Untitled Document
What we share

Responsibility of the industry
Identity of the industry
Corporates from the industry

Myopic thinking

Advertising Industry
Airlines Industry
Audit Industry
Automobiles industry
Banking Industry
Brewery industry
Consultancy Industry
Construction industry
Cosmetics industry
Courier Industry
Datergents industry
Diamonds industry
Food industry
Hotel Industry
Infrastructure industry
Insurance industry
IT Industry
Jewellery industry
Market Research Industry
Mobile phone Industry
Mutual funds industry
Pharma industry
PR Agency Industry
Refrigerator industry
Woman health industry (Sanitary napkins)
Search engine industry
Soaps industry
Solar Energy industry
Television industry
Venture capital Industry

This myopic thinking of companies is changing. Thanks to technology which makes info available all the time.

Companies dont think that there responsibility is only limited to making products or offer services & pay tax. They know that they have a much larger & deeper responsibility.
Consumers, clients buy your products, use your services. So it is cpompany's responsibility to take care of them.

Does a mother or father say that we pay tax, so taking care of my child's education, health, adulthood is government's responsibility.

Parents take the child to the best school, admit in best college, use good doctor and hospital if the child has a health problem. And they pay and not government.

And from the tax people pay, government has schools, hospitals, infrastructure like roads on which you drive expensive cars. But government also has its buses, trains, ambulances, hearses...

So its a combinations of individuals & government.

CSRidentity.com believes that each company is an integral part of industry. We will share what are the responsibilities of the industries and how are industries tackling the global issue of climate