Discoveries or inventions : Scientists

Adding Machine : Pascal
Aeroplane : Wright brothers
Air Brake : George Westinghouse
Air Pump : Otto von Guericke
Airship (rigid) : G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Aniline Dyes : Hoffman
Antiseptic Surgery : Lord Joseph Lister
Arc Lamp : C. F. Brush
Archimedean Screw : Archimedies
Atom : Neils Bohr
Atom Bomb : J Robert Oppenheimer (Not discoverer but is often known as the father of atomic bomb)
Atomic Number : Mosley
Atomic Physics : Enrico Fermi
Atomic Structure : Bohr and Rutherford
Atomic Theory : Dalton
Automatic gearbox : Hermann Fottinger
Automobile : Daimler
Automobiles using gasoline : Karl Benz
Avogadro’s Hypothesis : Avogadro

Bacteriology : Robert Koch
Bacteriophage : Max Delbruck
Bakelite : Leo H Baekeland
Balloon : Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier
Ball-Point Pen : John J. Loud
Barometer : Evangelista Torricelli
Behaviorism : B. F. Skinner
Beriberi : Eijkman
Bicycle : Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Bicycle Tyre : J. B. Dunlop
Bifocal Lens : Benjamin Franklin
Binomial Nomenclature : Carl Linnaeus
Biogenetic Principle : Ernst Haeckel
Bismuth : Valentine
Blood Circulation : Harvey
Blood Groups : Karl Landsteiner
Bomb : Edward Teller
Boson S. N. Bose
Boyle’s law : Boyle
Braille : Louis Braille
Breaking up the Nucleus of an atom : Rutherford

Calculating machine : Pascal
Camera : George Eastman
Carburetor : Gottlieb Daimler
Carburettor : Gottlieb Daimler
Cash register : William Burroughs
Cell Doctrine : Rudolf Virchow
Celluloid : A. Parker
Cement : Joseph Aspdin
Cenema : A. L. and J. L. Lumiere
Centrigrade scale : A. Celsius
Chemical Structure : August Kekule
Chemotherapy : Paul Ehrlich
Child Development : Jean Piaget
Chloroform : James Harrison & James Young Simpson
Cholera : Bacillus Robert Koch
Chromosomal : Theory of Heredity Thomas Hunt Morgan
Chronometer : John Harrison
Cine camera : Friese-Greene
Cinematograph : Thomas Alva Edison
Cinematography : Thomas Alva Edison
Circulation of the Blood : William Harvey
Classical Field Theory : Michael Faraday
Clock (machanical) : Hsing and Ling-Tsan
Clock (pendulum) : C. Hugyens
Coloured Photography : Lippman
Computer : Charles Babbage
Continental Drift : Alfred Wegener
Cosmic Rays : R. A. Millikan
Crescograph : J.C.Bose
Crystal Dynamics : C.V.Raman
Cyclotron : Lawrence

D.D.T. : Dr.Paul Muller
Deciphering the genetic code : Dr.Hargobiad Khorana
Deuterium (Heavy Water) : H.C.Urey
Diesel Engine : Rudolf Diesel
Diesel Oil Engine : Rudolf Diesel
Difference engine : Charles Babbage
Drinker’s Chamber of Iron Lung : Dr.Philip Drinker
Dynamical theory of Heat : Lord Kelvin
Dynamite : Alfred B. Nobel
Dynamo : Michael Faraday

Effect of Pressure on trough bodies : Meghnad Saha
Eightfold Way : Murray Gell-Mann
Electric Battery : Alessandro Volta
Electric Flat : Iron H. W. Seeley
Electric Furnace : William Siemens
Electric Generator : Michael Faraday
Electric guitar : Adolph Rickenbacker
Electric iron : H.W. Seeley
Electric Lamp : Thomas Alva Edison
Electric Measurement : Gauss
Electric Motor (AC) : Nikola Tesla
Electric razor : Jacob Schick
Electrical Waves : Heitz
Electricity : Faraday
Electromagnet : William Sturgeon
Electromagnetic : Field James Clerk Maxwell
Electromagnetic : Theory Maxwell
Electron : Joseph J. Thomson
Electron : Theory Bohr
Electronic (Computer) : Dr. Alan M. Turing
Electrons : J.J.Thomson
Elevator : Elisha G. Otis
Energy of the Sun : Hans Bethe
Equal sign (=) : Robert Recorde
Ethology : Konrad Lorenz
Eugenics : Francis Galton
Evolution (theory) : Charles Darwin
Evolution : Charles Darwin
Evolutionary : Theory Ernst Mayr

Fahrenheit Scale : Fahrenheit
Film & Photographic goods : Kodak
Film (with sound) : Dr. Lee de Forest
Foundations of Biology : Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Foundations of Mathematics : Euclid
Founding of Modern Physiology : Claude Bernard
Founding of Psychology : Wilhelm Wundt
Fountain Pen : Lewis E. Waterman
Fundamental Laws of Electric : Attraction Coulomb

