Funding Agencies in India
We have shared funding agencies and also some NGOs because they fund other NGOs besides them (so they are a funding source for other NGOs)

Action Aid (India)
Action for Food Production
Action On Disability And Development India
Adobe Foundation
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
Aga Khan Education Services
Aga Khan Foundation
Aga Khan Health Service, India
Aga Khan Rural Support Program
Aide et Action
Aids Research And Control Center
All India Centre for Urban and Rural Development (AICURD)
All India Confederation Of The Blind
American India Foundation
Amity Humanity Foundation
AMM Foundation
Amway Opportunity Foundation
Anarde Foundation
ANGOS - Association of Non - Governmental Organisation
Ankur Foundation
Applied Environmental Research Foundation
Asha Impact
Ashoka - Changemakers
Ashoka – Innovators for the Public
Asian And Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology
Asian Development Bank
Asian Paints Charitable Trust
Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
Australian Agency for International Development
Australian Development Assistance To India
Azim Premji Foundation

Bagaria Charitable Trust
Baha' I Office for the Advancement of Women
Bandhua Mukti Morcha ( Bonded Labour Liberation Front )
BAT-Sheva De Tothschild Fund For The Advancement Of Science And Technology
Belgian Administration For Development Cooperation
Bharat Sevashram Sangha
Bhoruka Charitable Trust
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Biocon Foundation
Bombay Community Public Trust
Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India -BPNI
British Council

Canadian International Development Agency
CAPART - Council for Advancement of People’s Action & Rural Technology
Caritas India
CASA - Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action
Catholic Bishops' Conference Of India
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
CAZRI - Central Arid Zone Research Institute
CBCI - Commission For Healthcare
CBR Network (South Asia)
Center for Science and The Environment - CSE
Central Social Welfare Board
Central Soil Water Conservation Research And Training Institute
Centre For Development Communication
Centre for Ecology and Rural Development
Centre For Education and Documentation
Centre For Envirocare And Energy Technology
Centre for Environment and Development - CEAD
Centre for Environment Concerns
Centre for Environment Studies
Centre for Environmental Law - CEL
Centre For Media Studies
Centre for Research and Development
Centre for Research on Sustainable Agricultural And Rural Development
Centre for Rural Development Technology (CRDT)
Centre for Social Development
Centre For Social Research
Centre For Technology And Development - CTD
Centre for Women's Development Studies
Champs Foundation
Charities Aid Foundation
Child Fund India
Child In Need Institute (CINI)
Childline India Foundation
Children of Mother Earth
Children's AID, Calcutta
Christian Aid
Christian Children's Fund
Christian Missions Charitable Trust
Christoffel-Blindmission - CBM
Common Cause
Commonwealth Development Corporation
Community Aid Abroad Australia
Community Based Rehabilitation Network - CBR
Concern India Foundation
Confederation of Indian Industry
Consortium Of Strategic Management And Organisational Development
Consulting Engineers Association of India
Consumer Coordination Council
Consumer Education and Research Centre - CERC
Consumer Guidance Society Of India
Consumers International
Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART)

Emmanuel Hospital. Association
Entrepreneurship Development Institute Of India
Environmental Protection Training And Research Institute
European Union Delegation Of The European Commission In India
Evangelical Fellowship Of India Commission On Relief - Eficor

Family Health International
Family Planning Association Of India — FPAI
Family Planning Foundation
Family Welfare Centre
Federation Of Indian Chambers Of Commerce And Industry - FICCI
Federation Of Indian Micros And Medium Enterprises
Financial Sponsorship For Heart Patients
Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
Food India
Ford Foundation
Foundation For Innovation And Technology Transfer - FITT
Foundation For Rural Recovery And Development — FORRAD
Free The Children — FTC
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Friends Of Women's World Banking

Gandhi Peace Foundation
Gandhi Research Foundation
Gems Foundation
Genetic, Resource, Energy, Ecology And Nutrition Foundation —GREEN
German Agency For Technical Cooperation — GTZ
German Leprosy TB Relief Association
German Technical Cooperation
Glow And Lovely Careers
GMR Varalakshmi Foundation (GMRVF)
Golden Jubilee Foundation by LIC
Gray Matters India
Group For Institution Development
Gujarat Aids Awareness And Prevention-ISRCDE
Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority

