Orthopedic Hosoitals


We plan to share about 100 Orthopedic Hosoital and 1 additional from our global example, Thane. We know Thane doctors celebrities of any type will not have followers of the scale of any global doctor celebrity of any category but we want to make Thane a wonderful global example of development and know that Thane celebrities have power to influence Thaneites

Thane celebrities can also help us identify global celebrities in their field. We know each country has many celebrities of various types (e.g. in India, we can have many film celebrities), but we limit ourself to celebrities who invest time and money for social, health, climate issues.

We know that even for celebrities, 0.00775% of their time and money is too much in Rupee or Dollar terms, so we dont want to put any limit on money part of time part.

Celebrities will be shared in alphabetical order of their name and not their country of citizenship because we think they are world celebrities.

Orthopedic Hosoital






























































































































































































We know people will have different Identity of celebrities of any category and this will certainly be different stakeholderwise. e.g. Anyone from social sector, will judge the celebrity from social angle, media will look at the TRP (Target Rating Point or in simple language Influencing power) of celebrities, fans will look at them differently.
We will therefore say the Ideal Identity of each celebrity category (Not real but ideal Identity)