Thane District Of India




If you want to have your banner on every page of country & island location, then
Donate Rs 12 00 000/- or USD 16000 to our NGO Developed Nation Network Trust.

Donations will be used for development and global promotion of Brand Thane, where we want to have a Digital Wall which helps NGO Managements from all countries.
And the expert views on Management are not our views but eperts from corporates, ad agencies, PR agencies ...
And yes, they will also pay for sharing a page where they share their expertise because their company or organisation banner will be shared.
And this donation will go towards our global examples of development.
Period : From now to 31.3.2023. For details, contact Datacentre.

Developed Nation Network Trust has FCRA so it can accept funds from any country other than India and it has 80G, so that if any one from India makes a donation, they will get 80 G certificate.

As soon as we receive the donation, we will share only your banner which can be of size 1010 px width and 800 px height.
And we will remove the content shared related to how we will use banner, so that your banner gets prominent attention.

We know politics, police, military are important for people across the world, including us but we have a policy not to accept any ads from them.
No advertising will be accepted from anything related to activism, naxalism, porno website or any antigovernment site or portals competing with us or our programmes