Health : Celebrities

Dr. Harshad R. Purandare
MS, MCh,DNBE (Neurosurgery)
Note : You are able to visit CSRidentity.com thanks to the help of Dr Purandare & Jupiter Hospital on and after 28.8.2013
( http://csridentity.com/aboutus/28082013.asp)

Baba Amte
Dedicated his life for the sufferers of leprosy.

Ramdev (Baba Ramdev)
Baba Ramdev is an Indian spiritual leader and a renowned yoga teacher.

Upendranath Brahmachari
Rai Bahadur Sir Upendranath Brahmachari's most outstanding research contribution was the discovery of Urea Stibamine, an organic antimonial compound, which played a vital role in the treatment of Kala-azar, a protozoal infection.

He is also notably remembered for his pioneering work in the treatment of dermal leishmaniasis, malaria, the old Burdwan fever, quartan fever, blackwater fever, cerebrospinal meningitis, filariasis, leprosy and syphilis.

Dr Devi Shetty ( Cardiology)











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