Galvanometer : Andre-Marie Ampere
Gas lighting : William Murdoch
Gasoline engine : Karl Benz
Genetic Code : Frederick Sanger
Geometry : Euclid
Germ Theory of Disease : Louis Pasteur
Glider : Sir George Caley
Gramophone : Thomas Alva Edison
Gun powder : Rogei Bacon

Heavens : William Herschel
Heavy Hydrogen : Urey
Helicopter : Broquett
Heliocentric Universe : Nicolaus Copernicus
Helium Gas : Lockyer
Homoeopathy : Hahnemann
Hovercraft : Christopher Cockerell
Human Sexuality : Alfred Kinsey
Hydrogen : Cavendish
Hydrophobia : Louis Pasteur

I.Q. Test : Alfred Binet
In Number Theory : Ramanujam
Incandescent Bulb : Edison
Induction Coil : Rohm Korff
Induction of Electric Current : Faraday
Insulin : F.Banting
Intelligence test : Binet
Internal Combustion : Engine Otto

Jeans : Levi Strauss
Jet Engine : Sir Frank Whittle
Jet Propulsion : Frank Whittle

Kala-azar Fever : U.N.Brahmachari
Kaleidoscope : David Brewster

Laboratory Gas Burner : Robert Wilhelm Von Bunsen
Laughing Gas : Priestley
Law of Electrolysis : Faraday
Law of gases : Gay Lussac
Laws of Electrical Resistance : Ohm
Laws of Gravitation : Newton
Laws of Heredity Gregory : Mandel
Laws of Inheritance Gregor : Mendel
Laws of Motion : Newton
Laws of Multiple Proportion : Dalton
Laws of Natural Selections : Darwin
Laws of Planetary : Motion Kepler
Life Boat Henry : Great Head
Lift (Elevators) : Otis
Lift : E.G. Otis
Lightning Conductor : Benjamin Franklin
Line of demarcation (ship) Plimsoll
Linotype Mergenthaler
Liquid Oxygen : Dewar
Locomotive : Richard Trevithick
Logarithmic tables : John Napier
Logarithms : John Napier

Machine Gun : Dr. Richard Gatling
Malarial Parasite : Ronald Ross
Match (safety) : J.E. Lurdstrom
Mathematical Astro Physics : Chandrasekhar
Mathematical Genius : Carl Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss)
Mauve : dye Perkin
Measurement of Electrical Energy Joule : James Prescoft
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat : Joules
Mercury Thermometer : Fahrenheit
Meson Hideki : Yakawa Microphone : Johann Phillip Reis, Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, Amos E. Dolbear, and Thomas Edison
Microscopic Anatomy : Marcello Malpighi
Modern Anthropology : Franz Boas
Modern Astronomy : Arthur Eddington
Modern Computer : John von Neumann
Modern Geology : Charles Lyell
Modern Physiology : William Bayliss
Modern Synthesis : Theodosius Dobzhansky
Modern Telescope : Edwin Hubble
Molecular Biology : Francis Crick
Molecular Scattering of light in fluid : Ramanathan
Montessori Method : Maria Montessori
Motion of the Planets : Johannes Kepler
Motor Car (petrol) : Karl Butler
Movie Projector : Thomas Alva Edison

Neon Gas : Ramsay Travers
Neon-lamp : G. Claude
Neurophysiology : Charles Sherrington
Neutron : Chadwick
New Anatomy : Andreas Vesalius
New Astronomy : Tycho Brahe
New Science : Galileo Galilei
Newtonian Mechanics : Pierre Simon de Laplace
Newtonian Revolution : Isaac Newton
North Pole : Robert Peary (1909)
Nuclear Fission : Otto Hahn, Bohr and Fermi
Nylon : Dr. Wallace H. Carothers
Nylon : Plastic Carothers

Organic Chemistry : Emil Fischer
Origin of Species : Charles Darwin
Oxygen : Priestly

Paints : Shalimar
Paper clip : Johann Vaaler
Parking meter : Carlton Mcgee
Penicillin : Alexander Fleming
Periodic Law : Mendeleef
Periodic Table of Elements : Dmitri Mendeleev
Pharmacology Gertrude : Belle Elion
Phonograph : Edison
Photograph : Dauguerre
Photography (paper) : W.H. Fox Tablot
Phototherapy : N.R.Finsen
Pneumatic Tyres : John Boyd Dunlop
Positive Electrons : Anderson
Power Loom : Edmund Cartwright
Powerloom : Cartwright
Principle for lever : (S.P.Gravity) Archimedes
Printing for the Blind : Braille
Printing Press : Johannes Gutenberg
Psycho-analysis : Dr.Sigmund Freud
Psychology of the Unconscious : Sigmund Freud

Quanta : Max Planck
Quantum Cosmology : Stephen Hawking
Quantum Electrodynamics : Richard Feynman
Quantum Mechanics : Max Born
Quantum Theory : Max plank
Quantum Theory : Werner Heisenberg

