Senior citiens : NGOs from countries other than India

2 Young 2 Retire – Europe / Cercle des Seniors Actifs “C’Sa” Europe (Creator of the global Pass it On Network)

50plus Hellas = 50και 'Ελλας,

Age Action
Age and Opportunity

Ageing Concern Foundation (ACF)

United Kingdom
Age International
Age UK; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI)

Bob Woodruff Foundation
NCOA (National council of aging)
Agewell Foundation USA Inc.
Aging Safely, Inc.
American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)
Cicoa Aging & In-Home Solutions (CICOA)

Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG) -

Alzheimer's Association Lebanon (AAL),

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias In Zambia

Alzheimer's Disease International; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
AMD Alliance International; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
APRe! Associação de Aposentados, Pensionistas e Reformados, Portugal
Amigos de los Mayores

Arasan Rural Development Society (ARDS) – India
ASEM Global Ageing Center
ASMOK Single Mothers
Asociación de Profesores Universitarios Jubilados (ASPUR) - Retired University Teachers Association
Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust (Asset Trust)
Asociacion Cartaginesa de Atencion al Ciudadano de la Tercera Edad (ASCATE); Costa Rica
Asociacion Central de Funcionarios Publicos y Docentes Publicos Jubilados del Paraguay (ACFPDJP), Paraguay
Asociación Red Colombiana de envejecimiento activo y digno, Colombia
Asosiacion Costarricense de Alzheimer y otras Demencias Asociadas (ASCADA) = Costa Rican Alzheimer's Association and other Associated Dementias, Costa Rica
Asociación Gerontológica Costarricense; Costa Rica
Asociación Mutual de los Agentes de los Organismos para la Tercera Edad; Argentina
Associação Nacional dos Membros do Ministério Público de Defesa dos Direitos dos Idosos e Pessoas com Deficiência ; Brazil
Association Jeunesse pour la Solidarite et le Developpement des Parcelles Assainies (AJSDPA); Senegal
Association Nos Années de Vie (ANAVIE), Togo
Associazione Nazionale Centri Sociali, Comitati Anziani e Orti (ANCeSCAO) – Italy
Azar Initiative Empowerment for The Less Privileged
Benetas ; Australia
Brain Health Initiative of Nigeria
Brotherhood of St Laurence ; Australia
Bulgarian Red Cross; Bulgaria
Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) / Réseau canadien pour la prévention du mauvais traitement des aînés (RCPMTA) – Canada
CareRights, Republic of Korea
Caxton Legal Centre Inc., Australia
Center for Innovative Social Development Ghana
Centre for Happy Elderly People (CHEP)
Center for Community Advancement and Family Empowerment (CECAFE) – Liberia
Centre for Human Rights and Governance - SOLACE (CHURG) – DRC
Ong Centro de Capacitacion y Desarrollo Cec (CEC) ; Chile
Cicoa Aging & In-Home Solutions (CICOA) ; United States of America
Civil Service Pensioners` Alliance (CSPA)
Coalition of Caregivers and Advocates for the Elderly in Liberia (COCAEL), Liberia
Coalition of Services of the Elderly; Philippines
Commonwealth Association for the Ageing
Community Hive Organisation (CHO), Uganda
Community Initiatives for Peace and Development (CIPAD) – South Sudan
Comparatively for Tanzania Elites Community Organizers (CTECO) – Tanzania
Confederación Estatal de Mayores Activos (CONFEMAC)
Console Mission
Convite AC
Cota Australia ; Australia
Council on the Ageing (South Australia) Inc ; Australia
Council on the Ageing Queensland
Council on the Ageing Victoria ; Australia
CSYM HUDUMA – Tanzania
DadiDada Foundation
DaneAge ; Denmark
Dementia SA ; South Africa
Development, Welfare & Research Foundation ; India
Dilasha Aviyan – Nepal
Dorcas Aid International
Droits Humains Océan Indien Madagascar ( Dis Moi Madagascar)
DroItS Humains Océan Indien (DIS-MOI), Mauritius
Elders Clubs International Foundation, India
El-Aged Care – Nigeria
El-Wedad Society for Community Rehabilitation; Palestine
Empower And Care Organization (EACO), Uganda
European Ageing Network
European Federation of Retired and Older People (FERPA) ; Belgium/Europe
FADOQ ; Canada
Family Ark Mission – Nigeria
Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Personas Adultas Mayores (FIAPAM); Spain
Fiji Council of Social Service ; Fiji
Forum for the Right of the Elderly, Bangladesh (FREB)
Fundacio Aroa, Spain
Fundación Isalud – Argentina
Fundación Navarro Viola; Argentina
Fundación NTD
Fundación Oportunidad Mayor; Chile
Fundación Saldarriaga Concha
Fundación SIDOM – Argentina
Fundashon Nos Grandinan ; Netherlands
Generationsbrücke Deutschland (Generationsbridge Germany)
Geriatric Care and Vulnerable Support Initiative – Nigeria
Geriatric Crenter Nepal ; Nepal
Gerontologos Argentinos Asociacion Civil; Argentina
Gerontoplus; Venezuela
GIIG – Grupo Iberoamericano Interdisciplinario de Gerontología ; Uruguay
Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation (GER)
Global Salvation Ministry Foundation (Source of Hope Foundation); Ghana
Globale Seniorer, Denmark
Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS); India
Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN)
Great healthy community association and elderly and pateient caregivers association; Turkey
HelpAge Cambodia, Cambodia
HelpAge Canada
HelpAge Deutschland, Germany
HelpAge DRC, DRCongo
HelpAge International España (Spain)
HelpAge Kenya; Kenya
HelpAge India ; India
Helpage Italia onlus – Italy
HelpAge Sri Lanka ; Sri Lanka
