already supported by donors like a corporate
or corporate foundation or funding agency
or philanthropic organisation or celebrity.
We share Countrywise NGO Brands as well as
share them by their name because we want to
brand NGOs.
to Children Without Parents, Inc.
Assist VN
Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Follereau
Australian People for Health, Education and
Development Abroad/Union Aid Abroad
Bridge Asia, Japan
CARE International in Viet Nam
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
Center for Public Health and Community Development
Center for Public Health and Community Development
Center for Support and Development of Education
and Culture (E & C Center)
Center for Vietnam and South-East Asian Studies
Centre for Sustainable developpment in Central
coast and Highlands
Centre regional francophone pour l'Asie-Pacifique
Children of Peace International
Children of Viet Nam
Church World Service, Vietnam
Compassion International
Cooperation and Development Group (CDG)
Deutscher Caritasverband
Development Workshop
Doctors of the World
Enfants du Monde/Droits de L'Homme
English Language Institute
Friends of Hue Foundation
Frontier - Society for Environmental Exploration
Fundeso - Sustained Development Foundation
GAP Activity Projects Limited
Groupe de Recherches et d'Echanges Technologiques
/ Research and Technological Exchange Group
Gruppo Trentino di Volontariato
Handicap International - Action Nord Sud
Health Volunteers Overseas
Helvetas - Swiss Association for International
Institut francophone d'informatique, Vietnam
Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Hanoi
Institute of International Education
Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Ipas Organisation
Japan International Volunteer Center
Livelihood Advancement Business School
Mani Tese
Orion, Inc.
Oxfam Solidarity, Belgium
Oxfam, Great Britain
Oxfam, Hong Kong
Oxfam, Quebec
Population Council
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health
ReOrient - The Friends of Xa Me / ReOrient
- Amici Di Xa Me
Swisscontact - Swiss Foundation for Technical
The Christina Noble Children's Foundation
The Norwegian Mission Alliance / Den Norske
The Viet Nam Children's Fund
Travel to Teach, Vietnam
Triangle Generation Humanitaire
Urban Care
Viet Nam Assistance for the Handicapped
Viet NamProgram at the Center for Business
and Government, John F.Kennedy School of Government,
Vietnam Association for Promoting and Supporting
Education Development (VIPASED)
Vietnam Association of the Elderly
Vietnam Intellectual Cooperation Center
Villes en Transition
Voluntary Service Overseas
Volunteer Service Abroad, New Zealand
World Population Foundation / Stichting Wereld
en Bevolking
World University Service of Canada / Entraide
Universitaire Mondiale du Canada
details, contact Datacentre