shares NGOs which are financially
supported by donors (We call them
NGO Brands) and not financially supported
by corporates.
each country, we share NGOs in that
And they can be NGO Brands or credible
NGOs not yet known to CSRidentity.com
or upcoming NGOs yet to establish
brand value or older NGOs which may
not be financially supported but its
voluntary action.
in film, there are hundreds of people
who act or help singers or write stories
... but people know film hero or heroine
or few others. Similarly, in the Corporate
or NGO Sector, people know Bill Gates
or Azim Premji or Ratan Tata or Narayan
Murthy or Nandan Nilekani and not
every manager in Microfoft or WIPRO
or Tata Group or Infosys..
want donors like corporates, corporate
foundations, Funding agencies or Philanthropists,
Celebrities .... to know and help
NGO Brands directly treating CSRidentity.com
as a Driver. So which we share NGO
Brands by name, we share the name
of their country next to it, so that
Brands help countries.
share the programmes of NGOs countrywise
but when we name any NGO Brand, we
mention name of the country next to
the name of the NGO Brand because
we want not just to do NGO Branding
but also want to Brand countries..
share following for NGO Brands
1) Name of the NGO
2) Link to the partners or funders
3) Link to the social issues page
of the NGO
(If there is no such page, then names
of social issues the NGO has programmes
note that in the names of NGOs we
also share NGO Brands because donors
or media or communities want to know
NGO working in their area. We are
sharing NGOs districtwise in case
of India and may be after 1.4.2026
we share NGOs county wise within countrywise
we identify NGO Brands ?
Practically, it is not possible for
any organisation to do credibility
checking of 5 million to 6 million
NGOs in the world (over 3 million
are registered in our global example
country, India)
criterion is simple.
NGOs supported by Corporates, Funding
Agencies, Philanthropists, Celebrities,
UN to help communities are NGO Brands.
We purposely do not take NGOs only
supported by Government as NGO Brands
because governments are formed by
political parties and they may have
different criterion of selecting NGOs.
Branding helps fund raising efforts
of NGOs and we do not want politics
to come in between funding of NGOs.
helps NGOs focus on helping communities
rather than invest valuable time in
fund raising.
social issues, we cover not just NGO
Brands but any NGO which addresses
community challenges. We must admit
that we may or may not share link
to the NGOs which are not NGO Brands,
but do share their names issuewise
and their country.
is our editorial decision not
to share following categories or types
of NGOs
1) Which do activities only for specific
(like Christian, Hindu, Islam, Jain,
Parsi, Punjabi ...) or
2) NGOs formed by politicians or have
trustees as politicians (we cant answer
questions related to trustee background
unless we know that. So even if we
believe that many scholars should
join politics and help develop their
area or country, we can not share
their names because we want to stay
out of politics)
3) NGOs formed by activists or their
programmes are related to activism
4) NGOs formed by naxalites (however
good efforts may be because we dont
want to enter zones which are anti
government of related country)
5) NGOs formed by terrorists
6) NGOs formed by murderers (again,
a person who has done murder once
may have changed her or his human
behaviour, but we cant share their
names because we do not want to enter
into investing our time to know actual
details and leave this field to others)
there maybe some Ashoka Fellows which
are activitsts or Nobel Laureates
who are in politics.
plan to share 10000 NGO Brands from
100 plus countries and 10 000 success
stories of Corporates, NGOs, Funding
Agencies, Celebrities, Philanthropists
..on social, climate & health
On 28.08.2013 he had an almost fatal
The accident changed our vision in
terms of canvas of coverage. From
India and Thane, we now cover all
countries, islands, oceans, continents,
planets, world & universe.
Corporates, Philanthropists, PR Agency,
Friends and school & college friends
all helped. Financially as well as
timewise. Bhau,
father of founder who gave him house
& property through Gift Deed before
the accident was the first person
on earth to start postponing his death
because he has not served Mother Earth
enough. If anyone on earth
says it was father (Bhau) who helped
his son (founder), then world will
think he or she is right. That is
only because their thinking is blood
relatives are related. We are related
to people from many castes, many religions,
many nationalities because we think
beyond blood relations.
we want to give Return Gift. Not to
Bhau and friends.
If may look selfish because founder
thinks world as his family. Some help,
some dont, some others who are against
goodness, will think differently.
Worldover, within the family, there
are disputes. Over money, property,
shareholding, patents ...
has decided that as his Responsibility
he will invest personal time and money
to make 10000 NGO Brands.
He thinks his identity is IIT which
is Integration of Investment &
NGO Branding is essential ?
products or services by corporates
advertise or do PR.
Funding Agencies, Philanthropists,
Celebrities want to partner with good
need to reachout to donors but hardly
do they advertise or do PR.
Founders or CEOs of millions of small
or medium sized NGOs either
do word of mouth publicity or reach
out to local corporates, government
agencies or only the corporates or
funding agencies they know. This in
a way takes their time.
worked in Advertising & PR, founder
Sanjay Kunud Moreshwar Bapat, who
is an Ashoka fellow for his Social
Enterprise, knows that worldover people
equate brand with gods. For a particular
product, they want a particular brand
and not other products in the same
category. So NGO Branding is essential.
If NGO is a Brand, it attracts more
donors & volunteers.
So donors must mention the NGO they
support and make them brands.
A donor investing lakhs of Rupees
or thousands of dollars in NGO, must
invest in Term Insurance of the NGO
Founder or the person in the NGO whose
life is always at risk while working
in the NGO maybe in deadly areas or
deadly issues.
Initially founder thought of asking
donors to invest Rs 10000/- or USD
135/- in NGOs they support so that
world knows them as NGO Brands but
he is personally taking time to make
NGO Brands and popularist them.
So he thought of Term Insurance, which
he did personally after the accident.
It means if you die, your nominee
gets money. If you dont die during
Term Investment period, the money
financially goes as waste but emotionally
its a great relief.
we plan to cover in dedicated page
for NGO Brands
plan to share 10000 NGO Brands in
following ways.
1) NGO name with link to its official
website (not website of any agency)
2) Special pages which share NGO country
name because typically donor partners
NGOs countrywise.
Brand promotion
plan to email emagazine to reachout
to following from India and about
50 countries.
5000 companies, 1000 media, 2000 funding
agencies, 1000 corporate foundations
and some philanthropists and celebrities.
We will send them one newsletter every
quarter from October 2023.
And we expect success rate of 2% which
means 2% of these organisations see
the mail. |