Corporates by name










Hafei, China
Haier, China
Hainan Airlines, China
Hana Bank, China
Hang Seng Bank, China
Hangzhou Wahaha Group, China
Harbin Bank, China
Harbin Brewery, China
Hasee, China
Hefei Meiling, China
Hengfeng Bank /, China
Hisense, China
HiSilicon, China
Hon Hai Technology Group, Taiwan (Famously known as Foxconn), China
HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited, China
Huadong Medicines, China
Huawei, China
Huaxia Bank, China
Huayi Brothers Media Corporation, China
Huiyuan Juice, China
Hytera, China
Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China, China
Industrial Bank Co Ltd, China
JDB Group, China
Jiangling Motors, China
Jianlibao Group, China
Jiecang, China
Jisulife, China
Jiuguang Department Store, China
Joyoung, China
JOYSPEED Global Cargo (China), China
JP Morgan Chase Bank, China
JXD, China
K Star, China
Kegland, China
Kingsoft, China
Kingway Brewery, China
Lenovo, China
Liaoning Zhenxing Bank, China
Lingkehuizhi Technology Co., Ltd, China
Li-Ning, China
Little Sheep Group, China
Liyang Shipping, China
Loncin Holdings, China
Lonking, China
Maoye International, China
Meizu, China
Midea Group, China
Millennium Logistics, China
Mingyang Wind Power, China
Miniso, China
Mr. Lee, China
MSC, China
Must Power, China
MYbank, China
Nanjing Automobile, China
Neusoft, China

SAIC Motor, China
SAIC-GM, China
Sany, China
Shaanxi Automobile Group, China
Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum, China
Shandong Guomao Guotai Reducer Co., Ltd, China
Shanghai Film Group Corporation, China
Shanghai Huarui Bank, China
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, China
Shengjing Bank, China
Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, China
Shenzhen Airlines, China
Shenzhen Energy, China
Shenzhen Media Group, China
Shinhan Bank, China
Shougang, China
Shui On Land, China
Sichuan Airlines, China
Simcere Pharmaceutical, China
Sinochem Group, China
Sinoenergy, China
Sinopec, China
Sinopharm Group, China
Sinosteel, China
Sinovac Biotech, China
Skyworth, China
SmithStreetSolutions, China
Societe Generale, China
SPD Silicon Valley Bank, China
Standard Chartered Bank, China
State Grid Corporation of China, China
Suning Commerce Group, China
Suntech Power, China
Suzhou Synta Optical Technology, China


































Our commitment : 100 000 corporates by their country by 31.3.2025
Our commitment :
50000 or 60000 corporates listed on stock exchanges by their name by 28.8.2025

Corporates invest in Sustainability, take care of employees, supply chain, consumers, clients, country government, media and climate.

Corporate managements invest time & money to take care, build & enhance brand value.
So its no wonder they value
reputation of their corporate.

Corporates which are listed on stock exchanges always take care of their
Institutional shareholders amd investors know how to look at corporates but individuals need to know about corporates, the governance of the corporate, its climate efforts, its attitude & policies related to employees, supply chain ....
We not only share the links of these 50000 or 60000 corporates listed on stock exchanges but are working on sustainability & reputation tree guidelines for each corporate.

We will also share 28813 NGO Brands with which corporates or funding agencies or philanthropists or celebrities partner to take care of communities & climate thereby helping governments & united nations..

Each country may have different rules and regulations for corporates. We share corporate related ministries & stock exchanges in corporate related pages countrywise.

Google is best and advanced search engine.
Seach Unilever USA in Google and you get over 2,00,00,000 results in 0.57 seconds.
Then we searched Unilever in Google and got over 13,50,00,000 results in 0.72 seconds

We are no where near Google in their Brand value and number of visitors and technology.
But we are different. We value your time. So go to corporatesinU because Unilever starts with U. And you get it.
If you want to see Unilever is UK, then go to United Kingdom and see corporates there.

CSR Budget
Time is critical. While we may share thousands of corporates countrywise and namewise, we dont share their CSR Budget, CSR issues and contact person. People, specially from NGOs want CSR budget.
So we have shared how and where to search CSR Budget

How we are different

HSBC India or Hindustan Unilever India or Mastek India may be supporting more than 1 social issue, so in the social issue pages, we share links to the programmes links (Not homepage or CSR link but social issue programme link)

This clearly means, that link of a particular company will come more than thrice.

Once in country where we share corporates in that country.
Second is CSR link which is link to ther CSR of that company.
Their is programmes links (Maybe more than one if they support more than one issue or in case they support the same issue at different locations and have separate links to locationwise programmes then within the same issue, multiple links.

