Political parties

Political parties in each country
NGOs in India Corporates in India Thane is located in India Afghanistan Algeria Albania Andorra Portugal Angola Antigua & barbuda/ Argentina Armenia Kuwait Qatar Djibouti Ethiopia Australia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Georgia Kazakhstan Maldives Bahamas Bahrain Jordan Bangladesh Barbados Saint Lucia Dominican Republic Haiti Cuba trinidad & Tobago Saint kitts & nevis Dominica Honduras Guatemala El Salvador Nicaragua Costarica Panama Colombia Ecuador Peru Chile Grenada Venezuela Guyana Brazil Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay Mexico Belize USA Puerto Rico Canada Suriname French Polynesia American Samoa Kiribati Pacific Ocean South Pacific Ocean United Arab Emirates Ghana Benin Greenland Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Falkland Islands South Georgia Iceland Janmayen United Kingdom Ireland Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Poland Germany France San Marino Monaco Spain Vatican City Italy Greece Turkey Bulgaria Romania Ukraine Belarus Lithuania Latvia Estonia Tunisia Malta Libya Western Sahara Mauritania Senegal Gambia Sierra Leone Liberia Ivorycoast Burkina Faso Mali Niger Nigeria Chad Central African Rep. Gabon Congo Namibia Botswana South Africa Lesotho Swaziland Mozambique Zimbabwe Zambia Tanzania Demo. Rep. of Congo Burundi Madagascar Mauritius Kenya Uganda Somalia South Sudan Sudan Egypt Israel Yemen Saudi Arabia Iraq Iran Pakistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Sri Lanka Bhutan China Mongolia Russian Fed. Myanmar Laos Thailand Vietnam Brunei Malaysia Singapore Cocos Islands Christmas Island Indonesia North Korea South Korea Japan Philippines Palau Timor-Leste Vanuatu Micronesia Marshall Islands Kiribati Tuvalu Fiji Tonga Togo Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland Slovenia Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Serbia Moldova Macedonia Cyprus Lebanon Guinea Bissau Guinea Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Rwanda Cambodia Malawai Liechtenstein Montenegro Kosovo St Vincent & Grena.. Papua New Guinea Walls and futuna Morocco Solomon Islands Nauru India (Andaman & Nikobar) Oman Samoa Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Syrian Arab Republic Sao Tome &  Principe Cape Verde Comoros Pacific Ocean Eritrea Bermuda Coralsea Islands Howland Island Newcaledonia Thane is located in India Arctic ocean
28.8.2013 was black day for us
but realised that it was golden day for world
Bhau made us realise : Vishwachi Apule Ghar (Universe is our house) 
Political parties

We believe political parties are important stakeholders in world development.

Corporates want to win mind of consumers & potential consumers
Political parties win mind of voters & potential voters.

Legally, ethically & morally right practices of political parties can be great teachers of corporates but corporates should be careful about what not to follow.

Political parties care for social issues because their voters come from communities which face social challenges.

And every political leader has her or his health to take care of to serve people for longer period.

So social & health issues are critical for every politician and political party.

We dont offer sponsorship to any political or religious parties for any cost.

For everything, there is first target
Bhau, founder's father gave house & property to him through a Gift Deed and Government Authorities valued it as Rs 1 34 33 000/- and founder's father (Bhau) was asked to pay a stamp duty of Rs 4 03 000/-.

Neither founder has that much money nor he aspires to earn money for himself.

He knows that after death, PM, President, Queen, Super rich, Middle class, Below the poverty line or any individual of any nationality, caste, religion neither takes anything with them nor do they know whether their son, wife of son, grandson, wife of grandson or close relatives came to see them before they left earth.

hen they leave this world, what remains is Deeds when they were on earth.
And it remains for a year or many years ... it depends of what you left behind.
But Bhau demonstrated die empty attitude.

Bhau's indirect message to founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat
Your death was postponed to serve mother earth & share and promote individuals & organisations which help Mother Earth as well as if you can do something which is different than rest of the world. Remember what you will do if is like a drop in this big ocean.

Millions of people come, live and go and whatever they do evaporates as soon as they leave earth, so no drops.

So our first target is Rs 13433000/-
Its not responsibility.
It is our way of giving back to earth.
Things we can do. Not dreams.

We want to promote the concept of Birthday Philanthropist, where an individual can donate on her or his birthday or anyday of the year because Birthday is representation of a day in a year when you were born. Let the world think that You were Born as a Philanthropist.

Donation can be from India or any country because the NGO has FCRA. So Rs 1000/- from India and USD 20 or equivalent from any country. In case of FCRA, the donation amount we will receive will be less because of bank transaction charges.