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GRI in China

GRI Focal Point in China
GRI China Office provides guidance and support sustainable development report on China's local authorities, and with offices in other parts of GRI GRI together to promote the realization of the mission: the standardization of sustainability reporting.

China's Sustainable Development Report
China is the world's most populous countries, rapid economic growth, which is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. People excessive focus on economic growth has caused some social problems arising at the same time, the environmental impact of pollution generated by economic growth, waste and unsustainable water use, such as getting worse. Nevertheless, the Chinese government remains one of the non-financial information disclosure system of government to develop the world's most active, the impact of China's sustainable development policy are also very large.

March 2011, the Chinese government issued the 12th Five-Year Plan, as the world's second largest economy depicts the development of the road next five years. The main goal of this plan is through more socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development to expand domestic demand. Earlier, other government departments and the stock exchange has many sustainability reporting initiatives. In this context, GRI China office conform to government policies and social trends, and promote sustainability reporting in China.

In China, people of knowledge and understanding of the extent of the GRI guidelines is still in its early stages, but the number of sustainability reporting is growing rapidly. GRI established the China office in 2009 to promote the development of this trend. GRI hopes to help Chinese companies and other agencies to be more active and proactive international dialogue on sustainable development. GRI network is very wide, and the integration of Chinese institutions GRI network to further promote interaction in the field of global sustainable development.

GRI China Office
GRI China Office provides guidance and support sustainable development report on China's local authorities, and with offices in other parts of GRI GRI together to promote the realization of the mission: the standardization of sustainability reporting. China is relatively young in industrialized countries, developing countries are also important for sustainable development reporting. GRI believes that the establishment of an office in China to guide the sustainable development of the local situation report. GRI China office was founded in July 2009. Since then, it began to carry out the following three aspects to accomplish its mission work in China: • with various fields and industries to communicate and exchange, to promote the mainstreaming of sustainability reporting • convey various agencies to China sustainability reporting in the latest international developments • gather feedback to local agencies, improving the sense of ownership of Chinese institutions GRI guidelines GRI China office is a separate legal entity, with a separate office. Office has three positions: Director, China commissioner, and administrative assistants.

Ming Hui-yu
Director - GRI China office

Chen Li Xian
China commissioner - GRI China office

Yuan Yuan
Administrative Assistant - GRI China office

Office Address
Main Street
Chaoyang District
23 East Diplomatic Office
205F, 100600












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