English Corner
Puza Academy
already supported by donors like a corporate or corporate
foundation or funding agency or philanthropic organisation
or celebrity.
We share Countrywise NGO Brands as well as share them
by their name because we want to brand NGOs.
Education Association of Azerbaijan
Assistance for Development of Modern Ophthalmology
(ADMO) Union
Association of Azerbaijan Women
Association of Democratic Integration/Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Credit Unions Association
Azerbaijan Economist Union
Azerbaijan Future Studies Society
Azerbaijan Intellect Development
Azerbaijan Society for the Protection of Animals
Azerbaijan Students Union
Azerbaijan Tafakkur Youth Association
Azerbaijan Young Lawyers' Union (AYLU)
Azerbaijan Youth Union
Azeri Yurdu Gencler Birliyi (AYGB)
Bridge to the Future Youth Union
Center of Civil Initiatives
Center Women and Modern World
Centre "Women and Modern World"
Centre "Women and Modern World"
Centre of Educational Technologies GUNAR Baku-Oxford
Democratic Development and Economical Cooperation
Development and Empowerment of Youth
Digital Development
Digital Development (DD)
Echo International Journalist Reseach Center
Educated Abroad Azerbaijan The Organization of Specialists
Free Trade Union Republican Committee of Azerbaijan
Culture Workers
Human and Environment
Human Rights Centre of Azerbaijan (HRCA-Azerbaijan)
Icheri Sheher Ijmasi+
Igbal Foundation
Independent Consumers Union (ICU)
Intergovernmental Teleradio Company MIR
International Center for Social Research (ICSR)
International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF)
International Forum of Culture of Civil Society
International Movement: Caspian-Partnership for the
International Peacelovers NGO
Interreligious and International Federation for World
Peace, Azerbaijan
Madad Humanitarian Organization Public Union
National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic
of Azerbaijan
National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers)
Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic
National NGO Forum
NGO Resource and Training Center/UNDP - Azerbaijan
Potential The Union of Sumgayit Specialists
Praxis Support to Social Development
Prison Watch Public Association
PROGRESS'' Social and Economic Investigations Public
Region" International Analytical Center (RIAC)
Simurg Association of Azerbaijan Culture
Social Unity for Sustainable Development
Society for Democratic Reforms
Society of Amity Between Azerbaijan and France
Society Tahsil
South Caucasus Centre of Culture of Peace and the
Dialogue of Civilizations
The Center for Social-Psychological Rehabilitation
of Youth "Dirchelish"
The Center of Integration and Development "Tolerance"
The Union of Azerbaijan Artists
Uluchay Social-Economic Innovation Center
Union of Disabled People Organizations' (UDPO)
Voice of Youth
Volunteers International Cooperation Public Union
Women and Society
Women's Society of Azerbaijan
Yaddash Youth Enlightener Public Union
details, contact Datacentre