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Corporate Governance - What do shareholders really value?
Can corporations' relentless focus on maximising shareholder wealth actually harm investors? UNSW's Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation presents Prof Lynn Stout, the Paul Hastings Distinguished Professor of Corporate and Securities Law at UCLA, in the second seminar of the series "In Who or What Do We Trust?"
Lynn Stout has been described as "the closest thing to a rockstar in corporate governance". Professor Stout advocates the end of shareholder primacy where public corporations belong to their shareholders and firms exist for one purpose only - to maximise shareholder wealth. However, modern corporate practice needn't be this way. Professor Stout argues that shareholder value thinking actually harms investors, over time and as a class.

The CLMR in association with Allens Arthur Robinsion and the Centre for International Finance and Regulation is delighted to welcome Professor Stout to lead the second seminar in the series 'In Who or What Do We Trust.'


Hindalco engagement with investors and shareholders
Regular meetings with investors to make them aware about company performance and plans
Through “Investor Grievance Committee” at the Board level
Formal procedures to track investor complaints, continuous improvement

Important issue identified
Responsible financing, ensuring community empowerment

Key stakeholder engagement activities in the reporting period (2010-11)
Interaction also took place during the annual general meeting where we communicated on the sustainability issues (economic, environment and social).


Reliance Industries Ltd
Shareholders seeking information may contact the company directly or via dedicated shareholder contact points or through any of Investor service centres of the Company’s Registrars and Transfer Agents spread over 80 cities across India, details of which are available on www.ril.com.

RIL ensures that queries, complaints and suggestions are responded in a timely and consistent manner. Shareholders are provided with Annual Report which contains comprehensive information about the financial performance of the Company.