
NGO Brands

CSRidentity.com shares NGOs which are financially supported by donors (We call them NGO Brands) and not financially supported by corporates.

Within each country, we share NGOs in that country.
And they can be NGO Brands or credible NGOs not yet known to CSRidentity.com or upcoming NGOs yet to establish brand value or older NGOs which may not be financially supported but its voluntary action.

Like in film, there are hundreds of people who act or help singers or write stories ... but people know film hero or heroine or few others. Similarly, in the Corporate or NGO Sector, people know Bill Gates or Azim Premji or Ratan Tata or Narayan Murthy or Nandan Nilekani and not every manager in Microfoft or WIPRO or Tata Group or Infosys..

We want donors like corporates, corporate foundations, Funding agencies or Philanthropists, Celebrities .... to know and help NGO Brands directly treating CSRidentity.com as a Driver. So which we share NGO Brands by name, we share the name of their country next to it, so that Brands help countries.

We share the programmes of NGOs countrywise but when we name any NGO Brand, we mention name of the country next to the name of the NGO Brand because we want not just to do NGO Branding but also want to Brand countries..

We share following for NGO Brands
1) Name of the NGO
2) Link to the partners or funders page
3) Link to the social issues page of the NGO
(If there is no such page, then names of social issues the NGO has programmes in)

Please note that in the names of NGOs we also share NGO Brands because donors or media or communities want to know NGO working in their area. We are sharing NGOs districtwise in case of India and may be after 1.4.2026 we share NGOs county wise within countrywise NGOs.

How we identify NGO Brands ?
Practically, it is not possible for any organisation to do credibility checking of 5 million to 6 million NGOs in the world (over 3 million are registered in our global example country, India)

Our criterion is simple.
NGOs supported by Corporates, Funding Agencies, Philanthropists, Celebrities, UN to help communities are NGO Brands. We purposely do not take NGOs only supported by Government as NGO Brands because governments are formed by political parties and they may have different criterion of selecting NGOs.

NGO Branding helps fund raising efforts of NGOs and we do not want politics to come in between funding of NGOs.

Branding helps NGOs focus on helping communities rather than invest valuable time in fund raising.

In social issues, we cover not just NGO Brands but any NGO which addresses community challenges. We must admit that we may or may not share link to the NGOs which are not NGO Brands, but do share their names issuewise and their country.

It is our editorial decision not to share following categories or types of NGOs
1) Which do activities only for specific religion
(like Christian, Hindu, Islam, Jain, Parsi, Punjabi ...) or
2) NGOs formed by politicians or have trustees as politicians (we cant answer questions related to trustee background unless we know that. So even if we believe that many scholars should join politics and help develop their area or country, we can not share their names because we want to stay out of politics)
3) NGOs formed by activists or their programmes are related to activism
4) NGOs formed by naxalites (however good efforts may be because we dont want to enter zones which are anti government of related country)
5) NGOs formed by terrorists
6) NGOs formed by murderers (again, a person who has done murder once may have changed her or his human behaviour, but we cant share their names because we do not want to enter into investing our time to know actual details and leave this field to others)

Plus there maybe some Ashoka Fellows which are activitsts or Nobel Laureates who are in politics.

We plan to share 10000 NGO Brands from 100 plus countries and 10 000 success stories of Corporates, NGOs, Funding Agencies, Celebrities, Philanthropists ..on social, climate & health issues.

On 28.08.2013 he had an almost fatal accident.
The accident changed our vision in terms of canvas of coverage. From India and Thane, we now cover all countries, islands, oceans, continents, planets, world & universe.

Corporates, Philanthropists, PR Agency, Friends and school & college friends all helped. Financially as well as timewise. Bhau, father of founder who gave him house & property through Gift Deed before the accident was the first person on earth to start postponing his death because he has not served Mother Earth enough. If anyone on earth says it was father (Bhau) who helped his son (founder), then world will think he or she is right. That is only because their thinking is blood relatives are related. We are related to people from many castes, many religions, many nationalities because we think beyond blood relations.

