Social & developmental issues Countries, oceans Content membership India an example country Thane, Global example

In English language, Will is used in many words, like many times, one says
I will do it, I will try to do it, We will do it .... We will reduce poverty .... We will survive ....

What is common is WILL.

Survival is great, but remember each human being has expiry date.
WILL & WISH are important.
Rarely one knows in advance the final expiry date & time .
In case, the patient is about to die, she or he know they will die.
But not exact time.
And even if they know it, they always WISH that they should live more.

CSRidentity.com founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat survived from an almost fatal accident on 28.08.2013 thanks to Bhau who left this world on 9.2.2015.

People responsible for the accident or others who were happy to know about the accident must know that Sanjay is not at all afraid of death. Infact he considers Life is BONUS life.
In his case, it is given to integrate social, health, climate issue related programmes happening in the world. Thane as well as Maharashtra Police, former collector, local and national politicians know about the accident details.

He remembers that (an email was sent to couple of friends) that on 11th July 2013, some one talked about his Rakta Paat (Blood shedding may not represent the feelings).
But law needs written proof, not emotions or feelings.
So he says, he remembers and law may prove it wrong without legal proof.
But if he is murdered, then legal questioning may make real thing come out.
It is not that "will come out" but may come out.

But one thing is common. Whether you live in a democratic country or live constantly under the power of someone, your WILL lives after you leave this world.

Request before you expire
There are more than 1.4 billion below the poverty line (BPL) citizens in most of the countries in this large world
Please have a will to help at least 1 BPL in your lifetime or after your expiry through a registered WILL or just handwritten but unregistered WILL..

People in middle class or upper middle class or upper class
and celebrities can easily take care of 1 BPL citizen in their country or in any other country, specifically African countries or countries which are experiencing large number of migration because citizens in the country face low income, low human rights.
And one can take care of this in financial terms or in non financial volunteering terms.

And yes, dont give money just as a fad or to temporarily remove that person from BPL. Ensure that the person (infact family) gets capacity to earn living and come out of poverty line on a permanent and sustainable basis. Your money must have impact.
In simple words, check, cheque and check.

First check is check whether the concerned person is BPL or orphan or disabled..,
then give cheque (It can be online money transfer to save paper. It is good if money is given in cheque / online format because there is a proof),
the last check is check the impact of money.

And give funds only for 3 years and in these 3 years the implementing agency to which you give funds should ensure Sustainability of the concerned person in terms of livelihood or in case of senior persons or differently abled persons check something else or tell the donor that this person needs support till her or his expiry date.

If 1.4 billion people above the poverty line take care of 1.4 billion people below the poverty line for 3 years, the world will be a great place to live & leave.
Again, it must be your WISH (not a WISH which you had to sign compulsarily or someone dictated you) and WILL (your WILL, again not dicated by circumstamces). Actually it is YOUR WILL and we dont understand why it has to be a registered WILL. Its a human responsibility & human rights issue.

Visitors to CSRidentity.com are human beings and we dont know whether they are great, good, financially corrupt, mentally corrupt, greedy or money oriented.
And we therefore say registered WILL (the registration should be done with the related government office, at least that is the process in India. We dont know about other countries).

We urge celebrities to take care of 1 BPL person when they are alive and one more after their expiry date and the second one must be in the form of a registered WILL.
Celebrities have influencing power and money, so if they take care of 1 BPL and promote related NGOs, then their followers will take care of 1.

We repeat. Remember each human being has expiry date.
World will be a great place to live & leave if you have a clear WILL.

The WILL against povery is a mental WILL
and doesnt require registration.

We have purposely misspelt Poverty. The t is missing and t stands for thinking or it may stand for time.

We know one notices wrong spelling fast.
But one does not even think of removing 1 BPL to above the poverty line.
They think it is just government's job because they pay tax.
Wrong spelling infact represent how people are wrong in thinking that poverty is only economic poverty. Its time, one thinks of Mental poverty.

Actually, before one writes a WILL or legally registers the WILL with governmet, one must have a WILL and WISH to remove poverty.
CSRidentity.com is not a political party with agenda.
It is our human agenda to remove poverty

Its human right to have a WILL.
Relatives, political parties, organisations can influence but personal experiences are deciders of the WILL.

India is our global example, has a population of 1.3 billion plus. Each has a religion, caste ..
but three things which are common in all of them are
1) They are humans
2) They have a will - maybe supressed will
3) Every one has expiry date
Will can be to live lavishly or help society or whatever and there are humans who cant think because they are mentally disabled citizens or citizens in coma.

