
Planet Venus

Similar in size and structure to Earth, Venus has been called Earth's twin.
These are not identical twins, however – there are radical differences between the two worlds.
Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and Earth's closest planetary neighbor.
Venus is the third brightest object in the sky (remember the word sky and it does not mean universe) after the Sun and Moon.
Venus spins slowly in the opposite direction from most planets.

Venus has a thick, toxic atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and it’s perpetually shrouded in thick, yellowish clouds of mostly sulfuric acid that trap heat, causing a runaway greenhouse effect. It’s the hottest planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the Sun. Venus has crushing air pressure at its surface – more than 90 times that of Earth – similar to the pressure you'd encounter a mile below the ocean on Earth.

Venus is named for the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty.
Most features on Venus are named for women. It’s the only planet named after a female god.

Venus diameter at its equator = About 12,104 kilometers
Earth's diameter = Abot 12,756 kilometers

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