already supported by donors like a corporate
or corporate foundation or funding agency
or philanthropic organisation or celebrity.
We share Countrywise NGO Brands as well as
share them by their name because we want to
brand NGOs.
Think Tank
Integration Pour Tous
City Lab
Bridges to Justice
Rapid Response
of Ideas
Action biblique internationale (ABI)
Action by Churches Together (ACT International)
Administrative Tribunal of the International
Labour Organization (ILO Tribunal)
Advanced Technology Centre for Landscape and
Architecture (ATCL)
Advisory Network for African Information Strategies
Aga Khan Development Network, Switzerland
Aga Khan Foundation, Switzerland (AKF-Switzerland)
Agency for International Trade Information
and Cooperation (AITIC)
Air Transport Action Group (ATAG)
AIT-FIA-FICC Liaison Committee
Albert Schweitzer Ecological Centre (ASEC)
Alliance graphique internationale (AGI)
Alliance of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem
American Citizens Abroad
American Citizens Abroad (ACA)
Anglophone Special Kids (ASK)
Antenna International
Anti-Racism Information Service (ARIS)
Arabic Translation and Intercultural Dialogue
Ars Sacra Life Workshop
Asian Program for the Advancement of Training
and Studies (APATS)
Asian-Eurasian Human Rights Forum, Geneva
Office (AEHRF)
Association balte pour les enfants handicapes
Association d'etudes baha'ies - Europe francophone
Association for Living Values Education International
Association for the Promotion of the International
Circulation of the Press
Association Francois-Xavier Bagnoud, Switzerland
Association internationale - Ensemble contre
la douleur
Association internationale des ecoles des
ceicnes de l'information (AIESI)
Association internationale des sociologues
de langue francaise (AISLF)
Association internationale pour l'histoire
de l'Europe
Association of Dental Dealers in Europe
Association of European Pediatric Cardiology
Association of European Universities
Association of European University Public
Relations and Information Officers
Association of European Wheel Manufacturers
Association of Refugees and Displaced Persons
of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association of the International Winter Sports
Federation (AIWF)
Association pour la recherche interculturelle
Associazione Botteghe del Mondo
Baden-Powell World Fellowship
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
Bellerive Foundation
Bethlehem Mission Immensee
Bethlehem Mission Society
Bread for All
Bureau d'etudes et de recherches de synergie
Business and Management University
Business Humanitarian Forum
Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological
Society of Europe (CIRSE)
Center for Business Diplomacy
Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research
Central and Eastern European Copyright Alliance
Central and Southern Europe Central Conference
- United Methodist Church
Central Office for International Carriage
by Rail
Centrale Sanitaire Suisse (CSS)
Centre de recherche sur le developpement,
Neuchatel (CRD-Neuchatel)
Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM)
Centre for Applied Studies in International
Negotiations (CASIN)
Centre for Applied Studies in International
Negotiations (CASIN)
Centre for Development and Environment, Berne
Centre for Documentation and Exploration of
the International Language
Centre for International Research on Economic
Tendency Surveys (CIRET)
Centre for International Studies, Zurich (CIS-Zurich)
Centre for the Independence of Judges and
Lawyers (CIJL)
CERN Staff Association
Christian Blind Mission International (CBM
Christian Solidarity International, Switzerland
Churches' Human Rights Programme
CMC: Churches' Action for Health
Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers,
Comission Tiers-Monde de l'Eglise catholique
Geneve (COTMEC)
Commission on Faith and Order
Committee for European Studies on Norms for
Electronics (ESONE)
Committee for the Promotion and Advancement
of Cooperatives (COPAC)
Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS)
Commonwealth Association of Geneva
Conference of European Churches (CEC)
Connect Worlds association
Corona Mundi
Council of European Bishops' Conferences
Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
Declaration of Berne Association
Defence for Children International, Switzerland
(DCI - Switzerland)
DevEd (Developing Education)
Development Innovations and Networks
Dialogue Among Civilzations
DVB-Digital Video Broadcasting Project
Ecoforum for Peace (EFP)
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund, Switzerland (ECLOF-Switzerland)
Ecumenical Institute Bossey
Education and Development Foundation
Electrical Engineering Students' European
Association (EESTEC)
Engineers of the World
Estal of Europe
EUROFIMA European Company for the Financing
of Railroad Rolling Stock
Europea Institut Schweiz (EIS)
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