Now we want to give Return Gift. Not to Bhau and friends.
If may look selfish because founder thinks world as his family. Some help, some dont, some others who are against goodness, will think differently. Worldover, within the family, there are disputes. Over money, property, shareholding, patents ...

Founder has decided that as his Responsibility he will invest personal time and money to make 10000 NGO Brands.
He thinks his identity is IIT which is Integration of Investment & Time.

Why NGO Branding is essential ?
Corporates, products or services by corporates advertise or do PR.
Corporates, Funding Agencies, Philanthropists, Celebrities want to partner with good NGOs.

NGOs need to reachout to donors but hardly do they advertise or do PR.
Founders or CEOs of millions of small or medium sized NGOs
either do word of mouth publicity or reach out to local corporates, government agencies or only the corporates or funding agencies they know. This in a way takes their time.

Having worked in Advertising & PR, founder Sanjay Kunud Moreshwar Bapat, who is an Ashoka fellow for his Social Enterprise, knows that worldover people equate brand with gods. For a particular product, they want a particular brand and not other products in the same category. So NGO Branding is essential.

If NGO is a Brand, it attracts more donors & volunteers.
So donors must mention the NGO they support and make them brands.
A donor investing lakhs of Rupees or thousands of dollars in NGO, must invest in Term Insurance of the NGO Founder or the person in the NGO whose life is always at risk while working in the NGO maybe in deadly areas or deadly issues.
Initially founder thought of asking donors to invest Rs 10000/- or USD 135/- in NGOs they support so that world knows them as NGO Brands but he is personally taking time to make NGO Brands and popularist them.
So he thought of Term Insurance, which he did personally after the accident. It means if you die, your nominee gets money. If you dont die during Term Investment period, the money financially goes as waste but emotionally its a great relief.

What we plan to cover in dedicated page for NGO Brands
We plan to share 10000 NGO Brands in following ways.
1) NGO name with link to its official website (not website of any agency)
2) Special pages which share NGO country name because typically donor partners NGOs countrywise.

NGO Brand promotion
We plan to email emagazine to reachout to following from India and about 50 countries.
5000 companies, 1000 media, 2000 funding agencies, 1000 corporate foundations and some philanthropists and celebrities. We will send them one newsletter every quarter from October 2023.
And we expect success rate of 2% which means 2% of these organisations see the mail.

Brand Makers and Brand promoters

Ashoka is Washington based and as of May 2023 has just about 4000 Social enterpreneurs in 92 odd countries as Ashoka Fellows.
And this is from about 7 million NGOs (We dont know the number but know that in India itself there are over 3 million NGO and like population, India has the largest population of NGOs in the world) working in 193 UN Member countries, 2 SARs and many islands.
Founder was an Ashoka Fellow during 2005-2008 and knows how important it was for him to be financially supported by Ashoka.
Now if some Ashoka Fellows have joined politics (e.g. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is an Ashoka Fellow), then we will remove the NGO they started. But if they have left the NGO and joined politics, then we will not remove the NGO)

10 000 NGO Brands in the world

Total 10 000 by 31.3.2025 or latest by 28.8.2025.
If we cant do it then, additional date is 31.3.2026.
If we cant do it by then, then we leave this important necessity to socially keen NGO, funding agency, philanthropic organisation, corporate, celebrity.

If supported, we plan to share following links
NGO Brand , Country, Partners or funders , Success story,
Annual report , About us page , Contact page

If not financially supported, then we share following links
NGO Brand , Country,

If you want to see the actual social issue where the NGO Brand has social programmes, go to social issues.



NGOs are Social Doctors

NGOs help communities which face social challenges.
Typically therefore Corporates, Funding Agencies, Philanthropists, Celebrities as well as Governments, UN take NGOs as their social partners.

Most of the NGOs and NGO Brands have programmes for more than 1 social issue, so in the social issue pages, we share programmes links and the NGO name will appear as many times as it programmes particular social issues.