And corporate foundation links are shared only social issuewise and not to the homepage of the corporate at present but we may change this and give links to the corporate foundation index page separately. Decision related to this will be taken by 28.8.2024.

Our request to corporates in the world

10 minutes Yog
It is vital because in this competitive world, each corporate leader goes through stress & tension.
Relaxation is important.
And like respiration, it is everyday till you live.

Products made by your company has expiry date, so is the you as a product made by your parents.
So till you live, give your time, talent to your company, your family & friends.

7 Hours of talent

Many NGOs across the world are led by people who focus more on helping communities than on earning lot of money.

Their professionalisation is overtaken by emotions.

Its important that corporate CEOs share what they do in professional competitive world like branding of corporate & products (NGO Branding & Programme branding for social sector), Communication, HR Policies, Supply chain policies, safety & protection of information and people, how taking care of families of employees is important because employee gives 8 hours a day for the company but 16 hours is with the outside world (outside world include family, which is important but is strange when we put it as outside world). Success planning

NGOs need to understand how the talent corporates use is useful for them because many times, NGOs lack succession planning.

NGO Shopping Malls
Corporates make money by selling products and services. NGOs use their skill by helping communities address their challenges. Its important that NGOs take a step forward by marketing products amde by or services offered by community members. And instead of individuals from the community, NGOs should use this as part of them because they deal with corporates, funding agencies .. and they are known. So it takes less time of communities in marketing themself because the marketing agent is NGO Brand.

And manytimes, corporates have shops as their agents which sell their products. So NGOs can also be agents of corporates, specially in areas where corporates have less reach out or where NGOs not only have good reachout but are seen as part of family of consumers (communities).
e.g. slums, villages and important is disabled communities, senior citizens, widows, males who lost their wife and parents and are alone ...

Term Insurace
Focuse of social workers and leaders of NGOs is helping communities address challenges they face regularly. In that they earn far less than what they could have earned if they worked with corporates.

Manytimes NGOs work in dangerous areas like floods, communal harmony, earthquakes, criminal mined people or parents who do not care their children or children who do not look at their parents.

It is important that if a corporate is giving donation to the NGO, a small percentage is used to pay term insurance of NGO Leader. Term insurance of a person means if a person dies during the span of term insurance, then her or his family or whoever is nominated gets insurance money.

After an almost fatal accident on 28.8.2013, founder has done a term insurance because he he plans to build a digital bridge between corporates, funding agencies, philanthropists, celebrities on one side and NGOs on the other side and his canvas is world.

Now it may happen that he dies giving hardly any money to family, so he has done a term insurance.

What's your
name ?






Corporates by name : Why just brand name ?

If you say what's in a name, then why have a name.
Remove your name.
If someone asks you, who are you, then what is your answer.

Doctor, Husnad or wife, Son or Daughter, Specialist ....
Then they will say there are over million doctors.
You say I am eye specialist.
They will say there are hundreds of eye specialists.
If they ask you which country you are citizen of .. then you will name the country.

Why your birth certificate has your name ?
Why right from school, college, marriage, credit cards, voting, employment ... everywhere you share your name.

Why name is clear.
It is also a way to share your Identity, as to who you are.

All know this.
Corporates value it.
Its not financial value. Its value. That is why we are clear that Value Education is key.
you share your name.
Its simple. You are called by your name.

When founder read news about Kering Board, he wanted to know details of Kering. He knew Kering is based in France but it is not possible for him or you to immediately remember where 100 000 companies are based.

And he thinks corporates invest time, money and talent on their identity and branding.

100 000 names on one page is tooooo much.

Google is a search engine. The best and advanced search enging.
We searched in Google Unilever USA at 7.07 AM India time and got about 2,18,00,000 results (0.57 seconds)
The first was Unilever USA. Good.
Then we searched Unilever in Google at 7.09 AM India time and got about 13,90,00,000 results (0.72 seconds)
For Unilever NewZealand, we have to Google Unilever NewZealand
At 7.11 AM India time, we got about 43,20,000 results (0.60 seconds)

So you have to Google Unilever and the country name 150 times, to see Unilever in that country. We are no where near Google in their Brand value as well as people who use them or their annual turnover or technology. But we are different. We are human based not machine based. We know each human have only 1 life and her or his or transgender's time is critical. So we value your time.

By 15.3.2022, you just go to Unilever in alphabet U and within that Un which shares Unilever, yo will go to Unilever link in about 100 times, with Unilever and then the country and each link is different because each country link for Unilever is different.

Again, we know we are far far smaller than Google or Wikipedia.
But we are different.