Holocaust Community Services, CJE SeniorLife
Humane Prison Hospice Project (USA)
Independent Age -UK
Innovation d'Evolution dans une Communauté Responsable (INECOM) – DRC
Institute for Development, Research, Advocacy & Applied Care (IDRAAC), Lebanon
International Renaissance Foundation, Ukraine
International Association of World Peace Advocates (IAWPA); Nigeria
International Consortium for Social Development – Asia Pacific Branch
International Longevity Centre (ILC) Canada; Canada
Istiqbolli Avlod; Uzbekistan
Japan Support Center for Activity and Research for Older People; Japan
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged ; United States of America
Josef und Luise Kraft Stiftung
Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association (KEHPCA)
Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum (KESSFF) – Kenya
Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization
Lares Asociacion
Law in the Service of the Elderly
Les petits frères des Pauvres (France)
Liberian Association of Retired Persons(LARP)
Living Well Heritage Foundation (Nigeria)
Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) (USA)
Mauritius Family Planning Welfare Association (MFPWA)
Meals on Wheels community Services South Africa
Mission Armenia charitable non-governmental organization (Armenia)
Movimento Giotto – Italy
Nadace Krása pomoci (Beauty of Help Foundation) – Czech Republic
National Association of Pensioners (Malta)
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia - Formerly: National LGBTI Health Alliance - (Australia)
National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA)
National Nursing Home Social Work Network (USA)
National Older Women's Network (Inc)
National Senior Citizen Federation (NASCIF) – Nepal
National Senior Citizens Organization of Liberia (NASCOL)
New World Hope Organization (NWHO); Pakistan
Nobo Jatra Foundation (Bangladesh)
NSINDAGIZA Organization (Rwanda)
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys ; United States of America
National Alliance for Caregiving
National Guardianship Association; United States of America
National Senior Citizen Federation; Nepal
NGO "Ardager"
Old Generation Rejuvenation Ashram (OGRASHRAM); India
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
Old’Up Association (France)
Older Women's Network, Europe (UK)
Organisation des jeunes Comoriens pour la Culture et le development (OJCCD)
Organization for the Promotion of Elderly Support in Liberia (OPESL)
Organization for the Promotion of Elderly Support in Nigeria (Nigeria)
Palestinian Center for Communication and Development Strategies; Palestine
Palliative Care Australia
Pallium India Trust (India)
Peace Empowerment Foundation
Power of Touch (PoT)
Public Union of Belarusian Pensioners "Nasha Pakalenne" (Our Generation)
Pramacare; United Kingdom
Public Association "Resource Center for the Elderly" (RCE) (Kyrgyz)
Professionals for Humanity (PROFOH); Ghana
PROGOTI (People’s Research on Grassroot Ownership & Traditional Initiative)
RAS Out-Reach Wellness Programme for the Aged (ROWPA), South Africa
Reach One Touch One Ministries (ROTOM) – Uganda
Red Cross of Serbia
Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons in Cameroon ; Cameroon
Regional Public Foundation Assistance for the Elderly (Dobroe Delo) – Russia
Regional Public Organization of the Assistance of the Defense of the Rights of the Suffered from the Terror act “Volga-Don” (Russia)
Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana
Resource Integration Centre (RIC) – Bangladesh
Royal Society For Senior Citizens (Bhutan)
Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SE Health)
SAWAKA (Tanzania)
SaarNepal; Nepal
Saldarriaga Concha Foundation; Columbia
Samaj Paribartan Kendra (SPK); Bangladesh
SEG Civil Society Support Center; Armenia
Semuto Older Persons Development Association (SOPEDA) – Uganda
Senior Citizens Association of Zambia; Zambia
Shirakat - Partnership for Development
Silver Inning Foundation ; India
Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE)
Solidarity Is Global Institute (SIGI-Jo) – Jordan
Spanish Confederation of Older People's Organizations (CEOMA) (Spain)
Sudanese Society for the Care of Older People (SSCOP) – Sudan
Syrian Expatriates Medical Association (SEMA)
The Aged-care Rights Service (Seniors Rights Service); Australia
The Association For The Aged (TAFTA)
The Benevolent Society
TEGGOW OBASE NKAMI Global Foundation
The Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria (COSROPIN)
The Beth Johnson Foundation; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Good Samaritan Social Service Tanzania – Tanzania
Tsao Foundation; Singapore
Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini (TLU)
Turkey Retired Persons Organization; Turkey
Unprivileged to the Human Action Need (UTTHAN)
Universal Peace and Violence Amelioration Centre (Nigeria)
Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA); Uganda
Vietnam Association of the Elderly; Vietnam
Volunteers of America, Inc. ; United States of America
Wellbeing Foundation; India
Yemi Age Nigeria Foundation; Nigeria
Zivot 90 ; Czech Republic
Zimbabwe Pensions and Insurance Rights Trust - Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe United Nations Association (ZUNA); Zimbabwe
ZVEZA DRUŠTEV UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENIJE (ZDUS) / (Slovenian Federation of Pensioners' Associations)







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