We plan to share minimum 1 million links of NGOs from 150 countries & islands social issuewise by 28.5.2025. In case of India, we may not share links to actual NGO websites.

Our request to corporates in the world

10 minutes Yog
It is vital because in this competitive world, each corporate leader goes through stress & tension.
Relaxation is important.
And like respiration, it is everyday till you live.

Products made by your company has expiry date, so is the you as a product made by your parents.
So till you live, give your time, talent to your company, your family & friends.

7 Hours of talent

Many NGOs across the world are led by people who focus more on helping communities than on earning lot of money.

Their professionalisation is overtaken by emotions.

Its important that corporate CEOs share what they do in professional competitive world like branding of corporate & products (NGO Branding & Programme branding for social sector), Communication, HR Policies, Supply chain policies, safety & protection of information and people, how taking care of families of employees is important because employee gives 8 hours a day for the company but 16 hours is with the outside world (outside world include family, which is important but is strange when we put it as outside world). Success planning

NGOs need to understand how the talent corporates use is useful for them because many times, NGOs lack succession planning.

NGO Shopping Malls
Corporates make money by selling products and services. NGOs use their skill by helping communities address their challenges. Its important that NGOs take a step forward by marketing products amde by or services offered by community members. And instead of individuals from the community, NGOs should use this as part of them because they deal with corporates, funding agencies .. and they are known. So it takes less time of communities in marketing themself because the marketing agent is NGO Brand.

And manytimes, corporates have shops as their agents which sell their products. So NGOs can also be agents of corporates, specially in areas where corporates have less reach out or where NGOs not only have good reachout but are seen as part of family of consumers (communities).
e.g. slums, villages and important is disabled communities, senior citizens, widows, males who lost their wife and parents and are alone ...

Term Insurace
Focuse of social workers and leaders of NGOs is helping communities address challenges they face regularly. In that they earn far less than what they could have earned if they worked with corporates.

Manytimes NGOs work in dangerous areas like floods, communal harmony, earthquakes, criminal mined people or parents who do not care their children or children who do not look at their parents.

It is important that if a corporate is giving donation to the NGO, a small percentage is used to pay term insurance of NGO Leader. Term insurance of a person means if a person dies during the span of term insurance, then her or his family or whoever is nominated gets insurance money.

After an almost fatal accident on 28.8.2013, founder has done a term insurance because he he plans to build a digital bridge between corporates, funding agencies, philanthropists, celebrities on one side and NGOs on the other side and his canvas is world.

Now it may happen that he dies giving hardly any money to family, so he has done a term insurance.


Aasraa Trust

Anandaya Foundation

Foster and Forge Foundation

GivingPi is India’s first and exclusive family philanthropy network

The Chintu Gudiya Foundation , USA

Cuddles Foundation Mumbai

Adhyayan Sanstha

Barnet foundation
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Samaritans, Surrey


Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC)

Adhyayan Sanstha
Cuddles Foundation
Parivaar Education Society
Samaritan Help Mission
Sense International India
The Opentree Foundation

The link to above NGOs is https://www.alchemycapital.com/csr.aspx

NESH (Nobody Ever Sleeps Hungry), Indian Development Foundation, YMCA, Art of Living, Giants Club, Arham Yuva Seva Group

