Prisoners : NGOs in India

Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA) Foundation, Tihar Prisons, Delhi : Second Chance Fellowship
12 month full-time fellowship program focusing on developing quality interventions and facilitating sessions on life skills and education in prisons and coming up with exciting projects.

Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA) Foundation, Tihar Prisons, Delhi : Kunji - Prison Helpline
Facilitating ex-inmates over phone with help of a location-wise data of various NGOs and government institutions that are working on issues that ex-inmates face, like Drug De-addiction, Mental health, Housing/Food/Clothing, Employment, Conflict Resolution, Life-Skills, Legal-Aid, Education.

Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA) Foundation, Tihar Prisons, Delhi : Better-life Prison School
A full day long operational school which includes functional literacy, wage/self-skill training, life skill training, drug de-addiction and healthcare support.

Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA) Foundation, Tihar Prisons, Delhi : Project Rihai
A crowdfunding platform to get people out on bail who have completed their sentence and do not have money to provide bail.It is only done for inmates who are recommended by prison staff on the account of reformed behaviour in their prison time and do not have any financial support from families.

Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA) Foundation, Tihar Prisons, Delhi : Project Unlearn
Context-based education and life skills intervention by young incarcerated men which aims to end gender based violence and crime by intensive workshops and sessions inside prisons and communities .

Turn Your Concern Into Action (TYCIA) Foundation, Tihar Prisons, Delhi : BaatCheet
Safe space within prison to express and initiate dialogues on topics such as sexuality & substance abuse. Enabling individuals to effectively handle issues/ problems commonly encountered in daily life through critical thinking along counselling and therapy.


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