already supported by donors like a corporate
or corporate foundation or funding agency or
philanthropic organisation or celebrity. We
share Countrywise NGO Brands as well as share
them by their name because we want to brand
Ranger Service
in Prison
Seed Europe
Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment
and Development (ASEED)
Advanced Networked Cities and Regions Associations
Africa Legal Aid (AFLA)
Africa Peace Cup Foundation
African Association of Remote Sensing of the
Environment (AARSE)
African Diaspora Healthcare Ethics Center
African Foundation for AIDS Prevention and Counselling
African Management Services Company (AMSCO)
African Studies Center, Leiden
African-European Institute (AEI)
Agriterra Foundation
Agromisa Foundation
AIESEC International
All European Academies (ALLEA)
Allied Forces North Europe (AFNORTH)
Amsterdam Institute for International Development
Amsterdam Research Institute for Global Issues
and Development Studies (AGIDS)
Amsterdam School of International Relations
Arctic Centre, Groningen
Arts and Young People in Europe, Netherlands
Association des cinemqtheques europeennes (ACE)
Association des federation de tir sportif de
la CE
Association for European Research on Central
American and the Caribbean
Association for Personnel Services Overseas
Association for Tourism and Leisure Education
Association internationale des etudes coptes
Association internationale des reparteurs en
carosserie (AIRC)
Association of African Studies in the Netherlands
Association of Attenders and Alumni of The Hague
Academy of International Law
Association of Breeders and European Distributors
of Flower Seed Varieties
Association of European Cartonboard and Carton
Manufacturers (PRO CARTON)
Association of European Open Air Museums (AEOM)
Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC)
Association of Geographic Information Laboratoires
for Europe (AGILE)
Association of Independent Art and Design Schools
Association of Institutions of Tropical Veterinary
Medicine (AITVM)
Association of National European and Mediterranean
Societies of Gastroenterology
Association of Roman Ceramic Archaeologists
Association of the International Trade in Flowerbulbs
and Plants
Association of the IOC Recognized International
Sports Federations (ARISF)
Association of University Departments of Environmental
Sciences in Europe
Association of West European Parliamentarians
for Africa (AWEPA)
Bear Information Centre (BIC)
Benelux Designs Office
Benelux Trademarks Office (BBM)
Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics
and Probability (BSMSP)
Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE)
Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy
Bureau of European Designers Association
Caretakers of the Environment International
Catholic Organization for Relief and Development
Caux Round Table (CRT)
Center CHAK
Center CHAK
Center CHAK
Central and Eastern European Network on Training,
Education and Research Center
Central Dredging Association (CEDA)
Centre Euro-Mditerranen Migration et Dveloppement
Centre for Development Plannint, Rotterdam
Centre for Development Studies, Groningen
Centre for European Studies, Maastricht (CES-Maastricht)
Centre for Global Education, Nijmegen
Centre for International Cooperation and Appropriate
Technology (CICAT)
Centre for International Media Research (CIMR)
Centre for International Research and Adivsory
Networks (CIRAN-Nuffic)
Centre for International Studies, Tilburg
Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation
Centre for Research and Documentation on the
World Language Problem (CRD)
Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations
Centre for the Promotion of Improts from Developing
Countries (CBI)
Centre for World Food Studies (SOW-VU)
Centrum voor Europese Studies en Opleidingen,
Valkenburg (CESO-Valkenburg)
Cerebral Palsy - International Sports and Recreation
Association (CP-ISRA)
Cetnre for Pacific Studies, Nijmegen (CPS-Nijmegen)
Child Right Worldwide (CRWW)
Christian Artists Europe
Christian Care Hands
Circuits International
Clean Clothes Campaign, International Secretariat
Clean Clothes Campaign, Netherlands (CCC-Netherlands)
Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae
Sacrum (ORLAS)
Commission internationale de coordination des
organisations d'artistes
Committee for Conflict Transformation Support
Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)
Communication Committee for Lutheran Minority
Churches in Europe
Confederation Euroconfederation of International
Trading Houses Association (CITH)
Conference of European National Librarians (CENL)
Consoritum of Institutions for Development and
Research in Education in Europe
Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities
Coordinating Committee for Intercontinenetal
Research Networking (CCIRN)
Coordination et promotion de l'enseignement
de la religion en Europe (COOPERE)
COS West and Midden Brabant Centrum voor Internationale
Council for Sustainable Development of Central
Asia (CoDoCa)
Council of European Chief Dental Officers (CECDO)
Council of NOE Coordinators
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