Venkat Krishnan : Global image enhancer : CSRidentity.com

Venkat Krishnan N. graduated from IIM-Ahmedabad in 1993 and started his career with the media, working first at "The Times of India" in various corporate and brand management functions. He then helped set up Sony Entertainment Television in India as part of the core management team.

In 1996, he co-founded Eklavya School, Ahmedabad. The school used innovative pedagogical approaches to help children learn rather than be taught. The school also ran a novel programme integrating children from the slums and from some of the wealthiest families of Ahmedabad city into the same classrooms. In 2001, he co-founded Educational Initiatives, a socially oriented education company.

Venkat setup GiveIndia in 2000, to strengthen the "giving culture" in India by providing people with opportunities to contribute to good causes, with very high standards of transparency and accountability. GiveIndia today channels around Rs 25 cr p.a. to over 250 NGOs in India.

Since 2009, Venkat has been a core volunteer involved in evangelising the Joy of Giving Week, India'sown "giving festival". In 2010, JGW saw 1 million+ people participate in 450+ events in 40+ cities across India, channeling over Rs 20 crores in cash and kind, and millions of volunteer hours to a range of social causes.

GiveIndia today channels around Rs 30cr p.a. to over 250 NGOs in India.

In 2012, JGW saw over 1.5 million people participate in 750+ events in100+ towns, villages and cities across India, channeling over Rs 30crores in cash and kind, and millions of volunteer hours to a range of social causes.

CSRidentity.com and personally its founders are thankful for Venkat Krishnan for his human nature on and after 28.8.2013