




Agnes Gereb
András Szabó
Andrea David
Aron Jakab
Barbara Czeizel
Bernadett Eigner
Csaba Kovacs
Csaba Mihaldinecz
Edit Gyorik
Edit Gyorik
Endre Biro
Erzsébet Szekeres
Eszter Harsányi
Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi
Ferenc Orsos
Gabor Fekete
Gábor Gombos
Geza Nagy
Ildiko Szigeti
Imre Furmann
Istvan Aba-Horvath
József Rácz
Laszlo Jakubinyi
Levente Viszló
Márta Bácskai
Melitta Ferkovics
Miklós Persányi
Nora Ritok
Pal Gera
Péter Lázár
Péter Orbán
Piroska Horvath
Tamas Liling
Zoltán Nagy
Zsuzsa Csato

Any corporate, funding agency, donor can take the right side on every page of the Ashoka forum for a donation to Developed Nation Network Trust, our NGO which has FCRA and 80 G.
The donation will be used for development activities of Global examples, Thane and expenses towards promotion of a professional training module on management aspects of NGOs across the world..
The module is free for all the NGOs but we need to promote it across the world, hence fees.
Email Datacentre@CSRidentity.com or whatsapp 9820073599 or 9769473599