Pan India Immunization

Check whether they are NGO Brands and which country

Academy for Educational Development
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Pakistan
AFS Intercultural Exchanges
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Al-Khair Foundation
Al-Khidmat Foundation
Aman Foundation
Arab-Pakistani Fund
Asian Human Rights Development Organization
Association for the Development of Pakistan
Aurat Foundation
Bilqees Sarwar Foundation (BSF)
Braille Without Borders
Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
CARE Pakistan
Caritas Pakistan
Carter Center
Childreach International
Chiltan Adventurers Association Balochistan
CMKP Pakistan
Conservation International
Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
Darul Sukun
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Edhi Foundation
Environmental Defense
Environmental Investigation Agency
Faiz Foundation for Pakistan
Family Educational Services Foundation
Family Health International
Fatima Jinnah Trust
Fauna and Flora International
Ford Foundation
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Friends of Pakistan
Friends of the Earth Pakistan
Green Crescent Trust
Health Oriented Preventive Education (HOPE)
Himalaya Foundation
iDonate (NGO)
Indus Hospital
Institute for Sustainable Communities
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Development Enterprises
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
International Fund for Animal Welfare
International Organization for Sustainable Development
International Republican Institute
Islamic Relief
JDC Welfare Organization
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Khan Liaqat Ali Khan Society for Needy Children
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Lahore music forum
Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent Trust
Médecins du Monde
Médecins Sans Frontières
Minhaj Welfare Foundation
MKR Foundation
Muslim Charity
Muslim Hands
Muslim World League
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
National Research and Development Foundation  (NRDF)
Natural Resources Defense Council
Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust (NPT)
Pacific Environment
Pakistan Cave Research & Caving Federation
Plan International
Population Services International
Prevention of Blindness Trust
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
Progressive Education Network
Project Hope
ProLiteracy Worldwide
Red Crescent Society
Rising Sun Institute
Rural Education and Development Foundation
Sarhad Rural Support Programme
Save the Children
Saylani Welfare International Trust
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre
Society for Sustainable Development-SSD
SOS Kinderdorf
South Asia Partnership Pakistan
Strengthening Participatory Organization
Sustainable Development Policy Institute
Swiss Red Cross
The Asia Foundation
The Citizens Foundation
The Fred Hollows Foundation
The Mountain Institute
The Nature Conservancy
The Salvation Army
The Terma Foundation
Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability
Village Health Organization
Voluntary Service Overseas
Volunteers in Asia
War Against Rape
Wetlands International
Wheelchair Foundation
Wildlife Conservation Society
William J. Clinton Foundation
Women Media Center
World Bank
International Monetary Fund
World Conservation Union
World Monuments Fund
World Vision International
World Wide Fund for Nature
Youth Parliament of Pakistan

NGO Brands
in the world

NGO Brands

NGO Brands starting A
NGO Brands starting B

NGO Brands starting C

NGO Brands starting D

NGO Brands starting E

NGO Brands starting F

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NGO Brands starting H

NGO Brands starting I

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NGO Brands starting K

NGO Brands starting L

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NGO Brands starting O

NGO Brands starting P

NGO Brands starting Q

NGO Brands starting R
NGO Brands starting S
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NGO Brands starting V
NGO Brands starting W
NGO Brands starting X
NGO Brands starting Y
NGO Brands starting Z



NGO Brands
in India

NGO Brands

NGO Brands starting A
NGO Brands starting B

NGO Brands starting C

NGO Brands starting D

NGO Brands starting E

NGO Brands starting F

NGO Brands starting G

NGO Brands starting H

NGO Brands starting I

NGO Brands starting J

NGO Brands starting K

NGO Brands starting L

NGO Brands starting M

NGO Brands starting N
NGO Brands starting O

NGO Brands starting P

NGO Brands starting Q

NGO Brands starting R
NGO Brands starting S
NGO Brands starting T
NGO Brands starting U
NGO Brands starting V
NGO Brands starting W
NGO Brands starting X
NGO Brands starting Y
NGO Brands starting Z

Corp in
NGOs in countries
NGOs in Afghanistan
NGO Brands in Afghanistan

NGOs in Albania
NGO Brands in Albania

NGOs in Algeria
NGO Brands in Algeria

NGOs in Andorra
NGO Brands in Andorra

NGOs in Angola
NGO Brands in Angola

Antigua & Barbuda
NGOs in Antigua & Barbuda
NGO Brands in Antigua & Barbuda

NGOs in Argentina
NGO Brands in Argentina

NGOs in Armenia
NGO Brands in Armenia

NGOs in Australia
NGO Brands in Australia

NGOs in Austria
NGO Brands in Austria

NGOs in Azerbaijan
NGO Brands in Azerbaijan
NGOs in Bahamas
NGO Brands in Bahamas

