skills Education NGO in India
NGO Working for Education and Sustainable living
Magic Bus works with children and young people, living
in poverty, in India, taking them from a childhood full
of challenges to a life with meaningful livelihoods. We
equip children and young people in the age group of 12
to 18 with the skills and knowledge they need to grow
up and move out of poverty.
on the Magic Bus programme successfully fend off destabilisers
such as child marriage and child labour. They complete
their secondary education and go on to become first-generation
salary earners having secure careers in the organised
sector. Our youth-centered Livelihoods Programme connects
the aspirations and potential of young people to available
market opportunities. We build their employability skills
and map job potential based on individual strengths and
Skills Education
Includes financial literacy, digital literacy, spoken
English and career awareness that will help young people
to get a job of their choice.