Independence Days UN Days by type UN Days by date International days which are not UN Days
Great Birthdays Nobel Laureate Philanthropist Celebrity Scientist, Innovators
Corp Registration day NGO Registration day
Parents Teachers First human 365 Stock exchanges
Accidents Acid attacks Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy Alzheimers (Aai) Animal bites Anthrax Arsenic caused Asbestos related Assistive devices & tech Asthma Autism Bacteria & diseases Blind Botulism Brain Cardiovascular diseases Cataract Chagas disease Chikungunya Cholera Chronic obstructive pulmonay disease Cogenital anomalies Contagious diseases Cosmetology Covid19 Deaf Dementia Dengue Depression Diabetes Diarrhea Dioxins Drowning Dumb Ebola Echinococcosis E. coli Electromagnetic fields ENT Epilepsy Eye diseases Falls Family welfare Gender diseases Gynacology Herpes Hepatitis Immunization Infectious diseases Influenza Japanese encephalitis Juvenile patients Kidney-Nephrology,Urology Leishmaniasis - Kala azar Leprosy Liver Lungs - Pulmonary diseases Malaria Measles Meningitis Mental disability Mental health Mercury & health Monkeypox Nervous system Noncommunicable dis.. Obesity Onchocerciasis Oral health = Dentistry Organ transplantation Orthopedic disorders Physical disability Plague Pneumonia Poisoning Polio Prisoners Health Rabies Radiation Radon and health Respiratory diseases Rubella Salmonella Schistosomiasis Schizophrenia Sexual health Skin diseases Sleeping disorders Soil-tran helminth inf Spinal cord Stomach diseases Trachoma Traditional medicine Tuberculosis Ulcer (Bhau) Variant Creutzfeldt
Symptoms Anaemia Antibiotic resistance Cold Contraception Cough Fever Flu of various types Haemoglobin disorders Vector-borne diseases Viral diseases Worm diseases
Health is social Non drs helping Handwash Human rights Workers health Salt reduction
Practices Organ Transplantation Fitness Health care waste Expiry dates Patients first Prequa by WHO Substd . medical products Yogasana
Independence day UN Day International Albinism Awareness Day
Birth of Nobel Laureates John F . Nash Jr . Jules Bordet Luis Walter Alvarez Paul Modrich William Butler Yeats
Birthday of scientists, innovators, discoverers Charles Algernon Parsons Discovery : Steam Turbine, Ship (Turbine)
Birthday of Big Philanthropists
Birthday of celebrities Birthday of Thane celebrities Events of the day
For details, contact Datacentre
Registration day of a corporate 3 M (Formerly Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company)
Registration day of an NGO
Today : Important things World must know your Birthday
Your name here
If you want your name here, then donate Rs 1000/- pa (USD 20 pa or its equivalent from any country) and together, we show the world that you are Born as Philanthropist. Its the attitude, not amount which is important for you. And donation can be on any day Not necessarily your birthday.
Our first target is Rs 13433000/- donation. Because that is the value of the property (as per Government of India authority) which Bhau (father of founder) donated to founder through Gift Deed. Our donation target is far bigger than Rs 13433000/- So this amount if our first step. If you cant donate money, donate blood. We cant share blood donor names but again, attitue is important.
Cant believe that such person's exist in so called middle class families When son purposely doesnt see father when he is about to leave earth, When grandson purposely doesnt see grandfather when he is about to leave earth, When daughter is law purposely doesnt see father in law when he is about to leave earth and worst is when they influence others not to see the person about to leave earth, then their identity damages human identity.
Others you influenced may be very good 99.99% time and someone may say that they just made one mistake. It is known to everybody that even good baloon bursts with just one prick. So goodness baloon will burst if people know this real life fact.
No names shared because we respect privacy, but if they KILL the other son of the person who left earth directly or through accident which is hard to know who was behind the accident (an Indian or someone from neighbouring country or far off country), then not just their names, but name of a person who said about Blood Bath on 11th July 2013, name of person who talked not good about police on mobile, name of a person who was not in society meeting but signed at home an important decision in 2008 plus many other things will be open to people across the world..
Donate just Rs 1000/- pa or USD 20 or equivalent to DNNT and we share your name on your birthday which can be independence day of a country or UN day or the birthday of celebrity or Nobel Laureate or ...