organisations who are Nobel Laureates.
We know that some names are same for different
people e.g. Google Sanjay Bapat, which is
the name of the founder of
and you get 9,48,000 results. Google Bill
Gates and you get 1,57,00,00,000 results.
That does not mean Bill Gates is 1656 times
bigger than Sanjay Bapat. By Height, Weight,
Brain Weight, Heart Weight he is not even
double, by by recognition Bill Gates Brand
name is millions of times bigger.
Gates is much more than 1656 times economically
rich but it
surely he does not weigh 1656 times than Sanjay
Bapat nor has his brain weight or heart weight
double of Sanjay Bapat
He is not 1656 times taller (in terms of physical
height) than Sanjay Bapat.
think Nobel Laureates are Brand Names.
That means name can be same as that of hundreds
or people but the work for which they got
Nobel Prize is far bigger & deeper than
the person's who share the same name.
1901 and 2022, the Nobel Prizes and the Sveriges
Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory
of Alfred Nobel were awarded 615 times to
989 people and organisations. With some receiving
the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes
a total of 954 individuals and 27 organisations.
Prize in Economic Sciences is given by The
Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences
On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his
last will and testament, giving the largest
share of his fortune to a series of prizes
in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine,
literature and peace – the Nobel Prizes.
1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central
bank) established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize
in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
Donation should be send to Developed
Nation Network Trust, which is an NGO which
has 80G.
from India
TJSB Current Account
Naupada Thane Branch
Account number : 003120100013214
IFSC code : TJSB0000003
From now to 31.3.2025
outside India
Developed Nation
Network Trust, also has FCRA, which means
it can accept donations from countries other
than India but we work directly in India,
so foreigh donations will be used by DNNT
for projects in Thane or digital Knowledge
programmes for NGOs which means NGOs from
any country can access the knowledge free.
Nation Network Trust
State Bank of India.
Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001
FCRA account Number : 40123734478
IFSC : SBIN0000691
Typically Nobel Prizes are announced in the
first week of October every year unless there
is some major global problem like World War. |