NGOs in Bahrain
NGO Brands in Bahrain

NGOs in Bangladesh
NGO Brands in Bangladesh

NGOs in Barbados
NGO Brands in Barbados

NGOs in Belarus
NGO Brands in Belarus

NGOs in Belgium
NGO Brands in Belgium

NGOs in Belize
NGO Brands in Belize

NGOs in Benin
NGO Brands in Benin

NGOs in Bhutan
NGO Brands in Bhutan

NGOs in Bolivia
NGO Brands in Bolivia

Bosnia & Herzegovina
NGOs in Bosnia &

NGO Brands in Bosnia &

NGOs in Botswana
NGO Brands in Botswana

NGOs in Brazil
NGO Brands in Brazil

NGOs in Brunei
NGO Brands in Brunei

NGOs in Bulgaria
NGO Brands in Bulgaria

Burkina Faso
NGOs in Burkina Faso
NGO Brands in Burkina Faso

NGOs in Burundi
NGO Brands in Burundi
  Cabo Verde
NGOs in Cabo Verde
NGO Brands in Cabo Verde

NGOs in Cambodia
NGO Brands in Cambodia

NGOs in Cameroon
NGO Brands in Cameroon

NGOs in Canada
NGO Brands in Canada

Central African Republic
NGOs in Central African

NGO Brands in Central African

NGOs in Chad
NGO Brands in Chad

NGOs in Chile
NGO Brands in Chile

NGOs in China
NGO Brands in China

NGOs in Colombia
NGO Brands in Colombia

NGOs in Comoros
NGO Brands in Comoros

NGOs in Congo
NGO Brands in Congo

Costa Rica
NGOs in Costa Rica
NGO Brands in Costa Rica

Cote d'Ivoire
NGOs in Cote d'Ivoire
NGO Brands in Cote d'Ivoire

NGOs in Croatia
NGO Brands in Croatia

NGOs in Cuba
NGO Brands in Cuba

NGOs in Cyprus
NGO Brands in Cyprus

Czech Republic
NGOs in Czech Republic
NGO Brands in Czech Republic

Dem Rep Of Congo
NGOs in DR Of Congo
NGO Brands in DR Of Congo

NGOs in Denmark
NGO Brands in Denmark

NGOs in Djibouti
NGO Brands in Djibouti

NGOs in Dominica
NGO Brands in Dominica

Dominican Republic
NGOs in Dominican Republic
NGO Brands in Dominican Republic

NGOs in Ecuador
NGO Brands in Ecuador

NGOs in Egypt
NGO Brands in Egypt

El Salvador
NGOs in El Salvador
NGO Brands in El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea
NGOs in Equatorial Guinea
NGO Brands in Equatorial Guinea

NGOs in Eritrea
NGO Brands in Eritrea

NGOs in Estonia
NGO Brands in Estonia

NGOs in Eswatini
NGO Brands in Eswatini

NGOs in Ethiopia
NGO Brands in Ethiopia

NGOs in Fiji
NGO Brands in Fiji

NGOs in Finland
NGO Brands in Finland

NGOs in France
NGO Brands in France

NGOs in Gabon
NGO Brands in Gabon

NGOs in Gambia
NGO Brands in Gambia

NGOs in Georgia
NGO Brands in Georgia

NGOs in Germany
NGO Brands in Germany

NGOs in Ghana
NGO Brands in Ghana

NGOs in Greece
NGO Brands in Greece

NGOs in Grenada
NGO Brands in Grenada

NGOs in Guatemala
NGO Brands in Guatemala

NGOs in Guinea
NGO Brands in Guinea

Guinea Bissau
NGOs in Guinea Bissau
NGO Brands in Guinea Bissau

NGOs in Guyana
NGO Brands in Guyana

NGOs in Haiti
NGO Brands in Haiti

NGOs in Honduras
NGO Brands in Honduras

Hong Kong (SAR)
NGOs in Hong Kong (SAR)
NGO Brands in Hong Kong (SAR)