Company official website
We went to Unilever website and on top, there is location selector where you get Unilever websites in about 100 countries. So they give you that. Then why ?
You go to Unilever website which gives you links to about 100 Unilever websites but you have to go to each country, which means 100 different pages. Whereas by 15.3.2022, we give you Unilever in U and within that Un and in one page you get all the 100 links.
That is how we are different.

For banner fees, send a mail to

Namewise corporates

We plan to share 100 000 corporate websites from all the countries & many islands.
And we will not share just any organisation registered as corporate (e.g. Grocers are registered as for profit entities or corporates; same with gas agencies or petrol pumps organisations ... but we cover corporates of a particular size)

People read news about Amazon or Tesla and want to see more news, about their team, about various products they make or sell, about their CSR and CSR budget with issues they finance, how they take care of environment & climate, how they plan to be sustainable so that investors can invest in companies which grow for the next 10 years .
And much more.

We cant share all that because then it will be seen as our views which others may object as they may think this is partial because it is not possible for any human to know in detail 100 000 companies, 100 000 products, 50 000 NGO Brands, 2000 Funding agencies, 1000 Philanthropists, 3000 Media, thousands of ad agencies, PR agencies and 50000 corporates by their industry.

So we give links to their official websites.

1) Anybody who wants to see Amazon website, will go to A.
3) A company if it has operations (plants or offices) in countries, have to register their company in that country. So Unilever which has presence in over 150 countries will be 150 times and therefore next to the name of the company we share the country. So it is easy for people to see Unilever USA or Unilever New Zealand ... And important thing about Unilever is in India, it is Hindustan Unilever (HUL) where as in other countries it is Unilever followed by name of the country. We have been working with HUL since 2008, so we know them, their sustainability initiatives, how different brands from the same company are named without the name HUL in them (like there is Colgate toothpaste, there is no HUL in Pepsodent which HUL manufactures).

4) We therefore share the company by their name and separately under CorporatesinIndia or CorporatesinChina or CorporatesinUSA or CorporatesinJapan ... because NGOs are keen to know companies in their country (afterall most of the times, CSR Budget is given by companies in their country for NGOs in that country). So 100 000 companies are shared countrywise also. So one will find UnileverUSA twice. Once for corporatesinUSA and second by their name starting alphabet U

Why we share them twice is simple.
Each company's CSR may be different, their NGO partner's will be different in different countries. So countrywise corporate links share you that.

But there are millions who want to know Amazon. And most of them know it is headquartered in USA, so they may go to Amazon in corporatesinUSA. But the idea of sharing the companies came when we read Kering board has Emma. Now we knew Kering if France based but how many know of you know that. So Kering can be seen in CorporatesinK and within that CorporatesinKe

Sponsor has to pay fees ? Why ?
Sponsor has to pay fees for sharing banner.
These fees are not for content because sponsor or no sponsor, we are invest time in content. Fees are used for promotion, global promotion.
Again, there are many elements, where there will not be a sponsor but we have to invest time. We use the sponsorship amount to also help covering those areas which are not getting any sponsor like islands or social issues or health issues ...

Bhau, who started postponing death of founder had indirectly told him, that earn only that much money which can sustain yourself and future challenges you face plus income for your family's future specially Rohan. So earning too much money is not our concern (but yes, we may need lot of money for the hospital of young son or Yoga centre for his wife and more importantly lots of money to help give products to communities because giving money may not be used properly, but we also know that people need money and not products, so sometimes, we overrule our own thinking in terms of helping)

Money is needed to make global visibility of and we must have enough money to share social, health, climate issues which may not get support by anyone plus sharing how our global development examples develop with clean attitude.

We could have offered banner of right side to companies whose name starts with Aa, another one for Ab ... so 26 letters into 26 first two alphabets which is 676 but we have taken a decision on 10.2.2021, that we will have only 26 organisations whose banner will be on 26 alphabets. These are 26 alphabets from A to Z.

So companies whose names start with Aa, Ab, Ac, Ad, Ae, Af, Ag, Ah, Ai, Aj, Ak, Al, Am, An, Ao, Ap, Aq, Ar, As, At, Au, Av, Aw, Ax, Ay, Az will have only one sponsor banner, the one who sponsors all companies starting with A.

Same with other alphabets.
We share them in Aa, Ab ... format only because 100 000 divided by 26 means on one page there may be few thousand names and that is not a right way to share them. So Aa, Ab ...
We know more companies start with A or C or S or T and few start with Q, X, Z ...

For banner fees, send a mail to

We also share corporates by their country differently because each country has ministries related to corporates and stock exchanges, here we share Brand names of corporates irrespective of country.

But again, we are different.
So we share country next to the name of the Corporate because we believe each country is a Brand