already supported by donors like a corporate or
corporate foundation or funding agency or philanthropic
organisation or celebrity.
We share Countrywise NGO Brands as well as share
them by their name because we want to brand NGOs.
Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation
Armenian Center of Law
Armenian Centre for National and International Studies
Armenian Craftsmen Union NGO
Armenian Public Relations Association
Armenian Young Lawyers Association
Burg Youth Environmental Center
Center for the Development of Civil Society
Center for the Development of Civil Society
Civic Development and Partnership Foundation
Civil Society Institute (CSI)
Club of Journalists Selen NGO
Development & Welfare
Economic Development and Research Center
Eurasian Development Foundation in Armenia
European Interregional Centre for Training Resources
Hans Christian Kofoed Beneficent Foundation
HUJ-Armenia, Republican Headquarters of Student
Brigades- Voluntary Service of Armenia
Jupiter NGO
Munetik cultural NGO
Munetik NGO
New Generation, New Future
Parentless Children Committee Charitable NGO
Shoghakn NGO
Social Progress Foundation
Support Center of Applied Researches and Initiatives
Unison NGO for Support of People with Special Needs
Vanadzor and Sister Cities
Women for Development
Young Biologists Association
Youth for Europe
details, contact Datacentre