are different.
People may pronounce the word as Current See.
Money is a big current.
People do many bad things because they are so hungry for
And its never ending hunger.
A person with diabetes cant eat sweet.
Its time people realise that people hungry for money
when they have enough money have money diabetes.
being sweet, they must not be toooooooooo hungry for
sweet money.
The medicine they can have is helping others in whatever
they are good at (whether it is teaching how to invest
or how to draw or how to run or how to make food or
how to maintain cleanliness ....)
It is not a medicine which you can buy.
Its your time and talent you have to give to community.
See how satisfied you are.
Its tough.
You can start
with being a Birthday Philanthropist. Click here to
see how simple it is.
let them not be myopic and help themself and their family.
They must think beyond themself.
change is
a BIG current which can kill humans, animals, trees,
infact it is a BIG killer and is slow but much bigger
than a Nuclear Bomb.
Bank notes are made of paper. And fire ensures Bank
Notes are burnt. They vanish.
So be selfish to ensure Climate Change doesnt burn your
if you say that we use Digital currency
Remember climate will one day burn banks or any place
you save money.
Remember, every human has expiry date and will also
BIGGER currency because everyone has attitude.
If it is wrong Current, people with false attitude are
like killers.
Some people have such an attitude that they purposely
dont see their father, father in law, grand father,
grand father in law when he is about to leave earth.
It may not be about money or property but some things
they know better. And if they didnt value that person,
they must remember that when a person expires, he or
she has no emotions. So your emotional attitude can
be blocked for a minute or an hour or ... But they have
such ego attitude that they block others also to see
the person who is about to leave.
such people are not filthy rich but middle class people.
can buy physical things like a vegetable or a house
or airplance tickets but money cant buy satisfaction.
You need to earn it. If people tour 10 countries, visit
great locations they may think they are satisfied. But
that is temporary satisfaction.
you think you got satisfaction but you mind will say
And yes, this is about humans and not born humans who
sometimes purposely act like they are not humans. That's
their attitude.