Raazor (safety) : K.G. Gillete
Rabies Vaccine : Louis Pasteur
Radar : Dr. A.H. Taylor and L.C. Young
Radio : G. Marconi
Radio transmitter : Alexanderson
Radioactive Dating : Willard Libby
Radioactivity : Marie Curie
Radio-activity of Uranium : Henry Becquerel
Radium : Madame Curie
Railway Engine : Stephenson
Raincoat : Charles Macintosh
Raman effect : C.V.Raman
Rare Gas : Cavandish
Rayon American : Viscose Co.
Razor (electric) : Col. J. Schick
Refrigerator : James Harrison, Alexander Catlin
Replacing human heart : Christian Barnard
Revolution in Chemistry : Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Revolver : Samuel Colt
Rise of German Science : Hermann von Helmholtz
Rubber (vulcanized) : Charles Goodyear
Rubber (waterproof) : Charles Macintosh

Safety lamp : Sir Humphrey Davy
Safety Pin : William Hurst
Safety Razor King : C. Gillette
Salk Vaccine : Salk
Saxophone : Antoine Joseph Sax
Scientific astronomy : Hippalus
Scientific Thinking : Lucretius
Scooter : G. Bradshaw
Seismograph : Roberts Mallet
Sewing Machine : Thomas Saint
Sextant : Hadley
Ship (steam) : J.C. Perier
Ship (turbine) : Sir Charles Parsons
Shorthand : Sir Isaac Pitman
Sociobiology : Edward O. Wilson
Solar System : Copernicus (1540)
South Pole : Amundson (1912)
Soviet Genetics : Trofim Lysenko
Space flying : Braun, Dr.Wernher Von
Specific Gravity : Archimedes
Spectroscope : Bunsen
Spectroscopy : Gustav Kirchhoff
Spinning frame : Sir Richard Arkwight
Spinning jenny : James Hargreaves
Stainless Steel : Harry Brearley
Steam boat : Fulton
Steam engine (condenser) : James Watt
Steam engine (piston) : Thomas Newcome
Steam Engine : James Watt
Steam Turbine : Parsons
Steel Melting Process : Bessemer
Steel production : Henry Bessemer
Stethoscope : Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec
Stress Concept : Hans Selye
Structural Anthropology : Claude Levi-Strauss
Structure of DNA : James Watson
Structure of the Atom : Ernest Rutherford
Submarine : David Bushnell
Sulpha Drugs : Domagk
Superconductivity : Heike Kamerlingh
Symbiosis Theory : Lynn Margulis
Symbol : William Oughtred

T.N.T. : llly Brandt
Talkies : Lee-de-Frost
Tank : Sir Ernest Swington
Telegraph : Samuel Morse
Telegraphic Code : Samuel Morse
Telephone : Sir Alexander Graham Bell
Telescope : Galileo
Television (mechanical) : John Logie Baird
Television : Baird
Tempo of Evolution : George Gaylord Simpson
Terylene : J. Whinfield and H. Dickson
The long playing microgroove record : Peter Goldmark
Theory of conditioned reflex : Pavlov
Theory of Evolution : Darwin
Theory of Relativity : Einstein
Theory of the Atom : John Dalton
Thermodynamics : Ludwig Boltzmann
Thermometer : Galileo Gallei
Thermos Flasks : Dewar
Tractor : J. Froelich
Transformer : Michael Faraday
Transistor : Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain
Typewriter : C. Sholes

Uranium fusion : Oho Hahn
Uranus (Planet) : Herschel William

Vaccination : Edward Jenner
Valve of radio : Sir J.A. Fleming
Vitamin A : Elmer V. McCollum & M. Davis
Vitamin B : Elmer V. McCollum
Vitamin B1 : Casimir Funk
Vitamin B2 : D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick
Vitamin B6 : Paul Gyorgy
Vitamin C : James Lind
Vitamin D : Edward Mellanby
Vitamin E : Herbert Evans & Katherine Bishop
Vitamin Folic acid : Lucy Wills
Vitamin Niacin : Conrad Elvehjem
Vitamins : Hopkins and Funk
Vulcanised Rubber : Charles Goodyear

Washing Soda : Lablanc
Watch : A.L. Breguet
Waterproof Rubber : Charles Macintosh
Wave Mechanics : Erwin Schrodinger
Wave Theory of Light : Christiaan Huygens
Wave/Particle : Duality Louis Victor de Broglie
West Indies : Columbus (1492)
Wireless Communication : Oliver Lodge
Wireless Telegraphy : Marcony
World Wide : Web and Hypertext Markup Language Tim Berners Lee

X - Rays : Roentgen
X-Ray : Crystallography Max von Laue
X-Ray : Wilhelm Reontgen

Zerox machine : Chester Carlson
Zip fastener : W. L. Judson
Zipper : B. F. Goodrich