NGOs in Hungary
NGO Brands in Hungary

NGOs in Iceland
NGO Brands in Iceland

NGOs in India
NGO Brands in India

NGOs in Indonesia
NGO Brands in Indonesia

NGOs in Iran
NGO Brands in Iran

NGOs in Iraq
NGO Brands in Iraq

NGOs in Ireland
NGO Brands in Ireland

NGOs in Israel
NGO Brands in Israel

NGOs in Italy
NGO Brands in Italy

NGOs in Jamaica
NGO Brands in Jamaica

NGOs in Japan
NGO Brands in Japan

NGOs in Jordan
NGO Brands in Jordan

NGOs in Kazakhstan
NGO Brands in Kazakhstan

NGOs in Kenya
NGO Brands in Kenya

NGOs in Kiribati
NGO Brands in Kiribati

NGOs in Kuwait
NGO Brands in Kuwait

NGOs in Kyrgyzstan
NGO Brands in Kyrgyzstan

NGOs in Laos
NGO Brands in Laos

NGOs in Latvia
NGO Brands in Latvia

NGOs in Lebanon
NGO Brands in Lebanon

NGOs in Lesotho
NGO Brands in Lesotho

NGOs in Liberia
NGO Brands in Liberia

NGOs in Libya
NGO Brands in Libya

NGOs in Liechtenstein
NGO Brands in Liechtenstein

NGOs in Lithuania
NGO Brands in Lithuania

NGOs in Luxembourg
NGO Brands in Luxembourg

Macau (SAR)
NGOs in Macau (SAR)
NGO Brands in Macau (SAR)