Does India care for Registered WILL of its citizens ?
How many Indians register their WILL is not known.
We think all democratic countries take legal care of registered WILL.
But this is what we think. Whether its a fact or just thinking is not known.

Founder's e
xperience regarding registered WILL is however different.
It is about a person no more living in this world. While he was alive and was Indian citizen, he had registered his WILL going through required medical tests and the will has a copy of medical doctor who has done relevant medical tests.
But even after 7 years after he expired (and who had registered a WILL earlier than that), if a country like India, can not take care legal decision at district court level (forget about high court or supreme court), then India will surely be questioned of its reputation of a fast decision making democratic country. And it is not about 1 person in this case. It is about more than 1.3 billion citizens living in the country.

But from India's side, we think in a democratic country, people file legal cases on anything and the population and migration to cities is a BIG issue.
So it takes time.

But just think
Doctor can not say wait for 7 years, when a patient who just had a heart attack is taken to the doctor. If there is long queue, doctors or hospitals will say take the patient to a different hospital but say Wait is not at all done. But when there is only one hospital in an entire district, doctors have to take care of the patient who just had a heart attack. So a court at district level must take care of someone from the district who first goes to district court, then high court and then supreme court.

And do compare
If the district is crowded with people, then more than one hospital is built because that is the need of community. So when the district has many million citizens, court either takes more Judges or diverts cases to nearby districts which has less cases. Like a hospital says there are more patients, go to other nearby hospital. Dont we expect that from a doctor or hospital which takes of life of a person ? Courts are life changers, so they are like doctors.

While giving name of a person, we say Advocate Apte or Dr Apte... we never say Engineer Apte or Gold medalist in Medical College or Legal college Apte ..
Doctors and advocates are seen differently by community. So they must act accordingly.

Whether the patient is Supreme court Judge or Political leader or economically middle class or Below the poverty line, for a doctor Its a patient. And Patients must be first.
Does a doctor taking medical care of an accident patient says wait outside for 7 years ?
Does any one in India or anyone in the world likes this concept of a doctor asking you to wait for 7 years before seeing you and giving you treatment ?

To summarise
India has 1/7th of the world population.
And 7 years is tooooooooooooooooooo long a time for court to take a legal decision of a medically fit Indian citizen who had registered his WILL and has expired years ago..

Again : Do courts take such time to take a decision of Registered WILL of a Supreme court judge or Indian Member of Parliament or Justice Minister ?????
And if that person was medically fit person who had great mental power, who was mixing with others till about a fortnight before he expired ... and as per rules, had the doctor do relevant medical test before signing his WILL

We dont know the real reasons of court's delay.
Its not a bad dream, but reality.
But reality is reality.
And it is not at all a good identity of a democratic country.

Yes, Indian courts are right when the legal decisions are same whether you are PM, President or Below the poverty line.

Legal complaints against registered WILL ???????
Its a horrible concept that one files a Legal complaint against a registered WILL of a mentally fit person about his self earned property..
This is what we used to think.
But now we think its right of everyone to file legal cases.

Right or wrong is a court's decision.
Law is neutral and every one must respect law.
Judge asking you wrong questions is a test.
Like if they give options in mathematics paper, they give you 4 answers of which only 1 is correct.
It does not mean the question paper setter is wrong. She / he tests your knowledge.

But some people & their lawyers do it & waste WORLD's time, money and most importantly start an unethical practice.
We hope the LAW is clear and takes care of such inhumans and punishes this inhuman behaviour.
Its sort of WAR against ethics.

And we want Justice Ministry to take care of the image of India.

And we want human rights organisations (not activist organisations) to tell the LAW that if LAW knows
it is truth, it should not take years to take a decision.

World will be a greater place to live & leave if you take care of people who gave you birth (your parents)
You may be Queen, King, President, PM, Minister, Scientist, Great doctor or common person. Who has given birth to you ?

They take care of you when you are a child.
Do respect them and take care of them when they are physically old or when they need it.
Remember medical practices have improved now and one can easily live more.
But agewise everyone gets older if they survive.

If you become old and your child or grand child doesnt take care or bother about you, then what will be your condition.
We have purposely not ended this sentence with question mark (?) because .........
You might beg them to take care of you but if they ask you simple question of "What care you took of your parents ?
If you did not look at them, then on what thinking terms you have the right to tell me to take care of YOU"

And then you have no answer except the fact that you can only repent
(of course if you have moral & ethical values, only then you repent, else only you know your bad nature)
Such inhumans will have legal right to play with their grandchildren
but ethical right is first and last for humans across the world. Legal rights may be different countrywise.

