Political Parties in Uganda

The Uganda Electoral Commission lists 29 registered political parties on its website. Some of the listed parties include the following:

Labour Party

Conservative Party

Democratic Party
Chama cha kidemokrasia
Founded : 1954

Forum for Democratic Change
jukwaa la mabadiliko ya kidemokrasia
Founded : 2004
Website : http://fdc.ug/

Justice Forum
Founded : 1996

Federal Democratic Party

National Democrats Forum

National Resistance Movement
Harakati za Upinzani za Kitaifa
Founded : 1986
Website : http://www.nrm.ug/

Uganda People's Congress
Congress ya Watu wa Uganda
Founded : 1960
Website : http://www.upcparty.net/

People's Progressive Party (PPP)
Founded : 2004

Uganda Federal Alliance

People's Development Party

Uganda Socialist Green Party