Political Parties in Macau

Union for Development
Founded : 1984

United Citizens Association of Macau
Founded 2005
Website : www.api.org.mo

Union for Promoting Progress
Founded : 1992
Website : www.upp.org.mo

Alliance for Change (Macau)
Founded : 2005

New Union for Macau's Development
Founded : 2005
Website : www.amdgo.com

New Hope (Macau)
Founded : 2005
Website : www.atfpm.org.mo

Macau Business Interest Union

Employees Association Joint Candidature Commission

Macau professional Interest Union

Association for Promotion of Social Services and Education

Excellent Culture and Sports Union Association

New Macau Association

New Democratic Macau Association

Prosperous Democratic Macau Association
New Macau Liberals

Civil Watch

Association for Together Efforts to Improve the Community

Activism for Democracy Association

Democratic Society Alliance

Association for Promotion of Civic Rights

Macau Ideals

Innovative Action

Supervision by the Lower Class

Workers' Movement Front