(Note : Like in TV channels, CSRidentity.com must admit that we are not mentioning any names of persons who register a WILL or names of people who are greedy and go to court or names of lawyers who are greedy of either money or friendship or image. If some people think that this is a real STORY based on their real life, they must admit the mistakes in court as well as infront of people of this world).

If you think its your story, then learn from such horrible mistakes and be ready for any right and judicial decisions)

We repeat.
If the world has 8 billion plus citizens, then remember they are born to their parents. Then there are parents who adopt children.
True, poor may not economically take care of their parents but they must take care of the emotions of their parents till they are physically on earth.

Economically one may be Below the Poverty Line citizen but they are billionaires in terms of number of neurons in the brain (in medical terms, remember that rich, poor, middle class .... all humans have an average number of neurons in the brain between 86 billion to 100 billion ... )

(This page is about WILL but purposely we share Insurance case on this page).

Now, Sanjay Moreshwar Bapat who had an almost fatal accident on 28.08.2013, was not given an opportunity to share what he, his family, friends, clients .... have gone through in the last few years. It is unacceptable. Again issues like population, more dense population in cities .... must be considered. But 5 years time after 28.8.2013 is unacceptable.

Yes, he stood first time in life in court 29.8.2013.
And the decision was given.

Does the Insurance company wants someone to DIE so that substantial Insurance Money is given ?
Yes, when one fills up insurance company form, it has several clauses but how many people who have signed the form have read & understood the complete rules, regulations ...
Does the insurance agent tell you every thing, specially if you dont die but you had an almost fatal accident, then you will get only .... money.
They must ensure that their clients understood it before signing.

Hardly any insurance agent will ensure that you have completely understood the rules and regulations.
And usually, the insurance agent doesnt ask any questions when a person signs insurance papers.

So like you must answer questions correctly in exams then only you become a doctor .. an insurance agent who is supposed to insure the life of a person must be like a doctor ... But they may be thinking, it is just a formality.
Why is Insurance agent paid for ???

It is the responsibility of the agent to understand whether the person who signs has completely understood what she / he is signing.
The agent must ask questions to check. (Arent there questions at the end of a chapter in school ? We know it is not childish and it is not at all formality. Is insurance a formality.
If Insurance agents think it isa requirement, then it is a school of thought where the curriculum is life driven.

The BIG unanswered questions Sanjay has are : Is Insurance done as a security measure or as Money after death measure ?
Is Term insurance better than life insurance ?
Of course this does not cover good practices of Mediclaims.



Nobel's WILL was not accepted initially but it won ultimately
Alfred Nobel had done WILL 3 times
On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his third and last will at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Nobel had left much of his wealth for the establishment of a prize. His family opposed the establishment of the Nobel Prize, and the prize awarders he named refused to do what he had requested in his will. It was five years before the first Nobel Prize could be awarded in 1901.

Bill & Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet.
They started "Giving Pledge" & importance they gave to WILL

The Giving Pledge is a simple concept: an open invitation for billionaires, or those who would be if not for their giving, to publicly commit to give the majority of their wealth to philanthropy either during their lifetimes or in their wills

India Welfare Trust and its Living MyPromise
Importance it gives to WILL
#LivingMyPromise is an effort to help address society’s most pressing problems by inviting India’s well-to-do individuals and families to commit to giving equal to or more than half of their wealth to philanthropy or charitable causes either during their lifetime or in their will.

Pulitzer Prize & WILL
A well known Prize and Pulitzer wrote about it in his WILL

WILL is used by University of Surrey
LEAVE A GIFT IN YOUR WILL. Your generosity can help students receive a world-class education and help us find the answers to global problems through pioneering research.

Bhau & 2 WILLs
Bhau did registered WILL two times and also a Gift Deed of his property because he knew that some people dont accept WILL easily and unnecessarily go on buying time.
But even Gift Deed is treated like this in India

Founder & WILL
Founder Sanjay Kumud Moreshwar Bapat registered a WILL under his legal name Sanjay Moreshwar Bapat.

Founder is keen that people do WILLs of what they own and not a WILL of what they dont own or their wish. e.g. Some one below the poverty line writes that he owns a ranch worth millions of dollars is not right because then she or he is not Below the Poverty Line.. In the WILL share only what you own personally and not your dreams.

