Global image : Sharing the name alphabetically
or countrywise
We believe that every citizen is a global citizen and
it is not related to caste, colour, economic richness,
nationality ...
We will share the names with due links from the homepage
of which is global homepage.
The link of their profile will go
1) Either the website or portal of the related stakeholder
which wants global visibility
2) A a global image folder and the page can mention
about the individual / institution, their one para information
of many things like : philanthropy initiatives, donation
appeals (for NGOs), employee volunteering (for corporates,
FAs), internal awards ... the page can be 500 words
or 5000 words or 50000 words...
There is only one criteria which we will follow while
giving global image enhancement service and that criteria
is : Global image will be of organisations which do
not have a portal on social issues or health issues
or are agencies which promote NGOs, corporates, funding
agencies .. (because promotion of such organisationsit
dilutes the name of the organisation)
Please understand that it takes time to
enhance your image globally or create your image at global
level. So start the process at the earliest time (with
us or without us)