Habitat for Humanity India
Habitat Polytech
Handicap International
Heart Foundation And Research Institute
Heart Foundation of India
Heart to heart foundation
Heifer Project International
Heinrich Böll Stiftung - India
HelpAge India
High Commission of Canada
Hindu Hitachi Scholarships Scheme
Hinduja Foundation India
Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust
Hope Foundation
Hopewell Public School Foundation
Housing And Urban Development Company - HUDCO
Humana People to People India
Humsafar Trust
Hyundai Motor India Foundation (HMIF)

ICICI Foundation
ICT Irrevocable Trust
IMC Trust
India Canada Cooperation Office - ICCO
India Development Information Network - INDEV
India Foundation For The Arts
India Hiv/Aids Alliance
India Vision Foundation
Indian Aid Foundation (IAF)
Indian Committee Of Ngos For The United Nations
Indian Committee Of Youth Organisation
Indian Council For Agricultural Research - ICAR
Indian Council For Cultural Relations
Indian Council For Research On International Economic Relations
Indian Council Of Arbitration
Indian Environmental Society
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-Operative Ltd. — IFFCO
Indian Institute of Planning And Administration
Indian Merchants' Chamber
Indian Micro Enterprises Development Foundation
Indian National Trust For Art And Cultural Heritage — INTACH
Indian Oil Foundation
Indian Social Institute - ISI
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU
Indo Global Social Service Society
Indo-German Social Service Society
Industrial Development Bank Of India - IDBI
Industrial Finance Corporation Of India - IFCI
Infosys Foundation
ING Vyasya Foundation
Inlaks Shivdasani
Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India
Institute Of Social Studies Trust
International Center For Research on Women
International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development
International Commission On Irrigation And Drainage — ICID
International Development Enterprises - IDE
International Development Research Centre
International Federation of Red Cross
International Federation Of Women Entrepreneurs
International Finance Corporation
International Fund For Agriculture Development
International Health Organization
International Labour Organization
International Monetary Fund — IMF
International Volunteer Programme For Artisan Support
International Federation Of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
INTRAH - Innovative Technologies For Health Care Delivery

Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation
Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA
Jesuit Refugee Service
Johns Hopkins University
JSW Foundation

K K Birla Foundation
Khadi And Village Industries Commission
Kindness To Animals For Environment KARE
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Kotak Education Foundation
Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau KFW

LEPRA Society
Life Academy Of Vocational Studies (LAVS)
Lila Poonawala Foundation
Lok Capital
Lupin Human Welfare And Research Foundation
Lutheran World Service - India

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
MacArthur Foundation India
Maharaja Shri Lakhdhirji Endowment Trust
Maharastra State AIDS Control Society
Mahindra Foundation
Manekji and Shirinbai Neterwala Trust
Manickam Valliammal Educational Trust
Marshall Charitable Foundation
Mastek Foundation
Medecins Sans Frontieres Doctors Without Borders
Michael And Susan Dell Foundation
Modicare Foundation
Money Life Foundation

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation
National Foundation for India
Nutrition International

One World India Foundation
Oxfam India

PHD Family Welfare Foundation Of India — FWFI
Piramal Foundation
Plan India
Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS)
Population Foundation of India

Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
Raah Foundation
Ranbaxy Science Foundation
Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi
Reach India
Reliance Foundation
Round Table Foundation
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind

S M Sehgal Foundation
Samarpan Foundation
Save The Chidren
Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (Tata Trust), India
South Asian Fundraising Group (SAFRG)
Swiss Cooperation India

Tata Memorial Hospital
Tata Trusts
Tech Mahindra Foundation
The C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation
The Hunger Project India
The IndusInd Foundation
The K C Mahindra Education Trust
The Linkages India Project
The Paul Foundation
The Population Council
Times Foundation

United Way of Mumbai
Unltd India

Vajra Bodhi Society
Vasant J Sheth Memorial Foundation
Villgro Innovation Foundation
Vikram Sarabhai Centre for Development Interaction
Virat Kohli Foundation
Vitrag Vignan Charitable Research Foundation
Volkart Foundation
Voluntary Health Association Of India

Wadhwani Foundation
World Food Programme
World Vision India

Youth Reach

Zydus Foundation