In India
Family members oppose WILL and go to courts.
They oppose Registered WILL & Registered Gift Deed done by a medically fit person.
Interestingly, they have the guts not to purposely see their father, grand father or father in law when he is about to leave the world and these born individuals can not claim traffic jam or disability because they were closeby but did not pursposely see him before he finally left the world. And he did not have a disease like Covid when you cant go closer to the person who expired because of that diesease. Or there was no lockdown by related government.

Of course, Law doesnt need you to be present when your father or gradfather or father in law is about to leave the world.
But humanity is defeated by such born invididuals.

And if they or their relative or friend or lawyer or neighbour or a person who works for neighbour murders or kills indirectly by accident the person related to this case, they may think they won. But they are wrong. They cant fool police, politicians, common people ....

Law may take time because it is burdened with so many legal cases.
But this case is unique because billions of people in India and the world must know that Law takes care of WILL. Its not thinking but we believe that Law takes care of genuine WILL.
Else WILL or registered WILL is just a paper.

And probate of WILL is an additional paper (if people object probate, else it is right).
Some people act as if they did not do anything wrong. They write things, forward things, meet people, laugh with them, put religious audios in the morning... all thinking that they are right.

Every individual has legal rights to donate property or money which is only on her or his and property is not hereditory or money is not part of family money (legally part of, not just that one thinks it is part of family money).

PR of such born humans is Punctured Reputation
Compare Reputation with a Tyre
Punctured Tyre is a Punctured Tyre. You can remove puncture.

But humans when they expire can never come back whatever medical equipments you use.
Tyre can be replaced, life of any human being can not be back when she or he expires.

Humans cant be duplicated but can be replaced by another person for many things they did. But you cant say Albert Einstein or Alfred Nobel can be replaced.

Yes, their thinking can be replaced but their physical, biological, environmental and neighbourhood situation cant be replaced. 2022 is replaced by 2023 but 8th August 2022 can not be same as 8th August 2023.

No one can ever see a person who left earth physically, whatever good or bad you do.

Now take another example.
Take a ballon.
Prick that ballon.
It will burst.
So before pricking, it was a ballon but within a second, it is no more a baloon.
So in humanity case mentioned above, reputation and that of their relatives or neighbour's goes for a toss.

Law in democratic countries must stand by truth.
And India and Thane are global examples, so world is watching whether democracy is practiced or muscle power, money power overtakes genuine legal case.

We share Justice ministries in more than 150 countries because we want them to see how India is protected by law and is not corruption managed legal system.

Legal case may go on and on and one may be killed directly or through accident.
But truth cant be killed.

If born humans kill someone, their future generations will badly suffer.
Politicians are social professionals & serve people & communities.
And killing some one from the social sector is a social issue which globally must be raised.

Name of killers can be identified later but then government must put efforts in such case because it will reflect India's stand for its citizens.

And police are careful caretakers of legal system.
So they must drive the government efforts and help legal system identify the truth.

And insurance ministry must help if people do term insurance because they have to pay family of related person who gets murdered. And not wait for murder case results. Because it is term insurance. Of course, they can help government & police and if a fellow with term insurance is murdered, then they can decide whether to file a legal case against the murderer or those who tell the murderer to murder and try to recover money of term insurance they have already paid as term insurance polity.

They cant deny payment if it is not written in their papers which person signs before taking insurance. Insurance companies can reject application if the applicant doest sign legal insurance papers. They should not have given term insurance if they had doubt. Insurance is not a joke.

But they must know whether it was natural death or someone purposely murdered or did an accident in such a fashion that the murderer and people behind the murder are safe.

Insurance companies must help their country, their legal system, their police ... And if asked, they must help sharing names of murderers to HR of organisation where murderer works or works in the supply chain or holds an organisation which supplies materials to companies.

In such cases, police must help them in going through telephonic records as well as behaviour of such individuals like purposely not seeing their father, grand father or father in law who is about to leave earth

If telephone or mobile records or related email is seen then they will get records
if any one said Raktapaat on 11th July 2013 (or its just imagination, not a reality) or
if someone said bad things about police or lawyers (or its just imagination) or
if someone did not attend important society meeting but signed at home (or its just imagination, not a reality)

Law must remember that fact is fact. It does not change if you are political leader or film celebrity or sports celebrity or teacher whose students are in different countries.

Infact this shows the attitude of the person and all the people related to these born individual must remember what kind of persons exist on earth.

But still, when they have a heart attack, doctors must treat them as a patient (not anything else but just a patient) And if they expire, their legal opponent must see their body because humanity is then not lost.

Untitled Document
Just give $1 a month. If 1 billion citizens give just $1 a month, integrate it to arrive at $12 billion a year. Please do it. It is our sincere request to all of you.