NGOs in Madagascar
NGO Brands in Madagascar

NGOs in Malawi
NGO Brands in Malawi

NGOs in Malaysia
NGO Brands in Malaysia

NGOs in Maldives
NGO Brands in Maldives

NGOs in Mali
NGO Brands in Mali

NGOs in Malta
NGO Brands in Malta

Marshall Islands
NGOs in Marshall Islands
NGO Brands in Marshall Islands

NGOs in Mauritania
NGO Brands in Mauritania

NGOs in Mauritius
NGO Brands in Mauritius

NGOs in Mexico
NGO Brands in Mexico

NGOs in Micronesia
NGO Brands in Micronesia

NGOs in Monaco
NGO Brands in Monaco

NGOs in Mongolia
NGO Brands in Mongolia

NGOs in Montenegro
NGO Brands in Montenegro

NGOs in Morocco
NGO Brands in Morocco

NGOs in Mozambique
NGO Brands in Mozambique

NGOs in Myanmar
NGO Brands in Myanmar

NGOs in Namibia
NGO Brands in Namibia

NGOs in Nauru
NGO Brands in Nauru

NGOs in Nepal
NGO Brands in Nepal

NGOs in Netherlands
NGO Brands in Netherlands

New Zealand
NGOs in New Zealand
NGO Brands in New Zealand

NGOs in Nicaragua
NGO Brands in Nicaragua

NGOs in Niger
NGO Brands in Niger

NGOs in Nigeria
NGO Brands in Nigeria

North Korea
NGOs in North Korea
NGO Brands in North Korea

North Macedonia
NGOs in North Macedonia
NGO Brands in North Macedonia

NGOs in Norway
NGO Brands in Norway

NGOs in Oman
NGO Brands in Oman

NGOs in Pakistan
NGO Brands in Pakistan

NGOs in Palau
NGO Brands in Palau

NGOs in Panama
NGO Brands in Panama

Papua New Guinea
NGOs in Papua New Guinea
NGO Brands in Papua New Guinea

NGOs in Paraguay
NGO Brands in Paraguay

NGOs in Peru
NGO Brands in Peru

NGOs in Philippines
NGO Brands in Philippines

NGOs in Poland
NGO Brands in Poland

NGOs in Portugal
NGO Brands in Portugal

NGOs in Qatar
NGO Brands in Qatar

Republic of Moldova
NGOs in Rep of Moldova
NGO Brands in Rep of Moldova

NGOs in Romania
NGO Brands in Romania

Russian Federation
NGOs in Russian Federation
NGO Brands in Russian Federation

NGOs in Rwanda
NGO Brands in Rwanda

  Saint Kitts and Nevis
NGOs in St Kitts & Nevis
NGO Brands in St Kitts & Nevis

Saint Lucia
NGOs in Saint Lucia
NGO Brands in Saint Lucia

St Vincent & Grenadines
NGOs in St Vincent &

NGO Brands in St Vincent &

NGOs in Samoa
NGO Brands in Samoa

San Marino
NGOs in San Marino
NGO Brands in San Marino

Sao Tome & Principe
NGOs in Sao Tome & Principe
NGO Brands in Sao Tome & Principe

Saudi Arabia
NGOs in Saudi Arabia
NGO Brands in Saudi Arabia

NGOs in Senegal
NGO Brands in Senegal

NGOs in Serbia
NGO Brands in Serbia

NGOs in Seychelles
NGO Brands in Seychelles

Sierra Leone
NGOs in Sierra Leone
NGO Brands in Sierra Leone

NGOs in Singapore
NGO Brands in Singapore

NGOs in Slovakia
NGO Brands in Slovakia

NGOs in Slovenia
NGO Brands in Slovenia

Solomon Islands
NGOs in Solomon Islands
NGO Brands in Solomon Islands

NGOs in Somalia
NGO Brands in Somalia

South Africa
NGOs in South Africa
NGO Brands in South Africa

South Korea
NGOs in South Korea
NGO Brands in South Korea

South Sudan
NGOs in South Sudan
NGO Brands in South Sudan

NGOs in Spain
NGO Brands in Spain

Sri Lanka
NGOs in Sri Lanka
NGO Brands in Sri Lanka

NGOs in Sudan
NGO Brands in Sudan

NGOs in Suriname
NGO Brands in Suriname

NGOs in Sweden
NGO Brands in Sweden

NGOs in Switzerland
NGO Brands in Switzerland

Syrian Arab Republic
NGOs in Syrian Arab

NGO Brands in Syrian Arab

NGOs in Tajikistan
NGO Brands in Tajikistan

NGOs in Tanzania
NGO Brands in Tanzania

NGOs in Thailand
NGO Brands in Thailand

NGOs in Timor-Leste
NGO Brands in Timor-Leste

NGOs in Togo
NGO Brands in Togo

NGOs in Tonga
NGO Brands in Tonga

Trinidad And Tobago
NGOs in Trinidad & Tobago
NGO Brands in Trinidad & Tobago

NGOs in Tunisia
NGO Brands in Tunisia

NGOs in Turkey
NGO Brands in Turkey

NGOs in Turkmenistan
NGO Brands in Turkmenistan

NGOs in Tuvalu
NGO Brands in Tuvalu

NGOs in Uganda
NGO Brands in Uganda

NGOs in Ukraine
NGO Brands in Ukraine

United Arab Emirates
NGO Brands in UAE

United Kingdom
NGOs in United Kingdom
NGO Brands in United Kingdom

NGOs in Uruguay
NGO Brands in Uruguay

NGO Brands in USA

NGOs in Uzbekistan
NGO Brands in Uzbekistan

NGOs in Vanuatu
NGO Brands in Vanuatu

NGOs in Venezuela
NGO Brands in Venezuela

NGOs in Vietnam
NGO Brands in Vietnam

NGOs in Yemen
NGO Brands in Yemen

NGOs in Zambia
NGO Brands in Zambia


NGOs in Zimbabwe
NGO Brands in Zimbabwe



NGO Brands

NGOs financially supported by corporates, funding agencies, philanthropists, celebrities are NGO Brands.

NGOs supported by Governments, UN may not be covered as NGO Brands because Governments are governed by political leaders and UN majorly works with Government as social partners


NGOs : Social Doctors
NGO Brands in India